Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1616

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CXlVl11 INDEX. - Murrays Ferry, S. C., Pegs. National Banks——C011tinued. Page. bridge authorized across Santee River at,. 1102 loans by; maximum, secured by Federal Muscle Shoals, Ala., bonds, etc. .. - 296 operation of school for children of employ- secured by bills of lading, etc., for ees at Ordnance reservation, au- marketable staples; limit for twelve thorized ... . ... 333 months ... 296 Muskegon, Mich., may invest in corporations engaged in fa.- appropriation for public building, rent, cilitating exports of American meretc . 165 chsndise, etc . . .. 286 preliminary examination, etc., of, harbor, amount limited 286 to be made . 1012 applications by, for foreign business to in- Muskogee Cazmfy, Okla., clude corporations for export busimay bridge Arkansas River, Fort Gibson. . 629 ness .. 286 Webbers Falls . 629 operating foreign branches to report to Myrtle Point, Oreg., Comptroller condition of ... 286 patent for part of revested Oregon-Cali- investing in export corporations to report fomis Railroad grant lands granted 621 tm; Federal Reserve Board condition 286 to ..,,.,..,... o . payment required for land and timber. . 622 examinations by Board . 286 reservation of mineral deposits .. 622 National Board for Promotion of Rifle Prac- Mystic, Conn., like, appropriation for public building 165 appropriation for maintaining, etc., riiie ranges under regulations of ... 120, 966 N. for reimbursing members of, for ex- Namu of Vessels, penses . e ·: 126,971 change of, by Commissioner of Navigation, National Cemeteries, authorized ... . ... 436 appropriation for maintenance - 183, 894, 1385 regulations, fees, etc . 437 or superintendents . . . - . 183, 894, 1385 former laws repealed ... 437 for hesdstones for soldiers’ graves- 183, 894, 1385 Narcotics, for repairs to roadways; restrictions . 183, appropriation for expenses restricting sale 895, 1385 of . . 654, 1274 roadways limited to one approach. . . . 184, deficiency appropriation for expenses re- 895,1385 stncting sale of . .. 1161 for burial of indigent soldiers, etc., Dis· Nashville, Tenn. _ trict of Columbia .. . . . . 184, 895, 1386 sp ropristion for public building, rent, etc. 165 for Antietam battlefield .. . . 184, 895, 1386 defliciency appropriation for public build- for disposition of remains of officers, ening, rent ... _- - - 330 listed men, civilians, etc.; removals. 184, National Admm}; Committee cm Aeronzmtws, 895, 1386 appropriation or expenses 180, 889,1381 removal of remains from Europe, etc., Natwbna Army Cantonmenta, to . 896, 1386 use of appropriation for permanent meds, segregation of bodies in American cem- _ etc., forbidden .-----.- 964 eteries,GreatBrit,sin,sind France. 896, 1386 Natumal Bank Notes, use of unexpended balances for care of issue authorized, ggyable on demand . 387 Cgmves abroad ..,..,,,,_..,,.___, 896, 1387 signatures may written or engraved. . 387 for onfedemte Mound, Chicago, Ill 184, legal tender except for customs duties, 896,1387 interest on pu lic debt, and redemp— for Confederate Stockade Cemetery, tion of national currency . . 387 Ohio ,...,.,,,,_,____,_,___, 184, 896, 1387 Nazimml Banks (see also National Currency), for Confederate burial plats, care, etc. . . 184, directors must be citizens . . . 1199 896, 1387 residence within State etc., where lo- for monuments, etc., in Cubs and Chim. 185, cated, or within fifty miles, for one 896 year prior to election, required. . .. 1199 for burial of indigent patients, Hot during continuance in office: . . . .: . . . 1199 Springs Hospits, , Ark. . 185, 896, 1387 stock ownership reguired; disqualified for Sam Francisco, Galif.,extension .. . 185 on ceasing to ho d . 1199 for Battle Ground, D, Cn mS1;mm_ _ __,, 896 indebtedness of, not to exceed capital . z . . 297 for Arlington, Va., Memorial Amphitheaexcegltions; circulating notes, deposits, ter and Chapel ___________,_____ 896,1387 _ _ fts, etc .. 297 deficiency sppmpriation for headstones for dividends and reserves .. . ... 297 soldiers’ graves 61, Federal Reserve Act liabilities 297 348, 522, 1038,1041, 1184, 1190 War Finance Corporation Act liebili- for disposition of remains of officers, etc. 65, u°°{s£1`i"`·"`s%i13"€"`i{ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ gi? r V- nb Ms, 3,,.,,, ***5* “”° accep oreign o exc e - or IC , ., re ' storm loans by, to anylggrson, etc,, . 296 damngelgg ... 1025 exceptions, b` of exchange, secured allotment from sum for disposition of re- _y shipping documents of commodi- mains, etc., for services in compiling tres ..--.- . 296 date, etc., of bringing home remains secured b1:lnkers’ acceptances . yl; b usirom abroad . - 1278 ¢<>¤¤nerc` peper -------· . ---------- nn in, extended te service in ¤·11 were- - 552 notes secured by bills of lading of citizens serving with Allies during the mgrketable staples; value of secur- 296 h World War .. . 552 1 - . ._ . , ... enernbl discharged Army nurses. 552 notes with Liberty bonds, etc., as col- supermtendfents eligible for retirement on lateral .. . 296 annuities .. . .. 614