Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/449

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428 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 75. 1920. tion of allotments, per capita and other payments authorized by 1_aw to individual members of the respective tribes, tribal and other Indian schools for the current Hscal year under existing law, salaries and contingent expenses of governors, chiefs, assistant chiefs, secretaries, interpreters, and mining trustew of the tribes for the current Escal '1‘ri¤¤¤ ¤¤=¤¤¤¤r¤· year at salaries at the rate heretoforelpaid, and one attorney each for the Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Creek _ ibes employed under contract approvpi by thefPr%deri‘1£, xmiiler existing laévhilorfnhe currenpl iisrial ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤f¢¤¤¤1 year: url at the etary e tenor IS ere y schools. . . ’ . . . authorized to continue dnmng the ensuing fiscal year the tribal and other schools among the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, and Seminole Tribes from the tri al funds of those nations, within_his discretion and imder such rules and regulations as he may prescribe: And pmscgagdnj vm *0 vided further That the Secrets.? of the Interior is here}? emgmered, °° °°‘ during the fiscal year ending une 30, 1921, to expen fun of the Cliocgaw, Chickasag, Creek, apd Seminollp Nations available for sc oo p oses un er exis aw or suc repairs, improvements, or new as he matmdeem essential for the proper conduct of the sieveral sc ools of saitditréges. 0 F ¤=¤¤¤v¤- or treaties wi octaws oma: or permanent

siimii?i1, an11uityf(?rtic e 2, treptysgof Noyembbr 16, 1805, and farticle 13,

P- treat o une 22 1855 , ,000; or ermanent annuity or sup ort usa: ummm. of light horsemen, (article 13, treaty cli October 18, 1820, and arizicle ,,_l,§§’,_7·"°‘“·V°L “· 13, treaty of June 22, 1855), $600; for permanent annuity for sup- §w»2%¤· gw porttof l}a;>ksm1th égrtieggg, tr?1a|gy'gf1Oc§>bter lg, 1§2g, an 2article 9, v1.u,’_.¤i4. ’ reayo anuary , an ce 1 reayo ime 2, 1855 %?g{f$‘fl‘,?§?'§·35,V,,_,,_ $600; for permanentjannuity for educatiori (article 2, treaty of Janui vg: md md ary 20, 1825, and article 13, treaty of June 22, 1855), $6,000; for perpm.1,p.m;v¤x.i1, irgzgent {gr iron amilopteel (article)9, treaty oiu January 20, · · 1 , an arti e , treatyo une 22, 1855 ,3320; in , $10,520. 0¤¤c¤¤- OREGON. _S¤w¤r¤. ew. ¤¤1¤- Sec. 19. For sup rt and civilization of Indians f th K1 th d¤i§m1amathAgem:y. Aglency, Oregon, pay 0; eixiployeesl, $5,750.0 6 mm Warm Springs or su port an 01 `ization o the confe eratedt `b r d b ds Ag°°°y‘ Wiirm Springs Agency, Oregon, including palyi dib eliiiplogelos, U¤¤¤¤¤¤ Aswcy- llor support and civilization of the Indians of the Umatilla Agency, Oregon, includingJ>ag* of emplofyees, $3,000. S¤¤¤¤¤ S·‘~¤·>¤*· {or spppiort an 5 ulcatxorilo {six hnknldrpid Indiaril piapili, including na ive n an pup s _ roug t rom as a at the n 'an school, Salem, Oyegon, mcluding pay of superintendent, $122,000; for generail repair; mmprggements, $25,000; for high—pressure boiler an steam- eatm mst ation, $15,000; in ll, $162,000. Bwdhmé **}*,1*} For support andcivilization of Indians at Iirande Ronde and Siletz dam. encies, Oregon, mcluding a of employees $2 500. · P "· F K * ’ milmm R*¤¤’¤· or maintenance and operation o the Modoc Point irrigation ,,.,,g,¤,,,,_ s stem within the Klamath Indian Reservation, in the State of ve1.ze,p.1mi. %-egpn, %4ig00,hreimbursable in accordance with the provisions of t e ct o arc 3, 1911. South D=*=¤*e SOUTH DAKOTA. F¤=~¤<¤¤¤-¤ $¢¤¤¤¤- Sec. 20. _For support_and education of three hundred and fifty Indian pupils at_ the Indian school at Flandreau, South Dakota and for pay of superintendent, $80,750; for general repairs and improve- P_ Scum ments, $10,000; in all, $90,750. mm For support and education Of two hundred and fifty Indian pupils at the Indian school at Pierre, South Dakota, including pay of super-