Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/773

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752 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sm. 11. ce. 224. 1920. the Crow Reservation, and thereafter all members enrolled for allotmeplii hereundqr shall in allllrespects bedentitlpld to equal rights ang prfeges as araspossi e mregar totetime,manner,an · i?i°¤Zi°€§ ui me to amount df their respective selections: Promkled, That Crow Indians "°"'P°‘°“‘¥“‘*‘““‘· who are found to be competent mgly elect, in writing, to have their allotments, except as herein_ provid élpatented to them fee. OtheriH9¤¤·¤~s¢¤==¤ r¤¤¢ri¤- wise trust patents shall be issued to em. No patent 111 fee shall be t°“°‘ issued for omestead lands of a husband unless the wife joins in the application, who shall be examined separately and apxrt from her husband and a certificate of the officer taking her ac owledgment C W 6 b m_ shall fully set forth compliance with this requirement. nal? ¢.l°i§g¤ lime- Sec._2. No conveyance of land by any Crow Indian shall be °"“°”’°“"“°‘* authorized or approved by the Secretary 0 the Interior to anog person, company, or_ corporation who owns at least SIX hundr _ and $.2.1*.*.1 "J{‘§m.° ·§Q‘?.`L1f“T.§it§§¤°?§e‘*§2E.?e“2€ £2‘1‘Z..3$£°‘h°i‘£ *%}.*3 e Indian Reservation, nor to any lperson who, with the land to be acquired by such convegrance, wo d become the owner of more than ope thogsand tlivo hun eg and grighty acpes of agqic11(llturalh1q;· eng thousand nine undred an twen acres o azin an wit sai €¤¤°°>’¤¤°° wid- reservation. Any conveyance by any sugi Indian made either directly or indirectly to any such person, compan , or corporation of Y any land within said reservation as the same now exists, whether ce§¤“§§h”‘°"t ‘°' °°' he d by trust patent or by patent in fee shall be void and the grantee accepting the same shall e guilty of a misdemeanor and be punished by a fine of not more than $5,000_or imprisonment not more than six mum um d al months or b both such fine and imprisonment. 1eep»¤¤.°“ °° The classigcation of the lands of such reservation for the purpose "’*· 3“· P- *5**- of allotment and the allotment thereof shall be made as grovided in the Act of Congress approved June 25, 1910 (Thirty-sixth tatutes at La1§e,_page 859), which classification with any heretofore made by authority of law as to lands heretofore allotted shall be conclusive, for com lm r Us O, the purposes of this section, as to the character- of the land involved. nate ieee pépmi. Sec. 3. That the Secretary of the Interior shall, as speedily as

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e o 1 w o un o ecem er , 5)1O.*.2a0a1nd before th? phage of Aca; also, a c<&>?fte rotl; ofi the o o e ow ewosixmon ter e ate hereof are living and are heads of families but have not received full

 such;_ also, az hcgoilpifpletph roll of themgatllhgstgd melxsibers

o e ivmgsixmon ter ea rov ctw oare m§f]g*;;,fs_°¤¤' ¤“°*· entitled to allotments. Such rolls whenlixiimpletgd shall be deemed

gnlal pigotrxzieggis  of th§fC;·1qw ’IL1;pp, 038 which allotmentéoé all

ri an an u ion tr' t° t t €°¤*°¤°¤· shall be made. The rolls shall show the Enl%%1ish,e§:viiI1llga.dttlle"1Indi:’.n° name of the allottee; the age, if living; the sex, whether declared competent or mcompefent; the description or descriptions of the C P! t_ pllpgarments; and any other fac; lliyutlhe Secrefaary of the °’“ ° “’“· n ior necessary or proper. ai ro s e comp eted within one year_after the approval of this Act, and allotments shall be comp%e:§; Kitgnn one year and six months from the date of the approval o c . ,,,,§§*;;g‘{gg‘,f'},§,‘}’i,{’;?$ ’° Sec. 4. That any names found to be on the tribal rolls fraudulentl , may, at any time within one year from the passage of this Act, Elle stricken therefrom by the Commissioner of Indian AH`airs, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, after giving ell parties in interest a full opportunity to be heard m ard thereto· and an ,,,0,,,,0 allotment made to such fraudulent allottee slli$ be canceled and shall _rmeei¤¤ of nga then be subject to dmposltion under the revision of this Act; Pro- "g°°’* vided, That nothing harem contained sh& be construed to deprive