Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1718

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eel INDEX. United States C0urts—Continued. Pager United States Courts-Continued. Page. deficiency appropriation for increased cost terms, Jackson, Ky- .. . .. 400 of envelopes, 1919 .. 52 Jamestown, N. .. . 395 for miscellaneous expenses. 52, 64, 67, 338, 347, Laurinburg, N, C .. 532 525, 1033, 1040, 1043, 1176, 1188, 1192 Lexington, K ... . . 400 for penitentiaries, maintenance . . . . 52 Lockport, N. § ,. . . 395 for support of prisoners. . .. 53, London, Ky ... 400 62, 64, 67, 347, 349, 1043, 1045 New Haven, Conn .. . - . . 1146 for National Training School for Boys, New York Citv, N. Y .. 395 D. C ... . ... 53 Newbern, N. C . . . . . 532 for paying judgments of- 59, 343, 520, 1037, 1182 Norwalk, Conn . ... 1146 for supplies . - 64, 347, 525, 1033, 1043, 1176, 1192 Raleigh, N. C .. 532 for special assistants; foreign counsel 338, Richmond, Ky . 400 1032, 1176, 1188 Rochester, N. Y ... - ... 395 for penitentiary, Leavenworth, Kaus. - . 338, Salisbury, N. C . . . . 532 1033, 1176 Statesville, N. C . .. 532 for penitentiary, Atlanta, Ga. . . 338, 1176, 1188 Syracuse, N. Y .. . . 395 McNeil Island, Wash . - . . 338, 1176 Utica, N. Y 395 for law books for judicial officers . 346, 1043 Washington, N. C . 532 for regular assistants ... 1032 Wilkesboro, N. C 532 for bailiffs, etc . ... 1033 Wilmington N. C .. 532 for Edward Fraser 1033 Wilson, N. (ZJ .. 532 for Leavenworth, Kaus., fire depart- United States Housing Cogioration (see ment, claim allowed ... 1033 Housing Corporaliou, nited States). for National Park commissioners 1033 United States Reports, for Court of Claims . 1175 appropriation for Lawyers’ Cooperative for support of prisoners, etc. . . . . 1188, 1192 Edition, Volume 63. .. . ... 208 for miscellaneous, A1esl¤a... . 1188 for Lawyers’ Cooperative Edition, Vol- Alaska district court, judges divisions, etc . 1203 ume 64 923 California northern district; Yosemite for Lawyers’ Cooperative Edition, Vol- National Park, attached to . . . . 731 ume 65 . . .. 1411 southern district; Seipoia, and General United States Securities, Grant, National arks, attached to. 731 appropriation for distinctive paper for . 173, Connecticut judicial district ... . ... 1146 882, 1375 New Mexico judicial district ... - - . 1361 for expenses connected with issues of. . . 1266 New York 'udicis.1 districts. . - ... 395 use for personal services limited to North judicial districts . .. 532 specified Treasury offices ... 1267 admiralty jurisdiction of district courts in pay restriction. . 1267 suits for da for death resulting deficiency appropriation for distinctive from wro icts, etc., on the paper . 1160 high seas, etc . . 537 loans allowed by national banks on notes allowance to discharged prisoners, in- secured by designated . . 296 creased ... 1033 rediscounts b Federal reserve banks of clerks to district courts, appointment, notes oiy member banks secured by, salary, etc . ... 1099 allowed 1146 exclusive jurisdiction in suits for fore- limit increased; purchase conditions. . . 1146 closure of preferred ship mortgages. - 1003 expires October 31, 1921 1146 jurisdiction of, in ac tions to abate nuisances termination of appropriations for expenses under War Prohibition Act . 306 of issuing war bonds, etc., June 30, under National Prohibition Act . 314 1921 ,. 646 paymentto Sacramento, Calif., for damages unexpended balances to be covered in tojail by Federal ners. 1033 June 30, 1922 . . 646 punishment for wron nverting by, estimates for expenses to be submitted officers of money coming into their annually . . 646 possession as such . 630 United States Shi ping Board, personal interest therein not a defense. . 630 appropriation fidr salaries and expenses 180, removal of causes from State courts to; 891, 1382 service of process may be completed, Universal Postal Congress, etc., by Federal court officers. . 554 deficiency appropriation for expenses of salaries of all district judges available from two delegates .. 1031 aipgropriation for 1920 . - ... 515 Universities, terms, any N. Y. . .. 395 industrial alcohol for, may be withdrawn Asheville N,. C . ... 532 free of tax . 321 Auburn, Y . . ... 395 permits, etc., re uired ... . . 321 Binghamton, N. Y . 395 provisions for estabflishing Reserve Of§cers’ Brooklyn, N. Y ., . . 395 Training Corps units in ...,. 776 Buffalo, N. Y . 395 University of the State of Washington, Canandaigua, N. Y ... - ... 395 transfer of State charitable, etc., institu- Catlettsburg, Ky . .. 400 tions’ lands to, for forest experi- Charlotte, N. C- ... 532 ment station, authorized ... 233 Covington, Ky 400 Unlmoum American Soldier, Elizabeth City, N. C,. ... - . 532 body of, a member of American Expedi· Elmira, N. Y . . 395 tionary Forces, who died during the Frlnkiort, K;. . - . - 400 World War, to be broupht for burial Greensboro, ~ . C ... - .. 532 in Arlingum M Amphithea- Hartford, Com: . 1146 ter .,._,_ _ ____,,,,,_,,,,,,,. . 1447