Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1564

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xcvi INDEX. Geologibal Survey, Interior Deparl4numt—-Con. Page. Glacier Natioml Park, Mont.-Continued. Pago. appropxiation for stream gauging, coopera- deficiency appropriation for fighting forest tive with Indian Service .. 4, 409, 1226 tires in ... . 335. 512, 1173 deficiency appropriation for expenses .. 64, for bridge, Flathead River in. . . . .. 335 345, 348, 523, 1039, 1042, 1186, 1191 for preservation, etc .. 1186, 1191 for Alaska mineral resources investiga.- Glass, Optical, _ti0g1s ... Z .. 512 appropriation for investigating problems in to $$1% 111 Pfcpbflllg maps for Army Use; production of ... . . 683, 1302 payment 124, 970 Globe, Ariz., George Washington lExi1:crs·ity Hospital, D. C., appropriation for public building ., , _ 165 appropriation for care of indigent patients. 95, Goat Island, Caly, 866, 1137 constructing keepe1s’ dwellings at light- Georgetown griaze, D. 0511 ti 900 house depot, authorized. .. 1059 aPP¥`°P““ lm OF CQUS C On ··--··- - ···· Gold Certi cates, half {mm Dlstnct r°v?““€S ···· · ····· 900 payablgi to bearer on demand, made legal {0::311ggf Aqugguct ligggle changed t°· tender for payment of all debts . 370 sixty ger cent from District revenues . 1391 G08Zgp€g;)7;.§$tion fm. mcoinage of 173 882 1375 Georgetown n·i·vera-ity Hospital, D. C., _ Gold Mining '``` ’ ’

  • 1

“PP*`°Pmm°“ fm cam °f mdlgeut r>¤¤¤¤*gé6 lf;.} leases allowed for, on unallotted withdrawn Georgia Awww NW., D_ Cu ’ mineral lands of Indian reservations

 for   Buchanan Street   Gophers In designated States' ' ' ' ‘ ‘··• · ·  

to 1 tary .. · . . . . Germany, appropriation for devising methods for dogpg;-gpriation for ambassador to - -_ 1206 Stmyling '°‘'’'‘ ‘ °°‘‘‘°‘‘ 257* 716* 1335 de very, etc., to Government of, dgwlo- Goshute Agmqy, Utah, _ matic and consular property hel by appropriation for support, etc., of Indians Alien Property Custodian . . . . . 979 at . 434, 1248 of property he digmcylgiilign Progertg C15 Gospel Mekoimwwy Union, li l to 0 0 , 111 9 ¤1¢ land atent to, on Western Nava'o Indian Sli8t6r;d when diplomatic relations 978 Pkggyvgdou ____ _ ________ 3 ________ 11 seve ,.. tosullljects g, inte&1eddasWa.lien enemies 979 G°;;0nJiL?g£BB£,“£g];¥g:0‘;?$10n4Sevg:8tet;,;y of Gettysliiilng 1»?i¢iZZaz(8iiZzu2;y pmi;)i>..., W¤¢f¤¤ ¤1>·=m¤<>¤, etc ----- - ---·--- 458 appropriation for continuing establish- G°”""”?"f”‘¢ C"”t"°Z· . . mem of ______________ _ ____ 185, 887, 1387 provisions for, of designated necessanes 9 7 Gila National Forest, N- Mew-, iluring um w’?"· · z --·~—-···—-··—-—· 538 appropriation for Mmmm, em., of 249, r¤¤¤¤hm¤¤¢ f¤r v¤>1¤¢¤¤¤¤ <>f ---·- _ ------ 708, 1327 Government Employees (see also Executive De- Gila R'I;'l7¢T•I7lfI‘£¢I1;»RQ8¢l`IJ(lt'l:0'I|., Ariz., 10 pgrgnenés), ti f d f appropriation or irrigation system . . . , approprm cm or compensa on un or, 415, 1232 injured in service .. . . . 178, 887, 1379 for diversion dam, bridge, etc . 416 for expenses, Joint Commission on Relimit of cost increased ... . .. 417 classification of Salaries of 227 for diversion dam, etc., at Florence . 417 for expenses of Civil $ervice Commission for divertin flow of River to irrigate ad- under Act for retiring . 1262 ditionalglands . 1233 for expenses of Pension Offico under Act purchase of lands. rights of way, etc. . 1233 for retiring ..., , . . 1290 Gillespie Company, T. A., additional pay of $240 a year to, provided deficiency appropriation for paying claims for ... . ... 689, 1308 for loss, etc., of private property by restrictions and exceptions . - . . . 689, 1308 explosion at plant of . . _ 46 attempting to influence Members of Confor paying additional determined cl&11i¤3é5 1 on matters of legislation by, for- 68 , 1 on . ..,,.,..., G1 deguctions for errors, etc., to be made 46 comménigitions 01;,8 requestéegr through 68 nur, ex., o ci c e ,exce .. .. appropriation for public building . . . . 165 removal of offender ... 68 Girard Street N W, B. O., _ prgujshmentfur violations . - . . . 68 appropriation for paving, east of Fifteenth detailing classified, in District of Columbia Street S45 for service elsewhere, restricted. 689, 1262 Glaakr·C’ount , Mont., prosecution by former, of claims for miliblock in growning townsite on former tai? supplies furnished since April Blackfeetlndian Reservation granted 7, 917, forbidden, if engaged in proto, for public school ... . .. 1237 c·uring on behalf of the United States 131 Indian chilpdxen to be. received, etc . 1237 punishment for violations . 131 Glacier National Park, Mont., provisions for retirement oi, in classified appropriation for preservation, etc. 204, 918, cwd ssrvice, for ago or disability, on 614 trs,ngmmmtainroadauthnr1zed` i¤..-.. 8·I1¤Hi ies . . ,.,.,.,.,. . for commimloneriu . ... _687, 1306 f6¤¤'i¢ti<>n_on y from outside for highway through Blackfeet Indlzm parties, not a phcagieto v8 Reservation to Yellowstone Park activities W1& Agricultural parb from ...,..,. . . 1237 ment. . . .,.. , . . -. . . 270