Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1628

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olx INDEX. Navigation, Commissioner of—Continued. Page. Navy-Continued. . change of names of vessels by, authorized. 436 appropriation for paying incurred oblige.- Page. re ulations, etc., to be established .. 437 tions for Naval Reserve Force inscgedule of fees ., . .. 437 struction camps or schools. 153 Navigation Facilities (see Federal Water for training stations . 136, 816 Power Act). for summer schools for boys at two train- Navigation Laws, ing stations . .. 817 appropriation for enforcement of ... 680, 1299 for Naval Reserve Force .. 137, 817 deficiency appropriation for enforcement Naval Militia to be maintained, etc., of ..,, 340 as part of . . ... 817 Nary. for receiving barracks . .. 137, 818 appropriation for the naval service .. 131, 812 for Naval War College 137, 818 schedule of all pay and allowances to for Naval Home. . . . 137,818 be sent to Congress ... 131, 812 reduction of temporary increase in for ay, miscellaneous 131, 812 authorized enlisted strength; limit. . 137 allowances to officers, etc., abroad for continuance of male members of Naval unusual conditions .. 132, 813 Reserve Force in enlisted ratings collecting naval information 132, 813 for naval duties only . . - ... 138 limit, clerical, etc., services at yards composition of authorized strength 138 and stations .. 132, 813 active duty of reservists restricted 138 interned persons and prisoners of official personnel for temporary inwm·.. , ,,.. , . ..., . .. ., ., 132, 813 crease. ... 138 payment for damages to privately permanent strength not affected . 138 owned property due to men in naval emale reservists to be placed on service ,.., 132 inactive duty ... . .. 138 djsbursing officers relieved from loss of reservists not to perform civilian duty funds, etc., in line of duty without on shore . . . 138 personal fault, etc . - 132 reservists may be given temporary interchange of stores, equipment, etc., civil appointments 138 between Army and Navv, authorized reservists accepting civil appointwithout compensation therefor .. 132 ments may qualify for examinations for collision damages claims 813 to fill vacancies, if not eligible for contingent ... 133, 813 already .. . .. . . 138 for expenses, government for Virgin Is· termination oftemporary appointments 138 lands: .. - 133, 813 for psy of transferred reservists, etc.; for investigation of fuel oil, etc.; testing pay restrictions . . . 138 plant, Philadelphia, Pa., etc . 12*, 813 promotion selection boards to be conpossession and operation of petroleum vened annually hereafter ... 139 reserves, etc.: Z . : . . 813 present re*gularlpay, etc., not reduced - 139 for expenses, Civihan Naval Consulting transfer o enro ed reservists on active ' B@d .. . . 33, 814 war duty to Navy or Marine Corps for avmtron; expenseespegijied ... 133,814 to serve out unexpired term; conteclxmcal, etc., services 111 aircraft sta- ditions, pay, etc ,,_,_ _ _____,__,__,_ 139 I’,19DS.§ .. uid _ 133, 814 enlisyg Sxgten vggobierved in the ws.; paying amages pro y y air- an i arg ore expiration 0 _ craft; report of cla.1ms.;.: . 133, 814 enlistment to have honorable dislimit of stations on Lmted States charge and travel pay, home, etc. , . 139 coasts; ... _ 1 33, 814 men enlisting during the war for four usefor airplane factory forb1dden. .. 134,814 years, may be granted honorable joint report of all aircraft used in Army, discharge, etc ___,__________ _ ______ 139 Navy, or postal service to be made., 134 gratuity pay if reenlisting in four for marine schools, N ew York, Massa- months after discharge _____ , __,____ 139 chusvztts and Washington. . . r 134, 814 men thus reenlisting may extend for care of lcipers, Guam and Cul1on-. 134, 814 period; of enlistment, gm; gratuity for Bureau 0 Navigation; transportation pay therefor ..,,,, , ,__,,_,,, , ,,,,, 139 8Bd I'€Cl'1l1tlIlg. ... 134, 814 allowance of uartgrg to fgmjljgg, gpenlistment periods modiiied for fiscal gicable orily during the war to gear 1020 ..,... Z .,...,. 134 avy and Marine Corps officers 140 for rmshing States with statement of increased gray of enlisted men conserviccs of persons therefrom during tinued uring current enlistment, f Hgrld .. 1. ,..., i . S15 etc ,,,,_,,_,.,,,,,,___,_,___,_ _ _ _ _ 140 or itio tempor employees in officers serving' satisfactoril durin Department engaégl thereon; other the war in temporary gmd}e eligiblg work forbidden. . . . . . , . . . - . , . . . to p8IIHB,¤€l]t pl‘0l]),0ti()n Without gxfor recreation, enlisted men .. 134, 815 amination . ... 140 fo1’ Commgent .. _ ,,... 135, 815 age and grade requirements for comfor gunnery and engineering exercises. 135,815 msnders extended one year . 140 for outfits on first enlistments; uniform precedence of rear admiral for service gratinty to Naval Reserve Force. . 135, 815 as chief of bureau ..,... 140 for equipment supplies, instruments, N avsl Academy midshipmen allowetc --·--.--..- _ -----··-- · -.-..--. 135, 816 mice extended to Porto Rico, Disgyrooompass testing, etc. .. 135, 816 tnct of Columbia, and N aval Reserve for ocean and lake surveys 135, 816 Force ..,..._.., , ., 140