Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/353

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332 srxrrsixrn eoscnsss. sm. 1. GH. ez. 1919. m§gY°,f§;;g},,*° N“‘ polled passenger vehicle, _$1,000; for payment to the National Mu- ' seum on account of repairs and other expenses made necessary by the occupancy of that building b the Bureau of War Risk Insurance, € $5,640; in all, $4,863,176: Preméd, That all employees appropriated ,,,,,$§§,,§ °"""°"°°S for by this p€.ra%aph shall be e aged exclusiv y on the work of the Bureau of ar isk Insurancenduring the fiscal year 1920. mP=gg_$¤g§ Hm *0* nmnrcm ramrmo nousn ron ma nnmn. Ezppngezm To enable jthe_ American Printing House for the Blind more ade- · ‘ ‘ gxtiely to provide books and apparatus for the education of the m accordance with the provisions of the Act approved August mem. 4, 1919, $30,000: Provided, That two co ies of each of the pub ica- ,,P“"'§$“;‘§§ gui}; tions by the American Printirgg House for the Blind shall be Dri? furnis ed free of charge to the Nation Library for the Blind located at Seventeen hundre and twenty-nine H Street northwest, Washington, District of· Columbia. “"°"“"““°°‘· ‘ · mscnnnaunous. °· °'=1?“g’“‘°°· _ Credit in the accounts of C. G. Duganne: The accounting officers Cmmmmoms of gre '1‘rele:s1u·y Departpignté here y ?uthorizedhalpd directgl to cre 't in the accounts o . . ganne, ormer 's ursing officer, United States Reclamation Service, Denver, Colorado, the sum of $147, representing amount paid byhim to the Hendee Manufacturing lCpmpangm§$144) and cgvprpagment to M. ($?),hthrei_I;ormer vin n` ow yteaccounf ocersote asury 73;%- S-. M- 3709. 1>· Depariment as having been paid in con§vention of the revisions ' of section 3709, Revised Statutes, and the latter because ofp the item representing an overpayment to the lpagee named, $147. i¥g_%¤g¤E· 8¤i¤» fC1§ad1'p`rin the accounts of Slydntgl _. mishz 'léhe acctcilxmting officer? ` ote easuryare to ewan ere`tin eaeceuntso S dney E. Smith, disbiusing clerk of the War De artment, the sum oi, $550 e%pended by him from the appropriatgm for contingent expenses, ar Department, for the Hsca year end1n§VJ1me 30, 1917, for the removal of certain partitions in the State, ar, and Navy Building, and for this purpose the sum of $550 is hereby appropriated out of any money in the reas1u·y not otherwise appropriated. wu Department- WAR DEPARTMENT. coNrmom~x·r nxrmxsms. ¤<·¤¤¤¤¢¤*¤¤v¤¤¢* For purchase of professional and scientific books, law books, including tgleigls exchange; books of rpferencek blanl:1 boégrs, pamplhilets, "., wsa ,ma; wrirsanammacnes; i)xi5i··i1(itui·e aniierepgirgmtso sam}: caryglieets, matting, oilclotg, Hle cases, towels, ice, brooms, sea _, sponges, fuel, gas, and heating apparatus gg and rep;ai§uitio (ogtsgde tug tgp Stgp, agar, in lgaz artmn ding occuie y e ar p men ani bugeausfmaintenance, repaig, and operation of motor trucks and motor cycles, and one inotor—p1-opelled, passenger-carrying vehicle, to be used only for official purposes; freight and express charges; street car fares, not exceeding $1,000; and other absolutely necessary expenses, incéugtgug per diem allowance not to exceed $4 in lieu of ` te , 4 , . sem. Sulisbli rgiizi? of buildings in the District of Columbia for the use of the War Department, iiscal year 1919, $1,978.72.