Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1607

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mnnx. exxxix Merchant Marine Act. 1.920—C0ntinued. Page. Merchant Marine Act, 1920-Continued. Page. construction loan fund to be set aside from coastwise laws extended to island Terrirevenues . . 993 tories, etc., after February 1, 1922.- - 997 to aid in ship construction, etc .. 993 adecggte stea,mshi_p service to be estabby citizens in pnvate yards ... 993 hed for the rslands ,,,,,,,_,,_____ 997 limit; lien created for ... 993 time may be extended __,______ _ __,___ 997 vessels to be cared for, operated, etc., until regulations for the Philip ines under sold. .,.. 993 the Government theres)? ,,__,_,,,,, 997 authority of Emergency Fleet Corpom- application hereof to the Philippines tion contmued . 993 deferred .,,,.,, 997 all property other than vessels to be sold. . 993 privileges of coastwise trade to foreign vesdieposition of revenues, prior to July 1, 1921 993 eels admitted to American registry, thereafter to be covered into the Treas- 99 H regesgled. . . ..: . 997 ury ... 3 2. owe i owne citizens, etc 99" operating capital, insurance. and con- permits for Hawvgan travel in foreign A struction loan funds excepred .. 993 shjps_1mtil February 1, 1922 . 997 emergency investments to be withdrawn tax exemption, for ten years. allowed ownan covered into the Treasury .. 993 ers of American ships m foreign charter hire not required for vessels fur- t·¤·d€ ··-·--··- _ ··-—--··-·-····-···· 997 nished to War Department .. 993 €q¤1V¤·%<§t¤t·bt° -: -·-- -,· 997 authorization for gmrchasing houses, etc., am°1X1mB;'ic;n Bmpygrdst _ · 997 €°" Bmpym °mp1°y°°° °°rmm°t°d‘ 994 part of construction costs required from IBPZJIS, €tC.,§u0W6d. . . . .· . . . . . . ordinary funds d¤¤P°99*` 9*9 P"°P°’*Yd“°°*°d -···--—- oceedsoisa.1 sk ``"" · `‘```` xii "`ifixi docks, etc., on Hudson River, at Hoboken pr prim. to J€:¤3m·yI¥??§;£ 5 _ _ _ _ 998 turned over to the Board, etc 994 gxemgt, from iuconxe tax for ten years. . 998 0’¢h€%c¤£¢Q¤1T9d for Army OY Navyv m$Y 994 newfmmericsm slnps to be built there- 6 ·--·-—·····--··-·-··-· . . 998 temporary tr¤¤¤fqr¤ for Army ¤r Nw? mails m 1:; carried on American vmn 008 sal 11€€d¤J :;13h0¤Z€d -·-··~--·· · ··---·- gg;} contracts for; not be assignedt_i1etc-é&. . 998 66 reS¤'1¢ ·-----~·—~·-··--- · -·-·~-- com ensation or contracts au oriz - . 998 vessels rocured from Board by citizens prgor Act, not srpplimble . _ 998 agowed American registry, etc .. 994 clem1ca.tion of yesqels by Aurencan Buforeign built so owned admitted to coast- 994 G0 reau of Fluppmg, ;·ae§0gmzed.i) . 998 Wigg trade _______________,__, , ,,,_, vemmen represen ves to e on operation under laws governing mer- _ Comrmttee of Bureau ... I .. 998 chant vessels ..,.,,,.,,._... 994 hat of merchant vessels to contam class sales to other than cithens restricted 995 notation of Bpreau .. : . Z - . . 998 forfeiture for yiolauous . . 995 cargo vessels pe·rm1tted to carry lumted punishment Imposed ,_____,_,.,,._,, 995 _ nurnber of passengers . : . 998 Board authorized to make necessary rules, 995 §;<;ii=;"§§;is€];1\1;{>;*¤9*;g9i)gt;i;_;•;=1q\I;g’s*;*‘1i1; 998 etc . .. 9 *9 ¤ 9 to mcg; uuiovomble trade laws, com- . gm ·················· : ···· _ ······· 9 99 petitive pmucer, em., or foreign r<r¤¤r>¤><¤·¤ ¤1fj_@;¢¤¤¢<y¤f¤r¤¤z¤ ~<r¤¤r=1;·-- 999 countries ___________ _ ______________ 995 penallg;ig·0f 0 owner, etc., to gwo 999 to r t modification etc. of cstsb· . ········- ~ ·-·-· . ---·--- "i’$£Z°d rules py qgpirtmeie, etc 005 r¤¤r<>1¤·;;¤l<1¤¤<r xgaxygrd bv g;·¤;; g6·>¤p;{ rules affecting shspping est.a.blfsl}e%her§· fem. _ . · l · l · _ _ · · l 999 ${27 ??f'T’f’$‘. ‘F‘?.‘}¥’¥’Tf’Yf‘. .T’. . . 995 pgrrlggrggr ¤;r·r;r:;°gr·;i;;$p·~·5ékL. rrr dis ments between Departments, “P · · emnd me nom as m, submitted d<2¤{·Y¤d ·---- } ·--—·--~·---- { --·· ir;) -- 999 for action of the President. 995 l‘“"`°' ?“ ."b“g°° tf; ‘°“ . m no preferenceto Government vesselsover °!'%!§% mlm 95 5 W H ca-m°”· 99 ·*i*·*z9¤9"99d by ~——·----······-·—· 999 b .§°' ‘-c.%“+;,;;g1;‘e;e;‘ega ·‘··‘‘‘‘·· 390 rrrmmrrr rrrrrrrr by wrrrr rrr rr err dr ,,¥.,v§2§;. made §fageq1n;te-éréllll use g_*;Y;;;;“ *0 °1“PP°” ··········· itges not afforded by American ves- 999 rrrrwr rgeiret rhippm for v=¤<>¤i¤9¤g 996 w°€—,m.°‘ ‘.·‘m`  %&1&&i{§;&liit&gs;t%Ai1;i»igi 999 ¤¥h€T ~~·-······· g · · j · · marine insurance ssocmtions, meaning of make anim dmcnmrmwry BIUPPWS terms . . 1000 gexxrtragots, etc ...- - ----· ggg for apgrortionmerg oi risks, not violations 000 pe ty r ... . ...-·--- · · _ o antitrust ws ... 1 Board to determine if persons not citizens Slnp Mortgage Act, 19*20 .. 1000-1006 have violated water carrier restr1c· recording gales, couyeyances, and morttions ... _. . . 996 m the United States .,,,,,, . . 1000 entered into ccmbinutimrs ¤g¤m¤t P9 9199 for f$E1“’°°»°*° ·--·----···· 1003 Amergmm cgyyjgrg __________________ 996 ioreclosurc of preterred mortgagcs. . .. . . 1003 to certify violations to Secretary of Com- transfers of mortgaged vessels. and as— meme ______ _ ________________ _ ____ 996 sxgnment of mortgages 1004 €utr£t0 be refusgd veesgl of person vip. _ mnritime liens for necessxtiem. . ... 1005 ting , ,,,.,,.. , . , 996 l pnoz laws superseded ..,, _ ,,,.,,,,..,, 1006