Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/225

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204 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 24. 1919. N““°”*“ ?°"”· NATIONAL ranxs. p,IZ§'€§§$,§€§,I§€,°}°“1 National Park Service: Director, $4,500; assistant director $2,500; chief clerk, $2,000; editor, $2,000; draftsman, $1,800; clerks—two of class three, two of class two, one $1,020, two at $900 each; messenger, $600; in all, for park service in the District of Columbia, $22 220. °'“t°' L"' O"; Grater Lake National Park, Qregon: For protection and improvement, and repairing and extension of roads, including not exceeding $300 for the maintenance, operation, and repair of a motor-driven passpnger-carrying veh1cle_f§r the use 0; theksupermtendent and , em oyees in connection wit genera ar wor $28 225. G°°°”1G”°t’°°m' _ (general Grant National Park, Caiiiforniag Flor (protection and 1mproveme1;t, cggstruction of fences and trails, an repairing and extension o roa $6 000. °1°°[°" Mm"' Glacier National Pai·k, Montana: For administration and improverplent, constriictiop of rpaéls, trails, bridges, and teleplhone liéisesfand t e repair thereo inc u necessary repairs to e roa rom Glacier Park Statibn thronuxgi the Blackfeet Indian Reservation to yariioéis pomts in ?;1_boun ary 1;ne gl the Glacier National Park, mc u ing not exc mg_ $1 000 or e maintenance repair and operation of one motor-dnveri and one horse-drawn passehger-carirying vehiilcle f oivtlhe usip of tke superintendent and employees in connection . wit gene par wor $85 000. Gmdc°°y°°’Am' Grand Canyon Natidnal ji’ark, Arizona: For administration, protection_, mamtenance, 1mprovement, and development, including not exceeding $2,500 gr the purchase, maintenarlgcei <}peration, and repair o a motor 1ven passenger-carrying ve 'c e or the use of the superintendent and em loyees in connection with eneral ark k $ P 8 P wor 40 000. Hgwuii, ’ . . ’ . . . . . Hawau National Park: For expenses mcident to securing donations of patented lands and rights of way over patented lands in Hawaii Hot S Rmb National Bark, $750. _ v,§g:,%$dmp thHot Sprmgs_Resery1ation1; Arkansas: The ugexperflded balance of . · e appropr1ation an authorization containe in the Sundry Civil ii·iip4ii°1iiriia73?n` Approipgation Act for the fiscal year 1919 for the construction of a _ new a_ mistration and Government free bathhouse buildirilrgx is reape,·;°°°P*°°°° °' “"°S· propnated and made available for the iiscaliyear 1920. e Secretary of the Interior is authorized, m his iscretion, to use such appropriauon and_ authorization in the construction of separate buildings for administration and free bathhouse purposes and to gcciprpt sites in the city of Hot Springs which may be donated for said Lafayette Me. u Inga . . Vol.Z0,p.,1178. Lafayette National Park Maine: For administration maintenance protection, and improvpmeiit, ingluding notd exceeding $600 for maini enance operation an repair o a motor riven asse r-carry1n` M verde com vehicle ior use in iidministration of the park, $10?000.ng0 g ”° ’ Mesa Verde National Park,_Colorado: or protection and improvement, includ1ng not exceeding $1,500 for purchase, maintenance, operation, and repair of horse-drawn and motor·driven passengercarrying vehicles for use of the superintendent and employees, $11 000. w°§§§{°* RUN"' _ Mount Rainier National Park, Washington: For protection and improvement, construction of roads, bridges, fences, and trails, and improvement of roads, including not exceeding $500 for the maintenance, operation, and repair o a motor-driven passenger-carryincr vehicle for use of the superintendent and park employees in conneci mimi m on u_ tic]? with general park work, $32,500. _ _ mm, _ _ ationa Monuments: For the preservation, development, admm- P*°*°°¤¤¤· istration, and protection of the national monuments, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, $8,000.