378 SIXTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 17, 18. 1919. B¤>¤d"*°"·m· Hosrrru. ar mzoanvmw, coox COUNTY, rumors. .t§°°°“°"’°°'°"°°‘°°’ That so much of an Act entitled "An Act making appropriations to supply deficiencies in appropriations for the fiscal year ending A,,,,,,,_,_, m,,,d,,d_ June 30, 1919, and prior fisc years, and for other Hpurposes" (Public P¤u,p.ais. Numbered 5, Sixty-sixth Congress), as reads as fo ows: "The Secretary of the 'I‘reasm·y is hereby directed to ac uire and complete immediately the hospital at Broadview, Cool County, Illmois, authorized and appropriated for by an Act entitled ‘An Act toauthorize the Secretary of the Treasury to provide hospital and sanatorium facilities for discharged sick and disabled soldiers, sailors, and marines} approved March 3, 1919"· (Public Act Numbered 326, _ Sixt -fifth Congress), is hereby amended so as to read as follows: i¤F:ii?1?¢ilt°¤2 iieuiiiif "That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, directed ¤·d*¤°°*Y *°¤¤*'°°· immediately to acquire the uncompleted hospital building at Broadview, Cook County, Illinois, and this site thereof, consisting of three C0 ct. , d hundred and twenty acres, more or less, and to cause the work on s¤xaiSqtri1¤¤ili)1$igés,°ii11- said hospital building to be completed and the Eve lproposed auxiliary '°°*°°· buildings to be constructed in accordance with p ans and specifications transmitted to the Shank Company July 15, August 16, and September 23, 1919, and the appropriation therefor contained· in V°*·"’·¥’·”°‘· the Act entitled ‘An Act to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to provide hospital and sanatorium facilities for discharged sick and disabled soldiers "tp oved March 3, 1919, together with such further changes in said b as may be found necessary or desirable.". Bdrvsliitulhskmmrmm BUREAU OF wan Brsx msuaancn. C°mp°°s°°i°°°’ °°°' and naval compensation: For the payment of military and nav compensation, funeral expenses, services and supplies, as authorized by aw, $$0,000,000. Approved, December 24, 1919. D°°°f§i’;%,191°· CHAP. 18.-An Act To amend the Act approved December 23, 1913, known as jp-m the Federal Reserve Act. · Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Re eaentatives qthe United Af,Z‘;%°3is}.i§?"° Mt States of America in Congress assembgd, zihat the Act approved °(Y°'·°°·¥’·’5°·°”‘°“d‘ December 23, 1913 known as the Federal Reserve Act, as amended, be further amended by adding a new section as follows: b.,IQi§L§.i°° hmm HBANKING CORPORATIONS Avrnoiuznn ro no roaamn namrmo BUSINESS. t;§§"”f¤'Z§`§'§i‘Z'p{?§Z "Sr;c. 2501). Corporations to_be organized for the purpose of ¤°,gj;mmm wm,_ engaging m international or foreign banlnniior other mternational im. or foreign financial operations, or m ban ng or other financial
- °°"**’· "“· operations in a dppendency or insular possession of the United
States, either direc y or through the agency, ownership, or control of local institutions in foreign countries, or in such dependencies or insular dpossessions as provided by this section, and to act when require by the Secretary of the Treasury as fiscal agents of the United States, may be formed by any number of natural persons, Amen, M m°c,,_ not less in any case than five. am. "Such persons shall enter into articles of association which shall specify in general terms the objects for which the association is formed and may contam any other provisions not inconsistent with law which the association may see fit to adopt for the regulation of its business and the conduct of its affairs.