Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/843

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822 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. SEss. II. Ch. 228. 1920. €¤““€·*“·I· NAVAL STATION, CAVITE, PnILn>rmE ISLANDS: Fuel-oil storage, $25 000. ieiiZI$if£°triii.ii¤g. The Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to construct a `_ hospital building at Olon a o, Philippine Islands, at a cost not i~J;§Z§3°`pr0r·aas or exceeding $75,000: Prormkleei That the roceeds derived from the sale V S· S- "R°P°$°·" of the U. S. S. Repose are hereby mad}; available, in an amount not wml mm to exceed $75,000, for the construction of said building. _ i»a§T»“a’La,wV’ssh. T l\ll;]Av'iAL $1éI§(gg6INE, PUGET SOUND, WASHINGTON! Magazme for w_§;j{·"* H*'°°'· H“‘ NAVAIS AMMUNr1·IoN DEPOT, PEARI: HARBOR, HAwA1I: Shell house, G L k Tr,. _ $70,000; roads and walks, $10,000; in all, $80,000. agsiihad °S “m NAVAL TRAWING STATION, GREAT LAKES, ILLINoIs, nurnnmes: Toward shore protection and harbor development, to continue, $500 000. F“°1d°p°ts' Diiirors Fon COAL! For depots for coal and other fuel: Contingent, $50,000; care and custody of naval petroleum reserves, $10,000; water system at Yorktown, Virginia, $25,000; in all, $85,000. v5“”*`*°“ R°°ds' NAVAL OPERATING BASE, HAMI··r0N RoADs, VIRGINIA: Hot water m§;;‘g*}*"°S° “”P'°"°‘ returns to boiler house, $100,000; additional railroad track, $25,000; comfort stations, $36,000; sanitation, $10,000, which sum is hereby made immediately available for the control of malaria and mosquito Uxmouq Va., h0S_ breeding; in all, $171,000. i plan. NAVAL HOSPITAL, N oEFoLK, VIRGIN'IA. Purchase of land for spur _ track, $450. h0’;;,§‘§§§°’P”‘“· PM NAVAL HOSPITAL, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA: Operating San})iego,Ca1i!. p8'V]hOn’ $30’000° _ name Corps base. NIARINE BARRACKS, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA. Toward the further Fuel de Ot development of the Marine Corps base, $500,000. _ P NAVAL FUEL DEPOT, SAN DIEGO, CALIFo1zNIA: Increase capacity of marine railway to two thousand five hundred tons and transfer of same to naval station site on San Diego Bay, California, and to provide additional shore facilities at said station, $750,000; toward the construction of a storehouse and fleet landing at the foot of Broadway, YWLOMOH com San Diego, California, $400,000; in all, $1,150,000. submarine taé. ’ SIIBMARINE BASE,·NEW LoNDoN, CONNECTICUTZ Toward the commumm River pletion of a submarine base, at New London, Connecticut, $50,000. om., submarine and SUEMARINE AND DESTRQYEE BASE, COLUMBIA RIVER: Toward the

  • =j;Q]?;,f,Qgg°;,,,_m,,s deve1o;i\ment_of a submarine and destroyer base, and the Secretary

rr¤m-¤¤¤rn.f¤r- of the Iavy is hereby authorized to accept from the city of Astoria, Oregon, free from encumbrances and conditions and without cost to the United States Government, a certain tract of land at Tongue Point, Columbia River, for use as a site for a naval submarine and destroyer base, and containing one hundred and fifteen acres, more or lessg lof (lliagd and two hundred and fifty-six acres of sub- , ,p_ _. merge an,~;5, . siirizxirigirhiliil TRAINING srA·rIoN, SAN Dmco, CALrroaNIA: Toward the devel-

Ogf a permanent training station, San Diego, California,

”r·‘r' ,1*r* -' ’ f ` t·;{{r.;¤."$ my U SH REPAIRS AND PRESERVATION AT NAVY YARDS; For re airs and ggeggrygééon at navy yards, fuel depots, fuel plants, andp stations, y qy-li ) 0) O ur;iii1€§?;;ae&.`l°bl° Total public Works, $10351,950, and the amounts herein appropriated therefor, exceptfor repairs and preservation at navy yards and stations, shall be available until expended. .,§’,‘§?,’}§}.,iQ?_""""°‘°° BUREAU or Mnnicrxa mm smer-my, S UIQEOIIS ’ BE Ci°SSC· ras. BIEDICAL DEPARTBIEJTZ I·`or1s1:rgeon’s neicelslsaries (for vessels in uv. ._ 9 _ commission, nav yar s, nava s ations, an arine or s- and for 0 Msmblhhm nt the civil establishment at the several naval hospitals, Igvy yards,