Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1621

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INDEX. 01111 National Guard-Continued. Page. National Guard Camps, Page. colors, etc., used by, when in United use of appropriations for constructi per- States service, to be returned to manent roads, etc., at, forbidlilinn - 964 State, on demobilization of organ- National Guard,D. C. (see also Militia, D.C.,), ization to which attached . 1438 status of staff officers established for retirefirst numerical strength requirement ex- ment, etc . . .. 127 tended to June 30, 1920 127 National Guard of the States, etc., immediate compliance allowed 127 appropriation for arms, c uipments, etc., enlisted men; eriod of enlistment to be for, on requisitiousdlgovernors, etc., same as §e ular Army . 127 _ for Held service . .. 973 persons honoragly discharged from war issues from Army surplus stores .. 973 service may enlist for one year, etc. 127 not charged to militia. up ropriatious- 973 effect of, in computing authorized for Field Artillery matérie l)or, on requinumber ... 127 suzions of governors, etc 973 now serving under six-year periods, may National Guard Rggeyqiey enlist under new contract .--- - ---- 127 enlistment contract and mn required 782 credit for P¤'€Vl0¤¤ Service? P¥€Vi°“$ pay, etc., when training with National enlistment canceled 127 Guam] ____________________________ 782 members entitled to Arm pay for comin- no other, allowed .. . .. 782 \1011¤ S€1"~'i€€ NSS tlllen 0110 month, National HmneforD€sabled VolunteerSold·krs, to be paid for each dey wrved ; ----- 973 appropriation for expenses, Dayton, Ohio. 189, minimum enlisted strength of umts sl- 90], 1392 lowed until July 1, 1921 ...- 780 Milwaukee, was . 190, 902, 1393 combination with other States, etc., to Tggug, Me ___________________ 190, 903, 1394 form tactical units . - ...--· 781 Hampton, vs . 191, 903, 1394 original enlistments for three yew. ¤¤b- Leavenworth, Km . . 191,903, 1394 sequent for 0116 ··--··-- - ··------··- 781 Santa Monica, Calif ... 191, 904, 1395 for one year if honorably discharged Mm-ion Ind _______ _ __________ 19], 904, 1395 from th<¤A1‘¤1y . · ···---·-·--·· 781 Danville, 111 . 192, 904, 1395 enlistment contract and oath - ... 781 Johnson City, Tum __________ 192, Q04, 1395 former repealed .--·---··-- , ··----- _ ---· 7 81 Battle Mountain Sanitarium, S. Dak. . 192, certiicste of discharge to be given enlisted 905, 1395 _ men. . . t . . ._ .-· : --.· I ·--· ;- 781 for clothing, all branches 192, 905, 1396 P¤01‘ to ¤Xp¤¤¤0¤ of Wm, lf d¤¤¤”t>d» m for salaries and expenses, board of men- T·i¤16 of P%·€9 ···------·····---~ ; · ~ · 781 agers .. 192, 905, 1396 eiilcers; q¤¤l16<§¤U0¤¤» fewer ¤°1’V!€€¤· deficiency appropriation for Milwaukee, etc., {eqmred .----·.·---.------- · - 781 Was . ... 47, 1027, 1166 persons eligible . . . . . : . ._ ··- 781 for Togus, Me ... 47, 334, 1167, 1185 officers, with reserve comnussmns may be for Leavenworth, Kaus .. 47, 1027, 1167 assigned to dptx wrth Regulm ··-- 782 tm- Santa Monica, Calif. 47,334,10%,1167,1190 pay, etc., from Mlllbli funds: .: ..··· ·- - 783 for Marion, Ind . 47, 1028 smmals to be msued to, for training .. 783 for Danville, Ill . . 47, 1028, 1167, 1190 regulations for msuc, etc . . 783 for Battle Mountain Simitsrium, Hot care, etc., of, from IfJstiona1Gunrd funds- 783 Springs, S. Dsl: . . . . , 47, 1028, 1167 pay to men detmled for . 783 for Hampton, Va ... 522, 1167 pay allowances and restnctxons, to officerm. 788 for Dayton, Ohio .. 1027, 1166 officers may purchese uniforms, etc., for Johnson Cit? Tenn . 1028, 1185 from Army sugphes _ . . . . 784 for clothing, al lyranchss ..,. 47, 1039, 1190 to enlisted men; nn mqunemenu 784 my Board oem". rs ...,. . ucv pay ii sctuqllypresent 1 .. . -- 784 appointment of W.§eAlbright on Bond of other dnt; in heu of of lu-D .. · · · · -_· 784 Managers .. . .. 1150 dmtt of, into edeml serwjnce by the PMD- disbursement by managers of, of allotments dent when authonzed by Congrem for services to wu- mk insurance for riod of war, etc ... . ._ .. 784 beneficiaries . ----- 881 relievefe from mxhtm, and BUb]9€t to additional accommodations allowed from. 881 Army rules, etc ... 784 erection of quarters for medical staE auoflicers to be appointed therefrom; com- thorized from allotment to, for meghmissions . . . , ... 784 cal and hospital services to war mk y, etc., of officers and men. . - 784 patients, etc .. 1167 gaischarge from Army on termination of extension of beneiits of, to other war seremergency, and reversion to former vice, etc. .. -- ._ 905 status, etc . z . . . 784 assignment of classes of eligibles to differrank and recedencc of, officers called mto ent branches ... . . 905 Ferferxl service .. . ...· · ·--· 785 improving existing conditions allowed out reorganization of; preservation of World of allotments from War Risk Insurwn mmm, records, ew., in ..----. 760 _ ence Bute? -·----·—--~·····-·-·-·· 906 committee of War Demznent Gengrsl xmproving facghues, from allotments of Staff to prepare p etc., for mx- War Insurance Bureau for tial .,,, , ...,... . . fbspeéiumnzuftheagf. . ,_ i 1 162 reserveofficezstobeincludedin . useo o en_ or arR1sk nsurance nsmnm, ew., or State units to pg deter- _ b¤¤efi¢¤·¤¤¤ by Bwrl of Msmgers. 1374 mined by a board; composition 760 Nnzwiml jlonuuunu, _ staff ndicers, District of Columbia, status appropriation for protecuon, etc..._204,919, 1407 mtabuabed for ygtjmmgnty eq; __,,,, 127 eficxency appropnauon for protsctmn 348