Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/364

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 93. 1919. 343 For 1919, $45,000; For 1920, $139,000. For stationery for Representatives, Delegates, and Resident Com- S°°'°*°¤°’Y· missioners, $210. The unexpended balance of the appropriation of $50,000 for furnish- . H°¤=· °m°° B¤¤<*· ing additional rooms in the House Office Building, contained in the mlidditiounl office Public Resolution approved October 24, 1913, is made available for °q$`§f";§°§;_w additional office equipment for such of the rooms of that building as l l mag be necessary on account of the appointment of additional clerks to [embers. For furniture, and materials for repairs of the same, for the fiscal F“"°“’“'°·°*°· years that follow: For 1919, $96.76; For 1920, $15,000. oovnRNMENT PRINTING orrion. t.§‘t‘§§;‘;.?‘°“* *’“’“* To pay Samuel Robinson, William Madden, Jose h De Fontes, and S°“‘“°‘ R°"*”°'}; Charles C. Allen, messengers on night duty durirlig the Sixty-sixth lf,E2gi'¤l=<1 · Congress, first session, for extra services, $700 each; in all, $2,800. Extrasetvigdl JUDGMENTS, UNITED STATES COURTS. $,1%;*2::.,*2. UM For payment of the final judgments and decrees, includin costs $‘g{‘§§“‘_°‘· _ of suits, which have been rendered imder the dprovisions of the Act 'P 505 of March 3, 1887 entitled "An Act to provide for the bringing of SIMS the éovernment of the United States," certined to ongess urmgihe present session by the Attorney General in·Senate ocument umbered 100, and which have not been appealed, nandg: . . Classification. Un er the War Department, $1,578.90; ~ Under the Navy Department, $7,725.05; · . In all, $9,303.95, together with such additional sum as may be I“‘°"“· necessary to pay interest on the respective iudgments at the rate of 4 per centum per annum from the date thereo rmtil the time this appropriation is made. JUDGMENTS, COURT OF CLAIMS. c,§§‘,§§f"°““· °°“" °' For payment of the 'udgments rendered by the Court of Claims and "°"“‘°“‘ °'· reported to Congress the present session in Senate Documents Numbered 102 and 125, namely: °"“"°°°"°°· Under the Treasury Department, $61,300.20. Under the War Department, $26,038.60. Under the Navy Degartment, $29,076.13. Under the Interior epartment, $215.76. In all, $116,630.6e. _ » _ _ _ _ None of the judgments contained herein shall be paid until the right of appeal shall have expned. _ _ _ Mmm, $.,,0 to Sec. 2. That section 7 of the Legblative, Executive, and Judicial empxeyss. Appropriation Act, approved Marc 1, 1919, is amended by adding ,§°L‘*“·*’·"°’·““‘°“"' at the end of the first paragraph thereof, the following addition ummm mr an proviso: "P1-ooided further, That no emplogp of the Govern- paw in the Philipment shall, for services in the Philippine ands, receive additional P""’“· compensation under this section at a rate which is more than 20 per centum of the rate of the total annual compensation received by such em§>loyee." _ _ _ _ _ smug Ec. 3. That the Bureau of·EmCl8l1;5g is directed to mvestigate the massage; gi gnvgcit- Scope and character of statistics need by the Government, and the mh ·· methods of collecting, compiling, and presenting statistical mforma·