Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/65

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44 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 6. 1919. A¤¤i*¤{f¤* Wu Da orrron OF Avnrron Fore wan nmranmmm. .,$°dm°”" ml"' The unexpended balance on June 30, 1919, of the appropriation of W'- *°·1>-“°*· $100,000 for additional employees, contained in_ the "Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1919," is reappropriated for the Hscal year 1920. T"’“"‘°'°’°“°°· orrrcn or run rnnasvamz. N°"°"‘l`”'"°"°" National currency (reimbursable): For the following employees from July 1, 1919, to June 30, 1920, inclusive, at annual rates of compensation as follows: ¤,,'{,°',}?·°‘°‘·'°"°“‘*" Assistant tellers—One $2,200, one $2,000; clerks—four of class four, four of class three, four of class two; expert c0unters—twenty at $1,100 each, thirty at $900 each; three messengers at $840 each; messenger boy, $480; in all, $75,400. °"“‘°"¥"°"‘°°· onerous smzvrom. _

 nm. For reimbursement of certain customs laborers at the port of New

•¤- York for expenses for meals and car fares at unusual hours, incurred in connection with the emergency guarding of German and Austrian vessels, piers, and the appraisers warehouse, during the period from February to August, 1917, inclusive, $910.15. I“‘”’““°'°““‘* mrmznsr. BEYENUE. ¤,*§§‘“"°i“‘ °°"“` To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to refxmd money covered V¤L as P- We into the Treasury as internal-revenue collections under the provisions of the Act approved May 27, 1908, $50,000. p.f.§§§.°"°g ud mmnau or mrenavme arm rsmrme. s¤1§ii1$Z°¤5°fv°ih¤ii¤tSif¤-r The limitation in the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act for the fiscal "‘j%§,°2‘p_;,w_ year 1919 as to the number 0 delivered sheets of United States currency, national-bank notes, and Federal reserve currency to be executed is increased from 123,000,000 to 129,000,000, of opium $3}; Q $@,8; orders and special tax stamps required under the Act of December 17, 1914, from 687,300 to 725,000, and of checks, drafts, and miscella- Smm neous work from 5,052,800 to 14,452,800. ` For salaries of all necessary employees other than plate printers and plate printers assistants, including the same objects specified under this cad in the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act for the fiscal Ma I, M year 1919, $160,000. For engravers’ and printers’ materials and other materials except distinctive paper, miscellaneous expenses, including paper for internalrevenue stamps, and for purchase, maintenance, and driving of necessary motor—propelled and horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicles, when in writing ordered by the Secretary of the Treasury, , $100,000, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Covntimied use of TrB8'Surg' . Hover presse, acc., The ecretaiy of the Treasury is hereby authorized, during the g.§‘,,",§‘f """“‘“° °‘““" emergency Eowing out of the war with German_:, to have all bonds, §0L·,§,’b?,g,?°£mmd_ notes, chec , or other jginted psgpers now or ereafter authorized ¤•r ’ to be executed by the ureau o Engraving and Printing of the Treasury Department printed in such manner and by whatever plate—printing process and on any style of plate- rinting presses that he may consider suitable for the issue of such securities and US, of ma ,,,0,, other papers in the form that will properly safeguard the interests °“°°“ of the Government, and that such presses as are used in printing from intaglio plates shall be operated by plate printers except on