SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 91. 1920. 497 negotiation, hypothecation, or sale_ of any securities issued or to be “*¤¤’°”m°N A"- issued by such carrier, or_to share in any of the proceeds thereof, or to participate in the making or paying of any d1vidends of an operating carrier from any funds properly mcludedin capital account. Any violation of these provisions shall be a misdemeanor, and on h}l?,g*j§“m°¤*‘°’ Vw conviction in any United States court having jurisdiction hall be unished by a Ene of not less than $1,000 nor more than 310,000, or gy imprisonment for not less than one year nor more than three years,,or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. ’ Sec. 440. Section 24 of the Interstate Commerce Act is hereby °dv¤1.4o,p-27¤.¤me¤¤- amended to read as follows: ' “Sec. 24. That the Commission is hereby enlarged so as to consist m§S*gg',}’g§,i*,;§¥£;g’,{_°°m‘ of eleven members, with terms of seven years, and each shall receive ss1¤r1e¤imeas¤e. $12 000 compensation annually. Thgaiiualifications of the members and] the manner of ayment o their aries shall be as already provided by law. Such enlargement of the Commission shall be accom- Appcgrment ¤r¤ew plished through a pointment by the President by and with the ad- mm ° ' vice and consent olf the Senate, of two additional Interstate Commerce Commissioners, one for a term expiring December 31, 1923, and one _ for a term expiring December 31, 1924. The terms of the present E‘P*'°“°“ °‘*°"mS· commissioners, or of any successor gpgpinted to ill a vacancy caused by the death or resignation of any o elpresent commissioners, shall expire as heretofore provided bylaw. heir successors and the suc- SB§;'n°°g‘;§ ‘° s°"'° cessors of the additional commissioners herein provided for shall be appointed for the full term of seven years, except that any person appointed to 511 a vacancy shall be appointed, only for the unexpired term of the commissioner whom he all succeed. Not more than P°“"°°‘“°’°°“°"· six co oners shall be appointed from the same political party. P I t , §7ere):Bfter thensalary of the secretary of the Commission shall be cmiia? mm my m` ,5 a year. ‘ Sec. 441. The Interstate Commerce Act is hereby further amended °dl’°‘·‘°·P·’"»°“‘°““‘ by adding at the end thereof three new sections, to read as follows: Newsecmns. "Sec. 25 (1) That every common carrier b water in foreign com- resign shipment;. merce, whose vessels are registered under the laws of the United m£§`li’.'Z3i.TsSvE?s§£r§ States, shall file with the Commission, within thirty days after this *°¤*°¤·°°°··°"°Y°¤°’· section becomes effective and regularly thereafter as changes are made, a schedule or schedules showing for each of its steam vessels intended to load general cargo at ports in the United States for foreign destinations (a) the ports of loading, (b) the dates upon whic such vessels will commence to receive frzispt and dates of sailing, (c) the route and itinerary such vowels follow and the ports of call for which cargo will be carried. " (2) Upon application of any shipper a carrier by railroad shall ,mg,'•§h§°'§,§’g }';*°;,§,‘Z make request for, and the carrier by water shall upon receipt of such posed smpmem. request name, a specific rate appl g for such saihng, and upon such commodity as shall be embracedyx the inquiry, and shall name in connection with such rate, port charges, if any, which accrue in addition to the vessel’s rates and are not otherwise published ly the railway as m addition to or absorbed in the railway rate. esscl rates, if conditioned upon quantit of shi ment, must be so stated
separate rates may be provider; for carlhad and less than carload
shipments. The carrier by water, upon advices from a earner bY u,{‘§,§$,'§°,.2€§’,Z{,es§,’“t§}? Bd, $l`·8;l7U1g that the quoted rate is Hrmly accepted as applying by ¤¤¤¤¤*·*· upon a specifically named uantity of any commodity, shall, subyect to such conditions as the Commission by regulation may prescribe, make firm reservation from unsold space in such steam vessel as Shall !'03U.1red for its transportation and shall so advise the ¤¢}1'l'161‘ by railroa , 111 which advices shall be included the latest available information as to prospective sailing date of such vessel.