Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/217

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196 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 24. 1919. and other purposes which may have been sold or included in some reservation or otherwise dinposed of, except railroad land (grants, and other surveys shall inclu e lands adapte to_ agriculture an_ lands deemed advisab e to survey on account of ava1labihty for irrigation or dry farming, lands subject to disposition under mmeral lan laws where survey thereof is not otherwise provided for, hnes of reservations, and lands within boundaries of forest reservations, and mclnding such retracements and re-marking of State boundaries as shall Pa of be found necessary in order to close the_ public land l1nes_ thereon. Y S“"°’°"· The surveys and resurveys provided for m this appropriatwn to be made by such competent surveyors as the Secretary of the Interior may se ect, at suc compensation, not exceeding $200 per month eac , as he may prescribe, except m Alaska, where a compensation not exceed1n5}$300 per month each may be allowed such surveyors ,g‘;§’°”*’°” °' ’·'“‘ except that e Secretary of the Interior may anlpomt not to exceed one supervisor of surveys, whose compensation s all not exceed $300 per month, and not to exceed ten surveyors who may be employed m a supervisory capacity; whose compensation shall not excee $250 $f,{j’,gmp$°&*f°°°°°· per month each, and suc per diem m heu_of subsistence, not exceed- ’ mg $3.50, when allowed pursuant to section 13 of the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act approved August 1, 1914, and actual necessary expenses for transportatgon, mc uding necessary sleeping-car fares, said per diem and traveling expenses to be allowed to- surveyors employed hereunder and to suc clerks who are competent surveyors R°*“"°Y’» °*°· who maylbe detailed to make smveys, resiuweys, or examinations of surveys eretofore made and reported to be defective or fraudulent, and m1neral deposits, coal fields, and timber districts, and for m , y such com etent surveyors, fr entary surve s, P _ _ agm _ ¥’ and such_other s1n·veys or examinations as may be reqmred or Mm] Mum M_ identiiicatwn of lands for p1u·poses of evidence in any suit or proum, ceeding m behalf of the United States: Prmndedfurther, That the sum of not exceeding 10 per centum of the amonmt hereby nppropriated may be expended by the Commissioner of the General and Office, w1t the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, for the purchase F ld I vm d of metal or other equally durable monuments to be used for publicmllfi ,,,°('§‘§,§,;,1 i_m°,`§ land survey comers wherever practicable: Providedfurther, That not 0*5*- to exceed $10,000 of tins appropriation may be expended for salaries Omgm md Calim of employees of the field surve service temporarily detailed to ¤ranau¤¤da¤as,t¢c. the General Land Office: Provided ?urt]wr, That not to exceed $50,000 of this appropriation shall be use for the surve ‘, classification, and §gnl of (ti le lgnds tgnberlpf tn? so-cagtledd Oregon and California 'roa ansan te oos ay on o lands. a.§Ef“d°°°d '°S°"°' Abandoned reservations: For nhiessary expenses of sxuvey, ‘°l· 2% P- 1*** appraisal, and sale of abandoned military reservations transferred to the control of the Secretary of the Interior under the provisions gf an Act of Congress approved July 5, 1884, and any law prior thereto, . 4 000. mam Assam. * INDIAN arrams. agi? R°s°m°°°' Of the sum of $150,000, which the Secretary of the Interior is irfgggggu ggpegggf authorized by the Indmn Alppropriation Act for the fiscal year 1920 mgm M ’ to withdraw from the tnb funds of the Crow Indians in the state ·¥‘· · of Montana to be expended for makxngfnecessary imgrrovements to the nrririaition systems m the Big Horn alley on the ow Reservation in ontana, said sum, or such part thereof as may be used for the purpose indicated, to be reimbmsed to the tribe under such rules_and regulations as may be fprescribed by the Secreta of the Interior, not to Sxgeed $25i,00g oa! this amniunt Shall be avagble for . e. nses mcurre urmgt e sc year en in une 30, 1919. usilkgzif. Hmm` Ygfhat the $10,000 for construction of a steeliridge and approaches across the Santa Clara River on the Shivwits Indian Reservation in