Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/613

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592 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 172. 1920. maintenance and operation of passenger motor vehiclw, and reasonable burial expenses (not exceeding $100 for any patient dying in hospital), $7,666,187.14. ‘ · A P“"“° "““‘““°’· rmsmo nmmmos. ‘;Y.‘,§“,L'¥c'j,”@,°§$,;,,,,, Relief of Contractors: For an additional amount for the payment pkg? WM ¤<>¤¤1¤¤¤ of claims of contractors, and so forth, arising imder the Act entitled Ante,p.281. “A.n Act for the relief of contractors and subcontractors for the ost . . . . P "”"’»*’·‘°‘· offices and other buildmgs and work under the supervision of the Treasury Department, and for other pu.rposes," approved August 25, 1919, as amended, $500,000. ‘ mZ§’€? °’”°° ”°"““’ rosr orrxon DEPARTMENT. i¤g;;`7i¤•a¤- i Tim. For reimbursement of the Government Printing Office for the cost mugiiigecgd-S$,b.`dZ of furnishing steam for heating and electric current for lighting and power to the Post Office Department building at Massachusetts Avenue and North Capitol Street, District of Co umbia, $7,500. "°“‘°‘”°"‘°°· POSTAL snnvioa. Our or run POSTAL Rnvnmms. P G%s::i’ad1ll: ormcm or rouam Assrsrazrr rosmssrnn ommnar. su l' For stationery for the _Postal Service, including the same objects specified under this head m the Post Office Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1920, $50,000. L,?,§,?°"'“°“’ °‘ DEPAR.TMEN"l‘ OF LABOR. ,,,§f’“““g C°"¥‘°’°‘ Uxrrnn srams noosmo conronarion. {EY ’"“"°“t ”°°°l’ Washington, District of Columbia, Government hotel for Govern- °P°"°“°¤·°*°· ment wor ers: For maintenance, o eration, and management of the hotel and restaurant therein, including personal services, $275,000. ‘°"“‘“""" Lnorsmzrivn. Smatc. snnyrm.

  • {}i'§1t5£}il}§,'§Fh”d‘ To pay Tallulah J. Bankhead, widow of Hon. John H. Bankhead,

Q t E d late a Senator from the State of Alabama, $7,500. r.g,§'},‘}.`Lt,, °° _For repairs, 1mprovements,_e¢}11ipment, and supplies for Senate R°P“”·°*°· kitchens and restaurants, Cap1to Building and Senate Office Buildings, including personal and other services, to be expended by the Superintendent of the Capitol Building and Grounds, under the supervision of the Committee on Ru es, United States Senate, $16,990.95. atggy °'R°P’°*°°'* uousa or Bnransnxrarivns. Wmem J- B*°“¤· To ay the widow of William J. Browning, late R r t f imiiaytc widow. from the State of New Jersey, $7,500. 8 BP gsm a we “°'“‘“° ‘°“’d°"· soumc caiumw. B°¥‘“*”·°‘°· · Fongeneral repairs to buildings, heating apparatus, and so forth, including the same 0b]ects slpecified under this head in the Sundry Civil Appropriatmn Act for the fiscal year 1920, $100.