704 SIXTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 217. 1920. §0‘§§§g,gEg¤}j;,&,,_ For investigkiiting, in cooperation with States or privately owned amicus of Amenqap nurseries, met ods of pro agatin fruit trees, ornamental and other ?$’§”§:°:t°§fS°°°ks’°““` plants, the study of stodirs used in propagating such plants and methods of stocks, for ghe purpose of providing American ` sources o stoc s, cuttings, or other ropagating materia s, $20,000; Arlinewn. V8·, ex- For continuing the necessary im rolirements to establish and main- °°iiiii?1°?i»i°irs!.ff tain a general experiment farm andpagricultural station on the Arlington estate, in the State of Virginia, in accordance with the provigggxgsv sions of the Act of Congress app-lroved April 18, 1900, $20,500: Pro- An.te,p.701. vided, That the himtations in t s Act as to the cost of farm b1uld— ing? shall not apply to this paragraph; _ _ plfggggmygmmd or investigations m foreign seed_and plant introduction, including the study, co ection, purchase, testmg, propagation, and distribution of rare and valuable seeds, bulbs trees, shru s, vines, cuttings, and plants from foreign countries and from o1u· possessions, and for experiments with reference to their introduction and cultivation in this country, $92,700; ,m§§;'cgggSfg{g_¤*d¤» For the purchase, propagation, testing, and distribution of new and rare seeds; for the mvestigation and improvement of grasses, alfalfa, clqver, apd otzher fpragp crglpsglmcéudgngtthe iizlvgstigatgion the ptiliza ion o cac 1 an 0 er · an an s; an 0 con uc inves 1 a- ww ¤`°°*°°°i°¤- tions to determine the most eifectiiie methods of eradicating wee§ls, {,’g;°c§ggée and amt, $130,000: Provided, That of this amount not to exceed $56,600 may bugion, _ be used for the purchase and distribution of such new and rare seeds; ,,.,,,,%m""°_ °°"" °" For general administrative expenses comiected with the abovementioned lines of investi ation, including the office of the chief of bureau, the assistant chief; of bureau, the officers in cha e of publications, reviiords, §upplies,2and property, and for miscellfaneous excuses inci ent t_ ereto, $ 5,980; P In all, for general expenses, $2,247,678.
mq ,0, Punci-msn ANI! D1sramU*r1oN or VALIIABLE SEEDS! For purchase,
gpnzressemi usmbu- pmppgation, testing, and congressional distribution of valua le seeds, ‘°°` ul , trees, shrubs, vines, cuttings, and plants; all necessary office fixtures and supplies, fuel, transportation, paper, twine, m, postal cards, gas, electric current, rent outside of the District of-uColumbia, official traveling expenses, and all necessary material and repairs for putting up an distributing the same; for repairs and the em loy- qeeds etc ada wd ment of local and_ special agents, clerks, assistants, and other l)abor mimi{ees." P required, in the city of Washington and elsewhere, $239,416. And the Secretary of Agriculture is ereby directed to expend the said sum, as nearly as practicable, in the purchase, testing, and distribution of such valuable seeds, bulbs, shrubs, vines, cuttings, and lants, the best he can obtain at public or private sale, and such as shall be suitable for the res ective liicalities to which the same are to be apportioned, and in whidh same are to be distributed as hereinafter stated, and such seeds so purchased shall include a variet of vegetable and _ flower seeds suitable for planting and culture in the various sections Qfgfgglfis ,0,, PML of the United States: Provided, That the Secretary of Agriculture, ¤¤#,¤¤»»i¤¤z.¤¢¤- after due advertisement and on com etitive bids, is authorized to award the contract for the supplying oi)printed packets and envelopes and the packeting, assembling, and mailing of the seeds, bulbs, shrubs. vines, cuttings, and plants, or any part thereof, for a period of not more than five years nor less than one year, if by such action he can fonrressionnl an- best protect the interests of the United States. An equal proportion ’“*"‘“"'·‘· og fgre-sixthshof all seeds, lgulbshshrubsiiivines, cuttings,Sand plants, s a u on their request, a ter ue nof cation b the ecreta ot Agriculliure, that the allotment to their respectivgi districts is rigid); for distribution, be supplied to Senators, Representatives, and Deleates in Congress for distribution among their constituents, or mailed by the department upon the receipt of their addressed {ranks, in