Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/768

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SIXTY-SIXTH coNGnEss. sm. II. oe. 223. 1920. 747 Expenses, United States agency: Necessary and contingent expenses, $300; In all, $4,250. PEACE PALACE AT THE HAGUE. For the pa ent of the contribution on the part of the United Hg? Pam ¤*'“*° States towarcirltlhe expenses of the Palace of Peace at The Hague, ° $1,045.25, or so much thereof as may be necessary. INTERNATIONAL RADIOTELEGRAPHIC CONVENTION. For the share of the United States for the calendar year 1921, as mL¤g*g;,*gg°m;0?§;; a party to the international radiotelegraphic conventions heretofore mm. signed, of the expenses of the radiote egraphic service of the Inter- V°1‘37’ p" 156** national Bureau of the Telegraphic Union at Berne, Switzerland, $2,250. UNITED STATES SECTION or THE INTE1:—AmE1zIcAN men COMMISSION. To defray the actual and necessary expenses on the art of the C},§$,§¢A}‘,},§f"’°“H‘€“ United States section of the Inter-American High Ciimmission, {Unix Smes swarising in such work and investigations as ma be a proved by the l°i?,p.s. Secretary of the Treasury, $25,000, to be expendyed under the direction of the Secretary of State. wATEIzwAYs TREATY, UNITED STATES AND GREAT` BRITAIN: INTER- NAT1oNAL JOINT COMMISSION, UNITED STATES AND GREAT BRITAIN. For salaries and expenses, including salaries of commissioners and wiiiggdxiilniliiigiiiiiy salaries of clerks and other employees appointed by the commissioners V°‘· 3°· *’· 2***** on the part of the United States, with the approval solely of the Secretary of State, including rental of offices at Washington, District of Columbia, expense of prmting, and necessary traveling expenses, and for one-half of all reasonable and necessary joint expenses of the International Joint Commission incurred under the terms of the treaty between the United States and Great Britain concerning the use of boundary waters between the United States and Canada and for other purposes, signed January 11, 1909, $40,000, to,be disbursed under the direction of the Secretary of State: Provided, That no part of this §°,{$,'?,§§é,,.,,, wm appropriation shall be expended for subsistence of the commission or g*>¤¢¤¤ fmm W¤¤*¤i¤S· seeretaréy, except for actual and necessary expenses, not in excess of °¤' $8 per ay eac , when absent from Washington and from his regular place of residence on official business. For payment of services rendered and expenses incurred under the P'°’°’““°" °“’“°“‘ direction of the Secretary of State in the examination and reparation of cases involvin the obstruction, diversion, and use of all boundary waters and all other questions or matters of difference covered bg the treaty of January 11,_ 1909, between the United States and reat Britain, and in appearing before and representing the interests of the United States in a 1 matters or investigations before the International Joint Commission created by said treaty, $6,000. THIRD PAN AMERICAN SCIEN’I'II·`IC CONGRESS. To meet the actual and necessary expenses of the delegates of the mii,”5$i.l2§Z;$°°s°’°°` United States to the Third Pan American Scientific Con ess, to be B§,g’$,‘§,i§·‘g,‘;§SU“‘”d held at the city of Lima, Peru, in the year 1921, and of tgleir clerical ` agséstsince, $25,000, to be expended in the discretion of the Secretary o ta e.