Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/182

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Srzss. I. CHS. 16-18. 1919. 161 CHAP. 16.-—An Act For the construction of a bridge across the Saint John River July 11, 1919- between Madawaska, Maine, and Edmundston, Province of New Brunswick, Canada. [rubric, No. is.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ States of America in Congress assembled, That the consent of Congress ,Sf;,';f,,J°§_?dRg‘§{éd8 is hereb given to the construction, maintenance, and operation mira brgise, t Maggby the State of Maine and the Dominion of Canada, jointly, of a ii;muém¤,i%w'is¤msZ brid e to be erected across the Saint John River, at a point suitable ‘“°"· to tie interests of navi ation, between Madawaska, Maine, and Edmundston, Province 0% New Brunswick, Canada, in accordance $‘§,’f§§‘f§f‘g2; with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the construction of bridgis over navigable waters," approved March _ 23, 1906: Provided, at the construction of said bridge shall not €§,‘§§‘,§§’g of cmd, be commenced until the consent of the proper authorities of the *°*1¤i*°°· Dominion of Canada for the erection of the structure shall have been obtained. Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby Am°°dm°”t‘ expressly reserved. Approved, July 11, 1919. CHAP. 17.-An Act Authorizing the construction of a bridge and alpproaches Jig1ii’;i3i% thereto acrom the Snake River about three miles above its confluence with the Colum- bra River, near Pasco, Washington. ’ ‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House ¢¥`hRepresentatives géthe United States of America in Oonfi·ess assembled, at the State of ashington, §g;$gg1§*{gg an d the county of Walla Wa a, in the State of Washington, the county of wma yiraué and Franklin, in the said State of Washiniigon and the State of Washing- §,§§”§#f,{‘g,,°°‘;€“,§§,$,°f ton, or the said counties of Walla Wa and Franklin, acting jointly, Wmbe, and they or either of them are hereby, authorized to construct, maintain, and operate a brid e and approaches thereto across the Snake River at a point suitabi to the mterests of navigation, along the route of and continuous with the Inland Empire Highwgy as ofhcrally designated by the State highway commissioner of the tate of Was ington, and about three miles above the confluence of the Snake River with the Columbia River, near Pasco, Washington, in $‘j,’{_“,_Q"‘§"g',}; accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to regu- ` late the construction of bridges over navigable waters," approved March 23, 1906. Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby *““°“°“‘°“°‘ expressly reserved. Approved, July 11, 1919. Jul 11, 1919. CEA?. 18.-An Act To extend the time for sense-noting a bridge across the [KYB- 1711-1 Mississippi River at or near the city of Baton Rouge, Louidams. " (pawn, No, 17.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatives of the United _ Sans qr America at ormgms agamizaz, Hat the times for com- 9,.*,%***,*;*;}.,,*},*.,*;,**;., mencing and completing the bridge authorized by the act of QOH- 1g{;%g,¤¢·B,}’,{'g¤B°,f¤°$,{ gress approved Juiy 17, 1914, to be built across the Mississippi River remsmx C<¤¤P¤¤Y» at or near the city of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, are hereby extended I"§},,;_ 38, P, 514, gilhfééfyears and six years, respectively, from the date of 8.pp1'0V8·1 °m°“d°d· ereo . . Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this act is hwcby ‘*”°°°°”°‘ expressly reserved. ' Approved, July 11, 1919.