Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/406

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 19,20, 23, 32. 1919. 385 October 1, 1919," be, and the same is hereb , re ealed: Provided, P'°”‘°°· D. That officers of the Navy and Marine Corps shall he entitled to all u¤l·iu°ii?¤i¤°kii iiissiiit the rights and benefits rmder said Act 0 April 16, 1918 (Public, °”‘°'g°°°" Numbered 129), from and after October 1, 1919, and during the present emergency. Approved, December 24, 1919. cnn. ao.-Jena neniuuon in · imm · ni anime urea m monroe ”°°·¤=*·°* ’*·‘°’°- the expenses of regulating further thelgxitry ofeghlgnsxinto the United gltlatelgl Resolved the Senate and House 0 Re esematives 0 the United States of Aviieyeiea in Congress assembled-, Tliiart so much olfthe sum of i3;H>§ii§ii.`ZE$‘mgu. $600,000 appropriated by section 4 of Public Act Numbered 79 of }j§,¥*,,§;,,,_‘m‘°°°‘“‘°" the Sixty-sixth Congress, entitled "A.u Act to regulate further the $¤y¢h;’».35g,_ entry of aliens into e United States," as may be necessary is hereby ° ° ’ p` g` made immediately available for ex$nses of regulating entry into the United States, in accordance with e provisions of the Act approved Prom Ma 22, 1918: Provided, That not more than $450,000 of sand sum mmaarim. shah be used during the remainder of the fiscal year 1920. Approved, December 24, 1919. cnn . as.-an Act .ruuw¤rmg‘ ‘ mem swam r permzm · ¤ were ”°"““‘°°' °°·‘°‘°· mmeeipxii misuse. ot Lame cme, wncsmiéris eammetirisinnia an O te sewers on certain Government property under the United States canal atlgztle Chute, Wiseum. _ ‘ Be 12 enacted by the Senate and House of llepresentatives of the United sam gamma in comm; names, That an sammy or we- é.§§§&..°&‘& Zlitwbe, an he is hereby, authorized and directed to ant permission §§;,t°°°‘·,§,‘},(,l‘;f'?,E,,l‘i to the municipal authorities of the villa§ of Litx Chute, in the ¤***¤gi° county of Outagamie, m the State_ of isconsin, and their successors and warg, to construct, maintain, and operate sewers and appurtenant wor _ on United States dprppgirty and under the United States canal at said Provvkie , t such 'on shall be (§_;g•g{g;m m mb subject to such condntions, restrictions, rules, an regulations as the wc w ¤•¤i•¢¤i3r ¤¢ Secretary of War may from time to time prescribe, and that the "‘ construction of such sewers and works shall not be commenced until plans therefor prepared léplithe said authorities shall have been submitted by them to the of of Engineers and shall have received Ru, ,0 ,,,,,,m,_ his written approval:_Pr0mded further, That the Secretary of War may terminate the said permission whenever and at such time as in his judgment the public mterests require. Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Actishereby Am°°dm°°f expressly reserved. Approved, December 30, 1919. cnn-. sa.-as an ra me constru · · nm. ehanna ”°°°¤*"°'“‘· “"°· RiV€f Bt LBCBYYHIG, Wy0¤'.I.lI1g Gmlllty, the Sulqu Be it enacted by the Senate and House Re esentotives 0 the eU·nii¢d S ughgpgg gm, States _0_f America in Congress assembkg Thpdlt the c0nse{1t of 0011- b,§ ";{ gress is hereby granted to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to °°’ construct within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania a bridge, wjith zppproaches thereto, across the Susquehanna River at boogynlle, yemu1g_ County, Pennsylvania, at a point suitable to t c mterests of navigation, m accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to rpgulnte the construction of bridges over navigable waters," approv March 23, 1906.