Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1710

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ccxlii INDEX. Transportation Act, 1920——C‘0ntiuued. _ Purge. Transportation Act, 1920—-Continued. Page. future extensions of railroads; app11ca· consolidation of railroads into one corporations for certificates; proceedings . . . 478 tion allowed .,. 481 notice to State authonties; publica- to be in harmony with ado ted lans P P 7 tion . _ .. 4 78 etc . 482 discretionary ower of Commissmn to issue limitation of bonds, stock, etc .. 482 cert} `cates .. 478 ascertainment of valuation of properties. 482 authority under certificates for con- consideration for applications for; hear- _ _ struction, etc . _ 478 ings, etc .. 482 mjunctions for violating regulations, issue of order authorizing . 482 etg: ... 478 effective on agreement of all carriers 482 punishment for permitting, etc., vio- State laws, etc., not to prevent ..., 482 _ lations - _ .. 478 provisions extended to American Railcamers mgy be ordered to prov1de further 4 8 wggy Expreieil Company]. . . - . . 482 service 7 approv conso 1 ations re iev om to extend lines ... .  : .. 478 antitrust laws, etc . 482 subjeqtnto necessity for public c0n· 478 reg111a.ti;>cns{grts;implifyingsched11les, rates, 483 veme ce . . ... e . emade penalty for noncompliance .. 478 all to comply with regulation of provisions not applicable to local Hacks, rates, etc . . 483 ialstreet railvggys, etc ... 4 78 rail and water transportation 483 SPEC NW6, Y6 mb 9*0-, ec mk Commission authorized to establish physiiwful ----·-------------·-·------- 479 cal connection between rail uw mmm Mdcd ------- ;- ----—-·--- T -·-- 479 and docks. . .. 483 b·eight to be pa.1d for on dehvery 479 construct tmcksfm the doclg ____ _____ 4 83 9 --·-···---~--··· _ ······ _ d term' ti t `ti . 483 QXCQPUGP, W P!'€V9¤t unlust dm°Hm‘ fai·:iliti;m fo? ¥>ul§?<?S,cggve$1(;2nce0I;·B& cr¤¤1$am¥is` `é&"§`iii"`éb¥ `m"m` ` I 479 q*m°d ‘‘‘`‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ¢ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 483 Stat; exc € 9 8** » 479 establishment (ig dproporuonal rates; 483 _ _ _ _ ·---···~--··--·····~--·-- m um 3. .,.,.,.,... fwhugf gédmwrchmze of miic to bv 479 mgixinrg of propimional rates 483 , , *2 _ · ···--- _ ----···--····-··--· __ penalties for violations of Act to include d]?cmI'm*u°’}s f°rb1dd"m· -, ··-····· .- ; · 4* 9 _ transmission of intelligence- - ., 484 c9.1'1'1eri);i'00{}§1’g1t USG of i3G!'IIl1I1&l f9·C}ht1€9 479 xnvggtigation of cgrupigjntg against mtgg G ··-----—-·--·--·--··--··- — ° b S ..,, ¤¤mp¤¤¤¤¤i¤¤ to be paid, ew ------------ 479 ¤¤mu(;$§°§$d0r gmzzmgice? ._ ZE? c1¤¤i;;¤gg¤<;;};;td;;(§¢;;;¤l{¤::S¤¤*¤¢ww-- g comadiiataou or ju!-abdmhou with SEM , ·········· uu orities; joint hearings ..,...,._ 484 ¤ggf¢g=*¢¤» fm Shorter <i¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤<>*> ¤> stm authorities m ard in Burman; 484 exceed longer over same route .. 480 undue preference to intmsmte over foras great for shorter as for longer, not eign commerce unlawful ___________ 484 m.,v?2§Z‘§’$?1°S·gé;;1·;·,;··;.";;mr; *8° ·=’¤·¤gm¤L¤°¤Zed¤b¤m··¢° ·-·····- *8* tion to Coglmission 98 P0 ca 480 0l'?&!‘§ 6gc£;Ct.1V6 Il0tW'1thBtBDd}Dg 484 ¤'*;·gg;g,_*}i _ R? _ _*_¤¤¤<>_ _ _{=§·§*{ _$j=·i7{*j¤§·g 480 Commiggggn to {1L·tZ£¤{a§{é§}LKQ¤§:,»LL;L'1§;§i; limited to competing points for cir- 6Qaq°ni’ °t°‘· me u°]uBt* dm` 484 cuimusmumslmmmm_mmU 480 cnmxnagriyéietc ... not granted for simple water tra.ns· prgcribeigngt ere-- _ portation .. 480 . . . . > ·· existing mma, fares, etc., contiimed ··-· 480 pm,} dand gl? ¤%t(?S}` ° ° 485 effect of water competition; restriction on pm. an tg°a‘S°°”‘ ‘°’ Wm ° 8381 ca" 85 increasing reduced rates on account issugugfggg tg ééhéé RB Eééxglghg · £1; 4 of ...,. 480 . b_ _ _ _ fipdmgg -··-·-.. 485 °°°i `?$£`?L, ;°¢Z.,S€}Z’£E1.fYY-.??Y}Y?? 480 ¤·k¤¤¤ eifect <>f» wher dm for M- dmqiop of proceeds ____________ I _______ 481 ¥°?“‘ °‘m°“€Y··; ················· 485 Commission may authorize division of COHIIIIQESEIOH may establxsh through routes, _ trafiic in the interest of better serv- ]0{¤t €I¤$$iH€¤·{¤Q¤¤, fares, GYC ·-·~~· 48¤

 481 max1mum=mdm1mmummtesadded.. 485

assepg of all carriers required ___,______ 481 temrs argd conditions of operation; apa.c<g1u.s1tion of control of other carriers au- } Plicaumi tv WQWY lmw ··-·----· ;- - 485 thorized; conditions _______________ 481 I éxclugiim of electric Mads HO'; °a¤'Y’—¤8 approval by Commjséion; terms, com frelghh ·; ----·--------——--- · ·-----· 485 dmomj€tc_m___mwUmmm 481} tm¤sport=¤¤<>{¤ Wholly by water .. 485 supplemental Oydgm may be issued _______ 481 { to eugbrace entire length of road; excepplans for Consolidation of Systems Hon ’`'° ° `°°°° ° ' ’ “'’°' `.` ° ° °°°'’' 485 to be pmpued ____________________ 481 I *€¤¤P°"¤’Y thmugh routes m °¤*€¤‘· comimtition to be Framed _____________ 481 gerwy was -·--------·---.. 486 empoymeut of umform rates for compat- regulation of live stock shipments to public mw u?mc_ _____ _ ____ _ ___________ 48; ptockyards 486 1.,},,, of ummg?_ eu, _____________________ 481 I semcq required ... 486 notice sind hgruqgg of plan; ____ 481 { $utb°r!t’y of (`°mmi$i°¤· ·······•···· · · · 486 ¤d<>p¤0n and publicauon thereof .. 481 other hve stock not affected ... . . 486