Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1624

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ClV1 INDEX. Natzkmal Prohibition Act—Continued. Page. National Prohibition Acl—Continued._ Page. advertisements, etc., of means for unlawful records, etc.,_ to be open to mspecuon by manufacture of liquors, forbidden. . 313 auth0r1zed officers _ .. 317 soliciting or iving means to unlawfully veniied c0p1es accepted as evidence 317 obtain gquor, forbidden. , . 313 may be called for by Comm1ss1ouer. . . 317 actions for injuries by intoxicated persons, inconmstent laws repealed, etc 317 allowed against the seller ,,._..,.,.. 313 taxes not exempted ._ 317 exemplary dgmgggg gllowgd ___, __, _ _ , . 3],3 ISSUS of stamps {Ot Illegal m8.DHf2»Cl$l1I9, by pargntg; ljmjt _____,__,,___,____,,, 313 etc., forbidden- ._ .. 317 premises, etc., where liquor is manufac- double tax, etc., for illegal manufacture tured, sold, etc,, a public nuisance. 314 01: B§l9 .··...-----·-··-- ; -·---·----· 318 punishment for etc 314 addmonal penalty on retmlers; manuproperty used therefor, subject to lien-.. 314 facturers . _ . 3 18 sale for fines and costs ... 314 payment of tagr,_n0 bar to punishment. . 318 enforcement, of lieu .,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,... 314 compronnse of c1v1l actions permitted-; . . . 318 prosecutions for violations; equity courts invalidity of any prov1sion not to atfect given jurisdiction .. 314 _ dth€1‘S .-------·· · ·..~----·--·· 318 issue of temporary injunctzions . 314 permissive use of stock on hand .. 318 removal of liquor, etc., restrained . . 314 perm1ts allowed to develop hngher strength mumfacture, etc., of hquor on premises, alcohol, by manufacturers of authorforbidden. . . .. 314 ized beverages 1 ... 318 use for one year prohibited . - .. 314 reduction to required strength 318 allowed for lawful purposes, on giving removals permitted .. . 318 bond, etc.; conditions. . ... 314 by others for sale to authorized beverage keeping liquor for sale on the person, in a manufacturers . 318 vehicle, etc., taking orders for illegal tax on alcohol saved ... 318 sale, etc., a nuisance ... . 314 credits allowed- . 318 injunction, etc., to abate; intention of no tax on spirits in fortified wine used for violation inferred. .. . .. 314 nonbeverage alcohol 318 charges allowed officers in enforcing Act. - 315 dealcoholized wine used therefor ... 318 leases forfeited by_violation of lessee .. 315 subject to tax on still wines .. 318 contempt proceedmgs forviolating injunc- burden of proof on manufacturer as to tmns ;f 315 lawgul use of .. . . 318 pomeemon o quors unau use, expense o 0 es tax as _ unlawful .. . ... 315 costs . ... .. 319 eexzure on search warrant, etc .. . 315 expenses of enforcement authorized ... 319 destruction of hquor, etc .. 315 civil service appointment of employees; sale of other roperty . . ... 315 exception .. . . - 319 private_dwelli.ngs exunpt from search. 2. . 315 preference for war service. 319 residence moms in hotels, etc., m- appro riation for, under Commimioner cluded . 315 op Internal Revenue. .. 319 property seized under search warrants not for Department of Justice, etc . 319 subject to replevinz etc . 315 service of summons to innocent owners of seizure_of vehicles, etc., nllegally carrying prolperty proceeded against . 319 _ bql101'8 .--- ; ..··.-..-.- 2 315 indusfria alcohol provisions . . 319 disposal of arucles; cale ot unclmmed meanin of "a1coho1" and "contsiner" vehicles .-...· 315 untfer . . .,,... . 319 seized liquors may be delivered to depart- permits, etc., required for plants to proments, etc., {or Government uses. . . 316 duee _,,.,__ _ ,_,,____________,_,,, , 319 sold to other parues.: ,. 316 warehouses for storage, etc ... 319 applicable to prior seizures, etc . 316 may be transferred between plants and enforcement tpowers conferred 316 sm;-ehouseg _________________ _ ____,_ 320 pu.n1shment_ or unlawfully manufacturing tang on production . . .. . 320 _ 01j selling llgiwfl -··- : -.----·~·- - · · - 316 hen or, on product and premises . 320 violating permits, making false state- withdrawal of irits in bond when Con- _¤'¤€¤¥·¤, Gio -...·...··...».--. . ---·-- 316 stitutiom? prohibition in effect, for nonm toxicating cider, etc., for home use denaturing __,__,__________ _ ____,,,_ 320 excepted . . 316 authorized for nonbevenge sale, etc., allowed only to authorized uses ,,__,,,_____,_____________,_,_ 320 vinegar manufacturers . 316 present distilleries etc. may be operated cgmpulmry tggtimggy; im- _ for alcohol. . . . . . . . . . . . 320 munity to Damn] penom __________ 317 d18p0sa1_of industrial alcohol ... . . 320 yenpe of actions for deliveries by carriers. . 317 °X°mP¤°¤ of md W¤1'€h011Q¤§ f1‘¤¤1 md1ctmentmayincludeeeparateoffenses.. su Enom ¤¤¤11¤ry. ew pr¤v¤¤¤o¤¤-- 320 rom or eempnm, em . . su d regu _¤<>¤¤ to be vrwnbod- - - ; --·----· 320 illegal possession primajacie evidence of °;§du;:ghg&"2fuu2“Y b° °°t“bh°h°d ··‘· mliung pmmblmu ‘‘‘’‘‘'‘‘ 317 alcohol for dx¤t111' report of liquors lawfully possaed, to be uaturiug, eu; _____________________ 321 _ ¤§‘*d° ···- · --····-··----·--···—···· 317 alcohol produced at industrial lants may in private dwellings_ for personal use, bewithdrawnfreeoftaxgrdenahuexcepted; condumons ... 317 , etc , , . 321 burden 0 proof on poaennr ... . 317 prggauowgd _,______________ _ ____,,_ 321