Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/230

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 24. 1919. 209 JUDICIAL. ·'¤¤i¤i·¤1· surmzmn cornrr. S“P‘°“‘° °°““‘ For nine law clerks, one for the Chief Justice and one for each QQ? °1°'kS mt J“S` Associate Justice, at not exceeding $3,600 each, $32,400. UNITED srxrns counrs. Umt°°S“"°’°°“"" firkor salary of the additional district judge for the northern district Lrétgiilugenifaérgdiisii 0 exas, $7,500. (;,_ _ _ For salaries, fees, and e§>enses of United States marshals and their glgrslig mg e deputies, includilrgg the 0 ce expenses of United States marshals in peaiiéiiws °° x` the District of aska, services rendered in behalf of the United States or otherwise, services in Alaska and Oklahoma in collecting evidence for the United States when so specially directed by the Attorney General, and maintenance, alteration, repair, and 0 eration of horse-drawn and motor-driven passenger-carrying vehiclies used in connection with the transaction of the official business of the office of United States marshal for the District of Columbia, $1,730,000. Advances to United States marshals, in accordance with existing law, **""““°°‘· may be made from the proper appropriations, as herein provided, immediately upon the Jpassage 0 this Act; but no disbursements shall be made prior to uly 1, 1919, by said disbursing officers from pho fimdithug advanced, an? no ldispisuglements shall be made thererom_to ° ui ate expenses or the year 1919, or prior years: T Provided, llhat there shall be paid hereunder any necessary cost of €¤s°i”l&°'x¤epi¤g aa keeping vessels or other property attached or libeled in admiralty in “‘°“°° '°°°°"* °°°‘ suc amount as the court on ggtition setting forth the facts under _ _ oath, may a.llow:_Pro1nkZedfurt , That marshals and office deputy ¥·‘§f°‘2§f“,,’j‘§lTg€,'?°°"°°‘ marshals (eigccggtm the District of Alaska) may be granted a per 1em of not to ex $4 and $3, respectively, in lieu of subsistence, mstead ofxbplt under the ponggtions prescribed for, the present allowance for acu e nseso su istence. B ,_ Ij`or siifa‘i·ies of United States district attorneys and expenses of gtimix- United States district attorne and their regular assistants, mcludinv °°fs¢°»°€im umm; va. the office expenses of United Slates district attorneys in Alaska, and °“°‘°°· for salaries of regularly appointed clerks to United States district %;>f»9t?py§ for seégces rendered during vacar;py;l;1’L1;ZetZheT<i1i§ceI<}f 3,13 ,,m,,,,_ U1 tates ° trict attomey, $708,300: r , t ni subesmucepudiem- States district attorneys and their regular assistants may be granted a per diem of not to exceed $4 in lieu of subsistence, instead of, but under the pondlgzions prescribed for, the present allowance for actual 0 uses 0 Su iSten°9• District of Columbia, Kgiiom and after July 1, 1919, sections 6, 8, 13, 14, 16, 16, and 18 Of the legislative, Executive, and Judicial Apprgipriation Act, ap- mado agucatne w. proved May 28, 1896, shall be applicable to the office of the district V°" · ”‘ 1°°'m` attomey for the District of Colum ia and his assistants. Certificates to the effect that the dppblic interest requires the appointment of assistants to the said trict attorneE;hal1 be made by the chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the trict of Columbia and the S,;,,,_.,;, .,4 pm. dmtnct attorney. The district attorney shall be a salary of °*P°*m‘*°“*· $0,000 per annum in full compensation for all his 0 cial services and his principal assistant shall be paid a salary not in excess of $4,000 per annum, as the Attorney General may from time to time determme. Begum www For wu assistants to United States district attorneys who are ' 8·pp0lIl b the Attomey General at a Exed annual eo_‘ggensat10u, P,,,,,_,,,_ $400,000: That except as otherwise prescu by law Q,¢$g¤;{*i1gg; the compensation of such of the assistant district attorneys author- ’ izedbysection8 of the act approved May 28, 1896, astheAtto1·¤ey