Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/892

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 234. 1920. 871 For ordinary regairs, grading, opening ditches, and other mainte- °°°d"“R°°"· nance of Conduit oad, $5,000. For emergency fund, to be used onl in case of a serious break Em°rg°°°yfmd` requiring imme `ate repairs in one of the more important a ueduct or filtration plant structures, such as a dam, conduit, tunnelflbridge, building, or important piece of machinery, $5,000; all expenditures from this a propriation shall be reported in detail to Congress. Comm, °,S_m,m, Nothing herein shall be construed as afectinv the superintendence or wu not mma. and control of the Secretary of War over the Washington Aqueduct, its rights, appurtenances, and fixtures connected with the same and pver appropriations and expenditures therefor as now provided by aw. warm DEPARTMENT. wml dx t' For revenue and inspection branch: Water registrar, who shall also ticiiabiiilrilcshsind msp°°` perform the duties o chief clerk, $2,400; c1erks~—one $1,500, one $1,200, three at $1,000 each; index clerk, $1,400; eight meter computers, at $1,000 each; meter clerk, $1,200; inspectors—two at $1,000 each, nineteen at $900 each; messenger, $600; Dismbumnmndb For distribution branch: Superintendent, $3,300; e@eer, $2,400; assistant engineers—one $1,800, one $1,700; master mechanic, $2,500; foreman, $1,800; assistant foremen——one $1,275, one $1,200, one $1,125, one $900; steam engineers—chief $1,800, two at $1,760 each, three assistants at $1,460 each; chief inspector of valves, $1,600; leveler, $1,200; inspector, $1,200; draftsman, $1 050; clerks—one $1,800, one $1,500, three at $1,200 each; stores clerk—one $1,500, two at $1,000 each; timekeeper, $900; two rodmen at $900 each; two chainmen at $675 each; our oilers at $960 each; three firemen at $1,160 each; janiiilor, $£3{l;$d1gv;ers—one $700, one $630; two messen ers at$600eac · in , 9 , 50. Fir inaintenance of the water department distribution system, Opmmn I includin pum ing stations and machmcgly, water mains, valves, fire and public hydiants, water meters, and buildings and accessories, and the purchase and maintenance of motor trucks, purchase of fuel, oils, waste, and other materials, and the employment of all labor necessary for the dproper execution of this work, and including a sum not to excee $100 for the purchase and use of bicycles by inspectors of the Water Department, and to reimburse three employ- ees for the provision and maintenance by themselves of three motor cvcles for use in their official work in the District of Columbia, $15 ler month each; and for contingent expenses, including books glanks, stationery, printing, postage, damages, dpurchase of technical reference books, and periodicals, not to excee $75, and other necessary items, $5,000; m all for maintenance, $370,000, Nowmim For twenty-inch water_ma1n in Illinois Avenue and Grant Circle to ' Georgia Avenue and Mrhtary Road Northwest, $70,000. For twelve-inch wlgater ngain in F Street between Sixth and Fourteenth Streets Nort west, 20,000. i X . _ For extension of the water department distribution system, laying saiiisiu hmm mm of such service mains as may be necessary under the assessment sysvmi $80,000- . . ei ny. The rates of assessment for- laying or constructing water mains and ing mam, at., inserviee sewers in the District of Columbia under the provisions of the °’$§d,;3, ,,_ 2% Act entitled "An Act authorizin the lay' of water mains and service sewers in the District of Columbia, tllfeiélevying of assessments therefor, and for other purposes," approved April 22, 1904, are hereby increased from $1.25 to $2 and $1 to $1.50, respectively, per lmear front foot for any water mains and service sewers constructed or laid during the fiscal year 1921.