Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1677

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INDEX. ccix Rights 0] Way—C0utinucd. Page. River and Harbor Imp·r0*ve·rn.ents—Contiuued. Page. granted to Los angeles, Calif., for water 98 moditigationc§forme§)a1{th0ri€a.ti0us;Sain; power wm- ·s, ecc.. . 3 ones iver, e . tit e to cut-o railroads may convey portions of, through lands re ufired ...,,... 1014 public lands, or public highways or Milwaukee, ?Vis., outer harbor improvestrqets . . . . 621 ment ...,,..,, 1014 Rincon Indum Reaeryationz Calf! Delaware River, combination of projects, appropriation for in·igation project 011.. .468 123;; S _ Pl}i.l§g§l§1llia tolgreumn ... bi 1014 amt 0 ver, a., com ination Rinderpeat, , Eojects, Jacksonville to the ocean- . 1014 appropriation for emergency use, emdicsz- Cum rland River above Nashville, ing, etc . ... 269, 728, 1345 _ Tenn. ; construction of lock and dam. 1014 paymeu§ gor amimals destroyed apég W11lapa Harborf a{1d {Ever, Vgash.; acpraisu 0 va ues . . . 2 ,7 , 1345 ceptauce 0 oca contri ution to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil project 1014 appropriation for sesmexfs mission . 750, 1214 tmnsézr gg seagoing dredge to Savannah 1014 Rio Grande, ar r ... appropriation for repairing Indian bridges claims for losses on, contracts due to ip- _ across, gt Islam and Feligg, N. Mex. 1239 cyeased war costs, to be filed withm "“"“°£§¤"%‘L';£“»?@ ”°’ T°"’ ‘° mz c..m,¤”§fiJL?‘°£§?E3'3“‘;gm;lz;;1§a;,‘ xs.; mm ‘‘‘‘ ‘°" useut f Mexico required . 1202 3 1913 to end of ixty-sixth Cou- Rnb ézande frigulion Prqjcct, N. Mez.-Tex., t0’be printed; distributipnz 1014 appropriation for mamtemmce, etc., of; use for mamtenancq, atc. of appropnamous restriction i F . 6,.26 201, 914, 1403 foxédconstructxon of proyects, author- 1014 R'GndNt1l¢ma or¢st·o. IZ .. - tgppigpxétign for maintenance, Etc., of. di;€.Is'E`§0II; .. 2% 1014 nes, e . trsmsf Rio Grande Valley, N. Nez., ’ Chgef of Engineers for authorized appropriation or (gaining Pueblo Iudisigs civil works; free oichmgei . 1 . . . 1015 I d ;c0¤ 'tions . . 1239 damsgestovesse ,ctc. yvessesonuver Ripon, WE, m h I ’ b ¤n¢jdlmrb0rwol1;k;t0 be €Xi1lIli116d££§ 1015 appropriation for pub 'c bui dung' . 166 y gem ent no other persons prope R' nd Harbor Im mzemznts mchlded . ...-.-·------ 1015 iggiygopriatiou fqr £hului, Hiwuii, harbor. 188 to employees ·i11 shving Government 0; consmmuon ot works on, under con- _ prolperty, hfe, gtc .. 1015 tracts, etic . .: .. 900 clsums or, to be adjusted by Secretary of for preservation, mampemmce, and gon- War 2 , . 1015 struction of pmvmusly authorized payment, 1f not cxceeding $500 ... 1015 works ... _ .. 1009, 1202 other amounts to be reported to Couallotments cu recommendation ofCh18f _ gress . .. _. . ; .. _ .. _ . . . 1015 of Engineers. . 1010 defic1ency appropnauou for paying clmms special report of amounts allotted. 1010 for damages to vessels caused by 46, for examinations, surveys, etc .. 1010, 1202 333,_509, 1165 limited to specially designated for readjustmems of contracts due to m~ w0rks.. ... 1010, 1202 creased cost of materials, etc 1026, 1165 n°mé.g§£;e1§;·8:¤¥?iF%ri=lé?0m' mw 1010 Rm"` nu 1 1* hung 2 213 927 ms . ·-.· · ··---· a ro n cm or 0 , , no work authorized until appropriation Ritggidg Cala, Lg _ made therefor ·················· . · · ·_ 1010 appropriation for Sherman Instituto I¤· ¤¤¤¤¤*=¤*¤ *¤ ¤*é°" b¤¤¤£'·* °°°'°m8» am scum .. 12, 411, 1234 "°°?mm°“d“¤°“ ” °° bca! °°“m‘ deticiency appropriation for Sherman Inb“¤°°· °*°· ---·······-—·~·-····—·- 1010 ‘ m glam School .. 1171 1186 . mtu e , fc'? °P“m°t w°rk: Hqdmn Rw°r* N · Y' 1391 expenditure authorized for real estate, P1’¤hm1;¤'¥ Bd¢X¢;§%;¤¤;;8¤3¤¤, ¤¤;d ¤¤¤’¢Y¤ wm March Aviation Field at _____,_____ 455 0 e · esxgna ... . . . . S““”'“*‘» *°’ °°“”°hd“‘i°“ °£ 101 1 R`;;Tpt;:p§snQ¤¤w?¤5rg{;€§§tivg’;AEe em of roiecte. .. - < ‘* n »¤=·¤·"°$¤ pi Rm Ls M dmv ·~=—·¤ m3‘2‘?.i§§%‘;$.I§$‘§§d““““S mm,'*“‘°“·*33·°‘°*‘§§’§ uutyec to Gulf of Mexico .. . . . r . . 1011 cha etc on reclaimed létiéé ‘`‘‘‘ 915 coast of Texas; harbors, and protection pay_2$g;ti0r‘i10mBBt€ad entries 1404 fmm Bwrms, etc ... 1012 B her nd C Ohio River, for ice piers, Pimaburgh to Road, Smvwcll, Lowrance rot ; a omthe mouth. ... 1012 Pa"!/· _ _ Lo, Angeles md Icug Beach Hubcml deiicmncy appropriation for losses on levee _ Calif-» mst of d¢¤i8¤3t€d P¥¤j€¢¥8, 1012 Road C °°¤¤'“€*·°· ···--·- · ······--·-·-·- U6¤ €t€- -··-···-·-··-·-·· - -·.. <m{truct_ mn e c, O W1-an ell Narrows, Alaska, deepening apprepnatmu {Jr field expenmeuta, etc". 263, cgmmel for future commerce, etc- . . 1013 _ 722, 1340 Chyigtjanqbed, Virgin Islgnds .,,,,,,,.,. 1013 surplus Army !IlOfo1'.VGh1C16E, etc., transcost restrictxou on new pr0]ecm repealed -- 1013 ferred to Agnculturzl Department modification of former authonzatinns; for uses of . _ . Z .. 530 Yaquina. Bay and Harbor, Omg 1013 road making mntermls, machmery, etc.. 530 4-t281"-21--106