Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1638

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clxx INDEX. Officers, Army-—C0ntinued. Page. Officers, Navy—-Continued. Page. relief, etc., of; William A. Simpson, ap- details be South American Republics aupointmemt as brigadier general, re- I thorized 0I1 application gy G0vcm— tired .·.·--.-.··.·.·.. 606 ments thereof ... . .. 1056 Robert H. Peck, restored to rank of acceptance of offices, pay, ctc., allowed. . 1056 · major, Infantry 606 status in Navy unchanged ,_,,__________ 1055 H. W. Daly, appointment as first lieu- holding temporary appointments, may be tenant, retired ... . . . 606 given lower grades, in making rg- Daniel W. Hand, restored to lineal quired reductions .. 153 position of captain, Field Artillery. 606 precedence established ._,__,,__ , _ _ _ 153 Leonard F. Matlack, appointment as longevity pay of, based on total service in captain, retired 607 all services 604 Jesse Mcl. Carter, credit in accounts 607 pay increased temporarily from January 1, John Elmer Wright, appointment as 1920; rates 601 first lieutenant, retired 607 effective until June 30, 1922 ,,__,__,___ 604 William Shelby Barrigcr, appointment percentage authorized of line, on active as captain of Cavalry .. 607 duty . . 834 J. C. Garrett, appointment as captain of of staff 011 active duty ... . . 834 Cavalxy ... 607 employment of reserve officem in aviaretired for disability not placed on limited tion and auxiliary service .. 834 list 286 serving in temporary grade dm-ing the war, tempogary ggzdgggg, may be retained until 286 etc.,t;ligilb1e gor promotion; require- 140 une , .. men waive ... . ..,,., Officers, Marivw Corps, status of permanent rear admiral, chief of appropriation for pay .. 152, 829 bureau, having served heretofore a for retired . . 152, 829 full term . . ,,., 140 for commutation of quarters, withoui;53 29 temporary, eligible for disability retiretmops. . , 8 ment . 834 with troops . . .. 153, 829 temporary appointments continued until for special allowances 1:0, under unusual December 31, 1921; limit . .. 834 conditions. ... 132, 813 in Naval Reserve, on active duty ... 834 for transporting remains of, dying temporary commissioned and warrant eliabroad .. 146, 823 giblc for transfer to a pointment in commutation of quarters to families of, con- geunancnt grades andpmnks 834 tinued during present emergency . . 385 num er limited ... . 834 extended to June 30, 1922 .. 602 full quota to Medical, Dental, and Supdeath allowances 1:0, on active list 824 ply Cggns . . 835 retired list, when on active duty 824 rank, pre ence, etc . . . 835 restricted to Regular Marine Corps .. 824 Coast Guard officers serving with Navy in holdingjempomry appointments, may be World War, eligible for permanent gxven lower grades, in making ra- rank, ctc., of.-- ... . . 835 quired reductions .. 153 examination by board; rank, etc., limprecedencc established . 153 ited .. . ,... 835 l0ngcv;Er psy of, based on total service in creilgliy fo1}scrvice in, for longevity, etc. . 835 services 604 nga nuts or temporary, to receive compay increased temporarily from January 1, missions in armament Navy . . . . 835 1920; rates . ... 601 increase sllowedpfor prior service ... 835 effective until June 30, 1922 . .. 604 not applicable to Dental Corps . 836 temporary, eligible for permanent com- for lgmagiiicers. other than from Naval misdous . . . 830 c amy 836 uniforms, accouterments, and equipment lieutenant (junior grade) and lieutenant O R0 be sold at cost to . 154 pr0z3<}ti0us without regard to service yicera, 'avy, unf une 30, 1923 ,.. . ,..,, 836 appropriation for pay, active list . -- 146, 824 permanent, sen ing in temporary grade or or pay of retired 146, 824 rank during the war eligible for pro— for commutation of quarters .. 146, 824 motion, etc . 836 for hire of quarters ashore .,.. 146, 824 temporary, may receive temporary app0iutfor special allowances to, serving under ments in lower grades. .,... S36 unusual conditions ... . .. 132, 813 0,§irers’ Reserve Corps, Army, for trans ning remains of, dying appropriation for pay ol'. . . .. 110, 954 abmanl)? . 146. 823 or mileage, on active duty .. . 112, 956 boards to recommend promotions to be d<->5cie¤cy apuropriation for mileage, on convened once 2. year ... 139 active duty .,. 1026 captains in the line, wounded on duty not creation and constitution of .,..,. 775 subject w promotion restrictions, appointments and commissions by Presi— etc ...,,,,.,,..,,, 147 dent alone ..,.,.,,,,__,__, _ _,,__,_ 7 75 claims for commutation of quarters, etc., of generals by President and Senate . 775 prim- m July 1, 1918, to be paid {mm tgmx of service; discharges permitted . 776 appropriation for 1918 , 511 extizenslup requirements _, . ..,,.,. 776 commutation of quarters, etc., to families former service qua.li1’icat;iom=. for grades 776 gf, applicable only during the wm-. . 140 in National Guard .,,__,_,,,_.,,.,.,... 776 contmued during present emergency 385 limitations on other appointments. . 776 Gxfended to June 30, 1922 ..,... 602 promotion and transfer rules to be predeal}; allowances m, ou active lin 824 scribed , .,_,, , ,,,.,,.,,,,,.,... 776 wmgd list, when on active duty ... 824 basis of...- ,,,_...,..,.,.,.,,.. 776 1‘€¤ii¤¢¤&d to Regular Navy . 824 assignment to local units. 776