Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1540

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lxxu INDEX. Ejiciency Bureau-·Continued. Page. Elecmbity, Page. directed to investigate, etc., methods of appropriation for survey, etc., of watercollecting. etc., statistical informa· power production and distribution tion by Government activities .. 343 of, in the United States 911 records of investigations, etc., of central deficiency appropriation for cooperative bureau of planning and statistics, standardizing devices of, etc., used transferred to ,. 36 in industries ... BA1 Eggs. _ _ _ _ _ Elementary, etc., Education, appropriation for mvesugating methods of appropriation for investigation of, includhauglhng, etc, ..·.--·.--..-.-. 253, 712 mg night schools, etc . . . . 672, 1291 experimental shipments .. 253 Eleventh Street NE., D. C., E9?/PL _ _ appropriation for paving, D Street to appropriauon for agent and consul general Maryland Avenue _________ . , . . 1116 , at Calm -·--------·------ 1 · - - - 740, 1206 _ for paving, H Street toMaryland Avenue. 7 6 Eighteenth Anwndrrwnt to the Constitution, Ellzgbglh guy, N_ g_ Provisions for enforcing prohibition under terms of com at"; ______________ _ ________ 532 _ the-_ ·»·---··-· ;- -; --·-··--·--·---- 307 Elizabeth, N. J., Eiyhwmfh Lighthouse Dwmvi, bridge authorized mcse Newark Bay to Cfmstructing keepem’ dwellings at Goat Bayonne from ________________ _ _____ 277 Island depot, Calif., authorized . 1059 time extended for ______________________ 1099 Eighteenth Séreet and Virginia Avenue .NVK, Elliott Street NE D_ gw D · ·y 2. Yi i , · deiciency appropriation for temporary ppmpM:g:glHg(iV§;Y;xf _ 75 f 0BEic§b1uld1n%1ope;·ating force .. Ellis Islargd [mmigrant Station, N. K, - I l Eldmfgdzulganii etcw ew OT -··---·-- · --·- ap£;opr·;;§i¢;li for sea. wag: _______ _ ________ appropriation foiipublic building .. 164 for $lIgwS€rvi;%pIi1lur5lgg· ;§;§;%`;§?€nm' " 1423 Eldorado Navkml erm, Calif- and Nw-, forsidewalks plumbing Island Niai 1423 appropriation for€¤3·I1C9, G10-, Of--567 for elevator, tiontagioug diseases hoepilzel 1423 . » -· deficienc 2. ro riajtion for re airs, etc, 1163 Eleemml F"“”eh"·$‘· _ _ for Spegrifigci) regairs and impgovernent . . 1178 Amendment to the Consutuuondpmposed Elmz,. Red RiverBrid g Cm an to the Sims prohibiting cme! <>f» may brid eRed River bgiwgé okml on account of sex ... _ ... _ . 362 an§ Texas H Oma 589 ElggmmldV(;gg for Prmlknt and Vw; Prem, Egm,,;m’ N_ K , `°```` ```` ’``°` `````` en , appropriation gargnileage of State messen- 1089 Egglgggi coun at ‘‘‘'‘'‘‘‘'‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘· 395 gers wit the ... · · d°5Ci€§§};?d¤PPY9PYi”%ti°¤ fer Printing ce" 1159 apfeiofnrigilazgtgifs(1ii>?l?.iii~.:;-I-Ti: U gig, messengers Eagles ° · * defimency appropriation for clerks at .. 1187 time relieved from naltg . 1448 ET:,I;,gzzl°'é1"§m’ rt. . payment of mileage autggrize .. 1448 ng- ty °°°v(? mgf m°“°YS °°“¥:25 Electric Cars, etc., Postal Sermkre, gut; p°°°°°m°I:_1° emcere of Um appropriation for mail transportation . **5 €‘}“m» wmed ···----··--··-- 630 by ... . . 580, 1153 Pumshmef- gg ········· . ·············· - 630 allowance for unusual conditions, etc. 580 Emb plermua bu 588** therem net e·deEe“se· 630 deficiency appropriation for mail trans- °z? ¢· · ·# muon by _ _ _ _ ‘ _ _ _ _______‘____- 1174 pumshment for, of estate of deceased per- Elcctric ggrnls, Army, E Benji: --···- ; -·-·-·- - -··------ I- - 567 appropriation for maintenance, etc., at m”g"'°‘?"’·. ’Pl”"'·“tw""d O°”·"’“l°" Smwe, postsm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________________ _ _ 107, 952 appropriation for unforeseen; balance reapfor maintenance, etc., seacoast fortiiica· , . P“’P““t°d···:··. ········--- ; ···· 742,1208 tions ... 608, 1343 dehelenw appmpmtion fe"?. *e’·mb“"·‘e‘ fm. insmuatiom Gm _____________________ 1348 ment for Peace (Jommission expenses 329 for maintenance, etc.. Hawaii and Phil- E fer P“YlPem’S:··. ·········-·-·· - ·····-·-· 1043 ippiue Islands ___________________ 610r 1350 mergency Cammwspmwd Personnel, Argny, for maintenance, etc., Panama Canal. . . 1351 temP°*`e*'Y Tet€¤Pi0¤, 90*2-; 0[, 9·¤¤h01'1Z€d - - 927 Elev/ria Pwer (xee Federal Water Power Act). numbef eu eeuve duty hmlted --·—·-··--· 9¤7 Electrical Depnrmum, D_ g_’ final discharge not later than December apgropriatrion for salaries ... 79,845),1120 31, 1920 -------- . .. Z ,... 977 or supplies, contingent expenses. 79, 849, 1120 au °m°em of R¢g¤1¤:A¤¤y heldlng em"' 50l- placing wl,-QS nude Gund ____ 79, 849,1120 gency commmions to be discharged YET .. for extending police patrol system .. 79. therefrom by Jimi? 30, 1920 --·· - ·-·· 9* 7 S49_ 1120 { Emergency F {eel Corporation, {0,- installing telephone Signal system, 5 approprizmon for administrative expenses, twelfth precinct ..._,__ so l <><>¤¤;pi€¤¤¤ vf v¤¤¤<=i¤, ew-; www fer lighting expenses ..,,., , _ , $0,849.1120 i deaigmlted ·--··—-· ; -··--·--·-··- 891,1382 igr extending hre 3_]gym S)-gtem_ _ _ 80, 850; 1120 I DO contracts fol‘ 9.dd11I1OIl3.1 Bh1pS to be For headquarters apparatus; reapprm Q med? ~~-—- · —·---· - --·····-·-- · · $91, 1382 priaiicm ... , ..,.,, $0,112o » re¤t¤¤¤<>¤¤¤re¤tofbui1di¤g¤,D·C- 891,1383 deticiency appmpiiation for lighting ex- l pqblications, etc., restricted .. 891, 1383 _ {muses .._.,.,,_ , ,,,,,_ 1017 i bonds in adminalty causes given by, to be Elecmca Equipment, etc., Fortwatiom, ; canceled ...,... 526 balances of appropriations for, covered in. . 613 { assumption of liability by United States. 526