Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/507

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486 SIXTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 91. 1920. m¤S’°”'*"°* *°’· conjunction and under accommon management or control therewith, E‘°°P“°“· l which lies between the termini of such prpppged through route, unless puch inclusion of wopslhdx make thi} thrughglroute unrlpiszsionallig co paredwi 0 act: utew co §yg‘*°;m, through o(i.Iliir,i$iser§e·estabhshedai1Pr00i¢£!d, Thcdt iii time otdliiortage of e&iproucebimesmdes. ment, congestion traffic, or other emergency by the m· ‘““‘°'”°°‘ mission it may (either upon complaint or upon itszown mitiative without complaint, at once, if it so orders without answer or_ other formalpleaglmgs by theantuested carrier or camera, and mthl or without notice, hearmg, or the making or iilm§§·a report, as the may determine) estab · temporgy suths thronghrroutesoas m its opinion are necemary or des1ra` m. publicinterest. . · ·· i ~u - : ';f,"'{’°°°" ““°‘*’°" "(5) ation wholly by railroad of . livestock in méggrgglg ¤;g1¢*1g;_¤l__j·§ ear~load lots tined to or. received at public stockyar shall include Ella all necess service of unloading and reloading en route, deliveryvat public stxmardsvof inbound shipments into suitable pens,$nud»reoeipt and loading at such yards of outboumd shipments, withoutextra charge therefor to the shrgpper, consignee or owner, except irrcases wherethe or oading en routeis attha request of the shipper, consignee or owner,-or to try an intermediate_market, or to $”.}’¤.‘T.‘${..2$‘“§°t‘§?“.‘3..i"i-‘i.‘$1.‘$“.1°%i’; nih °°‘““"“"°...i.“ mil ..M""* _ e _ _ a es ermng Y · ri¤¤i¤¤<>¤· excepted services. Nothing m this paragraphcsyhall be construed to affect the dutiw and liabilities of the carriers now existing by virtue sit: a:.*;**.2*¢,e&“° emu E2 ***2: °.$.·“¤*.·r “:rm.‘z c Ofllling ce as pmen o er an ose from bli tocky ds. mpévign tgfbehfnt in-f‘_(6) 'glgiencxer, full hearing upon complaint or upon its own meta nitnsg J3! initiative, the Oommssron is of opinion that the divisions of joint ·l““· P“"‘·'°“‘““· "‘°· rates, fag, or charges;v;a»1pp{)1‘;:ab1e totthe transporltiition of pasieingers or rop y are or unjus unreasona ine mta phndpuly preiferplntnal or prejudiclial ashbetween thi; cari‘·i(;rshp»;1iti(; ereto w et ei-_ upon y suc carriers t o otherwise established), the Qommission shallilgjli burger prgiiibg the jlpst, reasonable, and eguitable divisions thereof to be received bg the several carriers, an m cases where the joint rate, fare, or c arge was established pursuant to a finding or order of the Commission and the divisions thereof are found by it to have been unjust, unreasonable, or mequitable, or unduly preferential or prejudicial the Commission mgiualso bi order determine what (for the period subsequent to the g of the com laint or petition or the making of the order of investigation) would) have been the just, reasonable, mmmmuom {0 r and equitable divisions thereof to be received by the several carriers, ammmagaivnam. and reqmrp adjustlllcnt t0_be made in accordance therewith. In so prescribing and determimunlg the divisions of joint rates, fares and

 C0c§1nJss¤on sph givin! pipe consideration, agifiiong other

gs, e cieucy wi w c e earners concern are operated the amount of revenue required to pay their res ectiv t- ing dxpenses, taxes, and a fair return on their ra.ilwa;prop§rg*)(iigd for and in the service of transportation, and the importance to the public of the transportationservices of such carriers; and also whether any particular participating carrier is an originating, intermediate, or delivering hue, and any other fact or circumstance which would ordinarily, without regard to the mileage haul, entitle one carrier to a greater or ess proportion than another carrier of the joint rate fare or charge. ti(§;pvep:;tQ1,c1assifi0a- Sclggiggl the 0O iOn any OIDEIS 0 . . C I rm , dg ll1 V1 u _ or joint rate, fare, or charge, 0;- termme lzwfulues; or. any new mdivi ual 0I' joint classification, 0I' any new mdividual or joint regulation or practice affecting any rate, fare, or charge, the