Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/355

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334 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 93. 1919. HX;1L‘§”“°' S°"”°”’ NATIONAL HOME FOR DISABLED VOLUNTEER SOLDIERS. ’1‘¤:¤s,M¤. Eastern Branch: For repairs, including the same objects specified undeiiglziis léeaduin the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act for the fiscal _ year 0 12, 00. S°““M°““°“·°““‘ Pacific Branch: For repairs, including the same objects specified under this head in the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act for the fiscal P Caml year 1920, $10,000. PAN CANAL SDSIDB · °°“’° °‘P°"’°’· For civil government of the Panama Canal and Canal Zone salaries of district judge $7,500, district attorney $5,000, marshal $5,000,

 for gratuities and necessary clothing for indigent discharged

prisoners, $150,000, to continue available until expended. Navy Depsrunent NAVY DEPARTMENT. mmr. R°"*· For rental of additional quarters for the Navy De artment, fiscal P year 1919, $175. DAMAGE cmms. clgggi=i°¤ mm To pay the claims adjusted and determined b& the Navy Departv¤1.E-us,p.¤m. ment, under the Naval Appropriation Act for e iiscal year 1911, on account of damages occasioned to private proglelrty by collisions with vessels of the United States Navy, and for w `ch naval vessels were respons1ble,»cert1;Eed to Congress in Senate Document Numbered 104 of this session, $6,289.94. _ Navy- NAVAL ESTABLISHMENT. m§‘§§';‘gu,‘;{,_S“PP“°° BUREAU or surrnms ami ACCOUNTS. §f‘§§*°““‘ ““‘g"`j The limitation on e ditures from th ro riation “Maini>l<iv:‘ei>¤·c1;iSjlmBd m tenance, Bureau of Supplies and Acconmts, fi;c:lp§eai·)1920," for pay ’p' of classified employees is increased by the sum of $500,000. ,,0’§,‘{{g“,{’,fp§’,,,9'§S*'“°‘ BUREAU or o0Ns·rnUc·r1oN arm mnranz. M<ii¤¤¤¤l ¤¤¤w- The limitation on ex d'tur f th tion "Construc—

 °l“Sm°d m` tion and repair of vessP;l1s,1iiscB;l lycialzii- 1;2l)I:gri)di·n;>ay of classified

""~¥’· “°· employees is increased by the sum of $250,000. mmaernepumme. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR.

  • ’“*’“° "““‘““8‘· 1·Um.1c Bunmmos.

,0i};g=g°§w;° S°¤¤*· Old Telephone Exchange Building; For repairs and improvements 1z¤p».us,ab. to Old Telgphqne Exchange Building, twenty-three B Street northwest, to m e it an annex to the Senate Folding Room, twenty-one B Street northwest, and to connect u both buildings with heating plant of Maltby Building, $3,500, to he expended under the direction and siépjervision of the Superintendent of the Capitol Building and Groun suucseam Bmw. BUREAU 01-* nnucarrozw. ,,§°‘““°”°“°°°“°"· For maintaining registers of teachers and assisting officers of education in Ending teachers for positions requiring `special quali1ica—