Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/195

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174 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 24. 1919. $1,000, four at $900 each; two skilled laborers, at $840 each; in all, S t $701,260. _ ai$ZY§”$‘”g°°°” "` Suppressing counterfeiting and other crimes: For expenses in- "°l· ‘“’· P- lm- curred under the authority or with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury in detec rresting, and deliverin into the custody of the United States m having jurisdiction deallers and pretended dealers in counterfeit money and persons engaged in counterfeiting Treasury notes, bonds, national—bank notes, and other securities of the United States and of foreign governments, as well as the coins of the United States and of foreign governments, and other felonies committed ainst the laws of the United States relating to the xiay V°'· ‘°·P·"“· and boimtyaiiws, and for the enforcement of section 18 of the ar Finance Corporation Act; hire and o eration of motor-propelled or $‘§,§_"’3‘g"‘,§'}‘,g"§,,'f*°"°°‘ horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehidles when necessary; per diem ' in lieu of subsistence, when a owed pursuant to section 13 of the Pmmm Wm of Sundry Civil Appropriation Act approved August 1, 1914, and for no the Heddon,} em other dpurpose w atever, exceipt in the protection of the person of the _ President and the members o his immediate family and of the person {—`§§,Y’f',§’g,,_ chosen to be President of the United States, $275,000: Pmmlded, That no part of this amount be used in defraying the expenses of any person subpcenaed by the United States courts to attend any trial efore a United States court or preliminary examination before any United States commissioner, which eafpenses shall be paid from the ggghghfig-, mmm appropriation for "Fees of witnesses, mted States courts." amuse, ste., mesa- Appropriations in this Act shall not be used in payment of com- ‘*°,$·,,,,,,,,,,,,_ pensation or expenses of any person detailed or transferred, except to the Department of State, from the Secret Service Division 0 the Treas1u·y Department, or who may at any time during the fiscal year gms t 1920 have been employed by or under said Secret Service Division. o.,_,,,,4,?,§gc, Lands and other property of the United States: For custody, care, plrotection, and expenses 0 sales of lands and other pro erty of the p_R _-»¤¤¢¤·3"*9·375°· mted States, acqinred and held under sections 3749 andp 3750 of the Revised Statutes, the examination of titles, recording of deeds, advertising, and auctioneers’ fees in connection therewith, $300. °"·"°‘”’ "’°"'°°· cnsrous snnvrcn. . _ ,,,$§,{‘§§f*““ °““°““ For collecting the revenue from customs, including not exceeding $200 ,000 for the detection and prevention of frauds upon the customs K 1 revenue, $10,000,000. ,,,;1§,F°'“‘“ °’ "°°" Scales for customs service: For construction and installation of special automatic and recording scalm for weighing merchandise, and so forth, in connection with imports at the various ports of entry com mnmuw under direction of the Secretary_0f_the Treasury, $75,000. .,,,,,,,,§§‘§§? Compensation _ in lieu of moieties: For compemation in lieu of moieties m certain cases under the customs revenue laws, $10,000.

,,§‘“’"° H°°m‘ S""' rnnuc nnanrn smzvrcn.

G§',,§{.';,,‘§§4g,$§§Y“ _ For pay, allowance, and commutation of quarters for commisgoned meggcalmofficers, including the Surgeopr General, Assistant urgeons ne at Large not exceeding thee in number, and _ pharmacists, $850,000; g,$f§f“‘““"t°“"°" fHFor paégf assistant surgeons (noncommissioned medical o cers , , ; m,P$§,f‘“°°m°"°‘ P"' The Secretageof the Treasury is authorized to permit officers of the Public Health rvice to maize allotments from their pay imder such mm employees regplations as he may prescribe; might mm ELC or pay of all other employees (attendants, and so forth), $700 ,000; ’ ’ ‘ For freight, transportation, and traveling exipenses, including the expenses, except membership fees, of officers w en officially detailed