Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/880

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s1X*rY-srxrn oorrortnss. sms. 11. oo. 234. 1920. 859 three and privates of class one who will be promoted to class two duripg the iiscal year 1921, $2,600; hostler, $1,080; laborer, $1,000; in a ,$1,081,160. · LIISCELLANEOUSC For repairs and improvements to engine houses R°P°*”*°"““d*°¤- and grounds, $16,000; For repairs to apparatus and motor vehicles and other motor·driven 6,§°P°*”*°“PP°”*°’· apparatus, and for new apparatus, new motor vehicles, new appliances, employment lpf meclliamcsli helpeis, an? laborers in thlp fire depaxitment repairs o an ort e urc aseo necess supp `es materi s, equipment, ancftools: Provided, That the comiizvssioners are author- at m_ ized, in their discretion, to build or construct, in whole or in part, pwshcp. fire-fighting apparatus in the fire-department repair shop, $20,000; For hose, $12,000; S¤¤¤**¤S· ger fuel,k$35,0(;0 $4 000 or ure ase o orses, · For lbrage, $22,000; ’ ’ Fm bm. For repairs and improvements of nre boat, $1,000; _ For contingent expenses, horseshoe ture, Extures, oil, C°”“”g°°*°‘*’°"““‘ medical and stable supplies harness, blac thmg, gas and eleetne lighting, ilags and h yards, and other necessary items, cost of installation and maintenance of telephones m the residences of the mperitafendent of machinery and the Hrs marshal, $25,000; , $135 000. Prermanent improvements: For three fire engines, motor driven, at New svpanwsm $10 500 e ch- _ F,or thiiee bombination chemical and hose wagons, motor driven, at $5,800 eaeh; _ _ For installing steam heat in engme and truck houses, $6,000; In all, $54,900. HEALTH DEPARTMENT. ¤¤¤¥¤¤ <¤¤v¤=¤¤¤¤¢· Health officer, $4,000; assistant health officer, $2,500; ehief_elerk S“’*“"“· and deputy health officer, $2,500; chief, bureau of vital statistics, $1,800; clerks—one $1,600, five at $1,200 each, four at $1,000 each, two at_$900 each, one $720; samtary mspector——chief $1,800, assistant chief $1,400, twelve at $1,200 each, two at $1,000 each, three at $900 each; food inspect01s—cbiefh$1,800, agsistant eliie§i$1;400éé% t $1 400 h five at $1,200 eac snr at 1,000 eac , ve at

ach;,che1iii1s3t ,32,000; assistant chemist, $1,500; chief of bureau of

preventable diseases and director of bacteriological laboratory, $2,750; serologist, $2,500; two assistant bacteriologists, at $1,200 each; laboratory assistant, $840; sldlled laborers-—one $720, one $600; two messengers, at $600 each; two chauifeurs, at $720 each; poundmaster, $1;::100; watchmaiir, gaborers, at not exceeding $65 per th $3,120·1n a , , . mgllo caii; dnt the Act to regulate the hows of employment and safe- ° “’ P l ° " guard the health of females employged the District of Columbia; vol. 38. p. 291- d F bru 24 1914 name : or three inspectors two o gvllibliiivsghall (be w8dg1en),at $1,200 each; stenographer and clerk, $900; ‘ li, $4 500. _ _ . m 1%*01- eniorcement of the prownsions of an Act to prevent the spread ,,,{’,§°S§§,“,,f,'f‘§,,,_s*"*f°" of contagious diseases in the District of Columbia, afpproved March_3, 3,1/gf-gi 1>·¤¤5¤ *¤¤· 1897, and an Act for the prevention of scarlet ever, diphthqriaj mm Whmrznghctuthr °*‘"s¤DP2X·· xterm ‘ 't' , O1 everm e suc o oum ia, _ I1?d?l?1i11iigai’_;S9,&l19O7§>Tlf;.Dd im Act to provide for registration of as Gases ,,,%%’,f"f°°]°°'s mm" of tuberculosis in the District of Columbia, for free examination of *01- 35- 9-129- utum in sus ected cases and for revent' the spread of tuberiiilosis in saidpDistrict of Columbia,Papprov1di%May 13, 1908, under the direction of the health officer of said District, manufacture of