Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/684

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 214. 1920. 663 Tem orar office buildings: For employees for the maintenance D `c*°" ¥°mP° and rgtectibrn of the temporary office bgildyings known as War Trkde {mw: bundmgl Builging, between B and C Streets and Twentieth and Twenty-first Streets northwest; Food Administration Buildin§Number 1, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth Streets and C and Streets northwest; Food Administration Building Number 2, between New York Avenue and D Street and Nineteenth and Twentieth Streets northwest; Council of National Defense Buildin , on Eighteenth Stmet between C and D Streets northwest; Fuel Adimi tration Numbers 1 and 2, bounded by Virginia Avenue, Eighteenth an C Streets northwest; Fuel Administration Building Number 3, on D Street, between Twentieth and Twenty—5rst Streets northwest; H. L. Pettus Building, on Nineteenth Street, between Virginia Avenue and D Street northwest; Archie Butt Building, seventeen hundred and twenty-five New York Avenue northwest; and Corcoran Courts Building, on New York Avenue, between Seventeenth and Eighteenth Streets northwest: Assistant superintendent, $2,000; principal clerk, OP°¤*°i¤g‘°’°°· $2,000; clerks——one of class three one of class two, three of class one; two messengers at $840 each; chief electrician, $1,600; electricians—one $1,400, four at $1,200 each; foreman carpenter, $1,600; carpenters——ono $1,400, five at $1,200 each; plumbers-one $1,400, three at $1,200 each; steam fitter, $1,400; pamters—three at $1,200 each, one $1,000; eight @eral mechanics at $1,000 each; assistant engineers——one $1 400, t at $1,200 each; eighteen firemen at $840 each; eleven coal, passers at $720 each; guards—captain $1,600, three lieutenants at $1,080 each, twelve sergsants at $900 each, one · hundred and twenty privates, at $780 eac ; iire marshal, $1,200; foreman of laborers, $1,000; two assistant foremen of laborers, at $840 each; seven foremen or forewomen, at $720 each; sixty laborers; six female laborers, at $480 each; laborers and charwomen, $60,000; in all, $296,760. 0 For fuel, liglhts, repairs, gronmd rent, miscellaneous items, city p°”°°°‘ °xp°"S°“‘ directories, an {printing, $150,000. B d I Where any o the buildrngs named herein have been erected on ,ml”:;,{°°° °” °”°° private land and the consent of the owners can not be obtained to a ,_,*},,•f,‘f"' " '°"°"" continuance of the leases thereon or the occupancg thereof by the United States, the commission in chagge of the tate, War, and Navy Department buildings is authoriz to remove such buildings, upon a proval of the President, either by sale or otherwhe, as may be to tlge best interests of the United States. NAVY DEPARTMENT. ""’ ”*’°’“"°“'· Orman or THE SEcraETARY:_ Secretary of the Navy, $12,000; ¤1g·i$3cr?' AM°°°°’ Assistant Secretary, $5,000; chief clerk, $3,000; private secretary to Secretary, $2,500; clerk to Secretary $2,250; private secretary to Assistant Secretary, $2,400 ;_ clerk to Assistant tary, $2,000; disbursing clerk, $2,250; appomtment clerk, $2,250· printing clerk, $2,000; stenogralphers———one $1,800, one $1,200; clerlcs——one of class four, three o c ass three, five of class two, five of class one, one $1,100, six at $1,000 each, one $900; carpenter, $1,000; four messengers; four assistant messengers; three laborers; messenger boys— four at $600 each, two at $480 each; in all, $78,830. ,,.,,,,,,m,y ,,,,,,,0, For tempora.1; employees in the office of the Secretary of the ees. Navy, $56,600: r _ , That no person shall be employed herenmder f§'§"{Z'L&¤ce¤¤. at a rate of compensation m excess of $1,800 per annum except the P°"·P· ‘°”· following: One at $4,000, one at $3,000, two at $2,400 each, and two at $2,000 each. S°,,,__,m,, 0,,,,, OFFICE or Sonrcrroaz Solicitor, $4,000; law clerks·—one $2,500, one $2,400, one $2,250, two at $2,000 each; clerks——one of class