Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/436

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SIXTIGSIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 75. 1920. 415 be held to cover and a pl to the acts of the emplo ee authorized to act in his place, who sgiall give bond to the disbursing agent in such P°”°”°l b°"°’ °t°° sums as the atter may require, and with respect to any and all acts performed by him while acting for his principal, shall be subject to all the liabilities and penalties prescribed by aw for ofHcial misconduct of disbursing agents. That hereafter in the sale of all Indian allotments, or in leases, or ,,,,,,Q°"$',,,€F';,;,‘,H,,*?Yf{Z,‘l,,,{,*,§‘; assignment of leases, covering tribal or allotted lands for mineral, °*°- farming, azing, business or other purposes, or in the sale of timber thereon, gie Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, imder such regulations as he may prescribe, to charge a reasonable fee for the work incident to the sale, easing, or assigning of such lands, or in the sale of the timber, or in the administration o Indian forests, to be paid by vendees lessees, or assignees, or from .,,§“"‘“’l° by "°“°°°’* the proceeds of sales, the amounts collected to be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. That the Secretaiply of the Interior is hereby authorized to sell and giiiiindiiiiid aeéiiiioct? convey at public s e, to the highest bidder, under such regulations uudinga and under such terms and conditionsas he may prescribe, at not less S“]° "“°‘°'”°°‘ than the appraised value thereof, any abandoned day or boarding school plant, or any abandoned agency buildings, situated on lands P _ I belonging to any Indian tribe and not longler needed for Indian or ad- °"°I“°° i"° °°°°‘ ministrative purposes, and to sell therewit not to exceed one hundred and sixty acres of land on which such plant or buildings may stand. _ Title to all lands disposed of under the provisions of this Act shall T‘°1“°"°'°h“‘°" pass to the purchaser b deed or by patent in fee, with such reservations or conditions as tlie said Secretary may deem just and proper, no purchaser to acquire more than one hundred and sixty acres in _ any one tract: Provided, That theiproceeds of all such sales shall be {;{,,,3"*’,,,'Z§,,,, ,,,,,,1., ,,, deposited in the Treasury of the nited States to the credit of the kdm °"°¤*¤· Indians to whom said lands belong, to be disposed of in accordance with existing law. ARIZONA. A·*·°¤··· Sec. 2. For support and civilization of Indians in Arizona, includ- d§,§‘§’°“· °°°‘· °"“‘ in§_pay of employees, $200,000. or support and education of one hundred and fifty Indian pupils F°" M°j‘“’° “S°°°°L at the Indian school at Fort Mojave, Arizona, and for pay of superintendent, $35,050; for general repairs and improvements, $3,800; for schoolhouse to replace building destroyed by fire, $25,000; for electric-light plant, $5,000; in all, $68,850. For support and education of seven hundred Indian pupils at the m‘°°°°' S°h°°L Indian school at Phoenix, Arizona, and for pay of superintendent, $142,500; for general repairs and improvements, $12,500; for remodeling ice plant, $5,000; in all, $160,000. .,.,u,°¤ ,;,,,1,.,,,, For sup ort and education of one hundred pupils at the Indian semi. school at Truxton Canyon, Arizona, and for pay of superintendent,

; for general repairs and improvements, $5,000; in all,

For continuing the work of constructing the irrigation system for ¤.,°i,u° mm_ _ tho lrrigation of the lands of the Pima Indians in the vicinity of Secs- WH, On the Gila River Indian Reservation, within the limit of cost Quin ml fl-Yéd by the Act of March 3, 1905 (Thirty-third St8t\1i»6S M3 L81'g9, 0 'p` ` p=1g9 1081), $5,000; and for maintenance and operation of tl10 pump- Re mem mg Pl8·I1tS 811d canals systems, $10,000; in all, $15,000, l'0lIDbI11$8b 0 `·,,¥_°37,,,_ as provided in section 2 of the Act of August 24, 1912 (Thirty-seventh

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For continuing the construction of the necessary canals and laterals ervatien. for the Utilization of water from the pumping plant on the Colorado ,,3f}§{‘°1““‘"i‘“°°° River Indian Reservation, as provided in the Act of April 4, 1010 V0}·3•%P·273· (Th11'ty—Sixth Statutes at Large, page 273), $50,000; and for IDNIP