Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/73

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52 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 6. 1919. D*=*'=’*°*°*‘°°’¤°>’='· UFpg·d?lariesdpf United States déistlrict agplrneys and experaseg of ni tates `strict attorne an their re ar assistants, mc u ing the same objects slpeciiied und; this head in the Sundry Civil Appro- Clmm priation Act for the fiscal year 1919, $45,000. Commssmm Bm For fees of clerks, $50,000. _ _ _ R.s.,¤¤c.1<>14,i>.u»¤. For fees of United States commissioners and {justices of the peace acting under section 1014, Revised Statutes o the United States, $120,000. J‘"°”‘ For fees of j·`ll1’01'S, $50,000. W For fees of jurors, fiscal gear 1918, $2,602.25. n.“§l?;$lsw,p.1m. For fees of witnm an tier pg?1%nt_ofdt§p tacttual feixlpepjsesupg witnesses, as provi y sec ion evise a u es o e m I 1 mg States, $50,000. , ’ For amount required during the fiscal gear 1919 to meet the increased cost of envelopes in accordance wit the adjustment made by vox. io, p. vm. the Postmaster General under section 4 of the Post Office Appropriati,11 Act, approved July 2, 1918, $4,000. _ m¤<=¢¤¤¤°°¤S· For such miscellaneous expenses as may be authorized lg the Attorney General, for the United States courts and their officers, ingpdiiliglsp muclilas may be negp1ssaDry tpe ;l1§i:ref{r;>n$<:;f5tl)1(¢;0Attomey ., ,,- _ ne orsuc expensesm e smc 0 as , . 1£¤glt:¤‘l‘:*d*§? Km- Leaaenworth, %n§.as,‘]§’eniit1<::1;1;$iaryi:f Fo1i1subsistei1ce, includlieng the same o 'ects spec` e III! er thea ort e penitenti at avenworth, Kansas, in the Sundry Civil Appropriation Actrllnr the fiscal year 1919, @80,000; _ _ _ _ For clothing, transportation, and traveling expenses, including the same ob§ects specific under this head for the penitentiaiy at Leavenworth, ansas, in the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act or the fiscal year 1919, $15,000; _ _ _ _ _ For miscellaneous expenditures, mcludmgjtlhe same objects speci- Hed under this head for the penitentiary at avenworth, Kansas, in the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1919, $55,000· uF<;1i1hosp.i3talsuij>pli:ei1s, medicingsé megdicaltanfd suligical supplieshaind a o er a 1C es or e care an rea men 0 sic prisoners; an or expense? off intiegmgptalof Bdecpgigd spgiggigers on the penitentiary reserva ion or e c ar . . In all, Leavenworth, Kyansas, Peiiitentiary, $150,76028. ·*¤¤¤*¤· G•· bAt1anta, G§o(1ig1a,dPem1tien1t1a1;§* Fo; subsistence , mcluldiepg the same o jects s ci e un er t s ea or the penitentia at avenworth Kansas, if the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1919; $45,000* For clothing, transportation, and traveling expenses, including the same obgacts specific under this head for the penitentiaily at Leavenworth, ansas, in the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act or the fiscal year l91_9, $32,500; · · _ _ For miscellaneous expenditures, mcluding the same ol§ects specified under this head for the penitentiary at Leavenworth, ansas, in the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1919, $30,000; thiF¢ir h(¢§pitx31suppl§es,tincludtinIg€ the sarpglogects specgiledsung s ea or e pcm en 18 a avenwo , ansas, 1Il e un Civil Alppropriation Act foiiythe fiscal year 1919, $1,000; In a , At anta, Georgia, Penitentiary, $108,500. w;gF°“ I¤*¤¤d· _ McNeil Island, Washington, Penitentiary: For subsistence, includ- Eicg the sarlntglogects specigpdéindéar tlxérsriliegd for the penigzntgary at avenwo , ansas, m e un ry 1 ro mat t th fiscal year 1919, $13,000; _ _ PP P mn C Or G For clothing, transdportation, and traveling expenses, including the same obléects spepiiie under this head for the penitentiar at Leavenworth, ansas, in the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act ilbr the fiscal year 1919, $3,000;