Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/274

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 26.· 1919. 253 inspector, $2,120; thirteen food and drug inspectors, at $2,000 each; thirteen food and drug inspectors, at $1,800 each; one food and drug inspector, $1,620; eleven ood and drug inspectors, at $1,600 each; ten food and drug inspectors, at $1,400 each; one assistant, $1,600; four laboratory he pers, at $1 ,200 each; one laboratory helper, $1,020; four laboratory he pgrs, at $1,000 each; four laboratory helpers, at $960 each; three la ratory helpers, at $900 each; seven laboratory helpers, at $840 each; two aboratory helpers, at $780 each; twenty- four laboratory helpers or laborers, at $720 each; two laboratory helpers or laborers, at $660 each; twenty-seven laboratory helpers or laborers, at $600 each; one laboratory assistant, $1,200; one toolmaker, $1,200; three samplers, at $1,200 each; one janitor, $1,020; one mechanic, $1,800; two mechanics, at $1,400 each; one mechanic, $1,200; one mechanic, $1,020; one mechanic, $1,000; one mechanic, $960; one mechanic, $900; two student assistants, at $300 each; two messengers, at $840 each; one skilled laborer, $1,050; one skilled laborer, $840; seven messenger, boys, at $600 each; three messenger boys, at $540 each; sixmessenger be , at $480 each; threemessenger boys, at $420 each; two messenger bhys, at $360 each; seven labor— ers, at $480 each; thirteen charwomen, at $240 each; in all, $411,670. Gmmmpmm GENERAL EXPENSES, BUREAU o1=··Om:ms·r1zr: For all necessary Appmnrswrrlles. expenses, for chemical apparatus, chemicals and supplies, rzxpaus to “°· apparatus, gas, electric current, official traveling expenses, egraph and telephone service, express and freght charges, for the employ— ment of such assistants, clerks, and o er persons as the Secretary of Agriculture may consider necessary for the prnposes named, in the city of Washington and elsewhere, in conducting investigations; collecting, reporting, and illustrating the results of such investigations· and for rent outside of the District of Columbia, for carrymg out the investigations and work herein authorized, as follows: Gm", subjw,8 For conducting the investigations contem lated by the Act of May va. 12,p. mf ' 15, 1862, relating to the application of chemistry to agriculture, $42,400; . For collaboration with other departments of the Government de- aiigiliii)§°l`}ii?fé¤ai"th siring chemical investigations and whose heads request the Secretary of Agriculture for such assistance, and for other miscellaneous work, $14,000; E {mm For investigating the character of the chemical and physical tests am oermeirm rm which are applied to American food roducts in foreign countries, P"’d“°°’· and for inspecting the same before shipment when desired by the shippers or owners of these products intended for countries where chemical and physical tests are required before the said products are allowed to be sold therein; and for all necessa expenses in connection with such inspection and studies of meltliods of analysis in foreign countries, $4,280; md For investigating the preparation for market, handling, grading, P°°my °g°' packing, freezing, drying, storing, transportation, and preservation of poultry and eggs, and, for experimental shipments of poultry and eggs within the United States, in cooperation with the Bureau of Lfarkets and the Bureau of Animal Industry, $45,000; _ hh M F pr investigating the handling, grading, packing, canning, freezmgi ,,52 a¤imduDg’ S P. storing, and transportation of `sh, shrimp, oysters, and other she fish, and for experimental shipments of fish, for the utilization of waste products, and the development of new sources of food, $20,000; _ F 01* the biological investi ation of food and drug products 31110 ,,§Q,‘Q§’,°§’},},§f’°°*°°°" substances used nr the manufacture thereof, including investigations gi fl6%5>l1yS10l0gical effects of such products on the human Orgamsm, B O9 ; . Fqr the study and improvement of methods of utilizing by-products pghiiims, gills by` of citrus fruits; and the investigation and development of methqds ,,,,_*Q“,,{,,§,?f“" "°‘°‘°“° for determining maturity in fruits and vegetables, in cooperation