Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/184

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. GHS. 22-24. 1919. 163 Commissioners may be paid b the Clerk of the House of Representatives to two ersons to be dhsignated by each Member, Delegate, and Resident Commissioner, the names of such persons to be placed upon the roll of employees of the House of Representatives together with the amount to be paid each, and Representatives, Delegates, and Resident Commissioners elect to Congress shall likewise be entitled to make such designations: Prooi ed, That such persons §Qj;’,§§n, etc shall be subject to removal at any time by such Member, Delegate, ` or Resident Commissioner with or without cause. Approved, July 11, 1919. xm 12,1919. CHAP. 23.——Joint Resolution Authorizing the Secretary of War to issue permits for [S- RGS- 63-] the diversion of water [rom the Niagara River. [pub, Rggq Nm ;;_] Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United __ States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, 1]`${€§°,§§‘0,1}iY,$"w,,,, and he is hereby, authorized to issue permits, revocable at will, for the ggggigngd ¤°m» ¤’>¤V¤ diversion of water in the United States from the Niagara River above Limit.- the Falls for the creation of power to individuals, companies, or V°1"’°’p‘ °3`3‘ corporations which are now actually producing power from the waters of said river in quantities which in no event shall exceed in the aggregate a daily diverson at the rate of twenganly- thousand cubic Prnnnn feet er second: Provided, That this resolution sh remain in force jaxpimixrm or peruntilp the Ist day of July, 1920, and no longer, at the expiration of m‘t’*°°°‘ which time all permits granted hereimder shall terminate, unless sooner revoked, or unless the Congress shall before that date enact legislation regulatingland controlling the diversions of water from the Niaglara River, in w `ch event this resolution shall cease to be of any furt er force or effect. Pnnnnmnnt nn nn, Any individuals, companies, or corporations violaf any of the mineprovisions of said permits, or diverting water from S8.%I'lV81’ above the Falls for the creation of power, except under a permit issued under the author1ty of this law, shall be guil)ty of a misdemeanor and be punished by a fine not exceeding $2,000 nor less than $500, or by imprisonment not exceeding one year nor less than thirty days, or both in the discretion of the court; and each and every day on which such violation occurs or is committed shall be deemed a separate pr.,.,;,.,, offense: Provided, That where such violation is charged ainst the d,fn‘§§n?g°*n{L°b”"Y °‘ company or codrplorate body, the offense shall be taken andadeemed to ` be that of any ector, officer, agent, or employee of such company or corporate body ordering, directing, or permitting the same. Approved, July 12, 1919. xm 19,1919. CHAP. 24.-An Act Making appropriations for sundry civil expense! of the GOV· ‘H·yR‘ 7343*] ernment for the fiscal year ending ll une 30, 1920, and for other purposes. [Public, No. 21.] B6 it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Sundry givil ex. States of America in 0'ongress assembled, That the following sums are P“;,§*;{_’¥’,,'!j,}’”“**°“‘ appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appro- ’ printed, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920, namely: suumpa-emu; DEPARTNEENT OF STATE. Taapcary am - For temrgrary employees in the Department of State, $250,000: ¤¤¤~Pmnn pw Promded, at no person shall be employed hereunder at a rate of mynénmrn. compensation exceeding $1,800 per annum. _ w,,.m,,,,,n,n,L To enable the 0 State to %form the duties trans- mas, at., muferred by order of President from Qc ¤· Trade Board to the ""°"·