Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/498

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 91. 1920. 477 interest of the public and the commerce of the peo le, upon such "*—**·'*"°”·*"°" *”· terms of compensation as between the carriers as they may agree C¤¤¤P¤¤¤=***°¤· u on, or, in the event of their disagreement, as the Commission may after subsequent hearing find to be just and reasonable; (c) to uire m{s¢i¤;{c¤¤• °‘ *·¤¤i· such joint or common use of terminals, including main-line tilddk or ’ ` tracks for a reasonable distance outside of such terminals, as in its opinion will best meet the emergency and serve the lpublic interest, and upon such terms as between the carriers as they may agree u on, or, in the event of their disagreement, as the Commission may after subsequent hearing find to be just and reasonable; and (d) to ,,,,If§‘;§‘§§’ “"m° *’°" give directions for preference or priority in transportation, embargoes, or movement of traflic under permits, at suc time and for such periods as it may determine, and to modify, change, suslpend or _ annul them. In time of war or threatened war the resident ,f$,"§,l‘}‘§,‘}“f,°§?,j§,§’,,fi{,",E may certify to the Commission that it is essential to the national '°¤¤¤·•°°- defense and security that certain traflic shall have Hreference or priority in trans rtation, and the Commission , under the power herein conifgrred, direct that such preference or priority be afforded. Transportation by " (16) Whenever the Commission is of opinion that any carrier by other mas 1; camarailread subject to this Act is for any reason unable to transport the ‘&';?§’lf’ ‘° "“‘"° traffic offered it so as prodperly to serve the public, it may upon the same procedure as provided ln paragraph (15), ¤1{1k6 Sucll j¤Sl> and reasonable directions with respect to the handling, rout1ng, and movement of the traffic of such carrier and its distribution over other lines of roads, as in the opinion of the Commission will best promote the service in the interest of the public and the commerce of the people, and upon such terms as between the carriers as they_ may "`°'*"·*· agree upon, or, in the event of their disagreement, as the Commission may after subsequent hearing find to be just and reasonable. ‘ (17) The directions of the Commission as to car service and to nfm_’°°“°l°°·* °’ ‘“’°°· the matters referred to in paragraphs (15) and (16) may be made ‘ through and by such agents or agencies as the Commission shall designate and appoint for that It shall be the duty of all d.°;,°{·'Q§.“,§",£;_° mh °" carriers by railroad subject to t 's Act, and of their officers, agents, and employees, to obey strictly and conform promptly to such orders or directions of the Commission, and in case of failure or refusal on the part of any carrier, receiver or operating trustee to comply with any such order or direction such carrier, receiver, or trustee shall be _,;’•¤·l*¥ M *•*¤¤•l· lia le to a penalty of not less than $1001101* more than $500 for each ' such offense and $50 for each and every day of the continuance of such offense, which shall accrue to the United States and may be recovered in a civil action brought b the United States: Provided, §°{,°§:'§;,¤,,,,,, W, however, That nothing in this Act shall impair or affect the right of a i¤‘ °¤@*¤*,¤b¤=*¤¤¤·¤°* State, in the exercise of its pohce power, to require just and reuonable freight and passenger service_for intrastate business, except in so far as such requirement is mconsistent with any lawful order of the Commissgexp ugqde under; th; prosrxfsionshpsf this Act. as mm md ‘ 18 ter nine ays ter t aragra h act no car- . _ ,, ,,,,_ rier by raih·oad sutjlct to this Act shlill undgrtake the extension of mm M, its line of railroad, or the construction of a new line of railroad, or shall acquire or operate any line of railroad, or extension thereof, or shall engage in transportation under this Act over or by means of such additional or extended line of railroad, unles and until there mmm 0, M65 shall lirst have been obtained from the Commission a certificate that say, ae., from cmthe present or future public convenience and necessity or will “““‘°“ “’°‘“'°"· require the construction, or o tion, or construction an operation, of such additional or extendeglliwne of railroad, and no carrier by rail- Abmdmmt M road subject to this Act shall abandon all or ang portion of a lme mmeaa ' of railroad, or the operation thereof, unless an until there shall first have been obtained from the Commission a certificate that the