Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/903

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882 SIXTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 235. 1920. appropriation for the collection of customs, four {persons paid from t e approfpriation for salaries and expenses 0 intcrnal—revenue agents or rom the appropriation for the oregoing purpose, and four persons paid from the appropriation for suppressm counterfeiting and other crimes, but not exceeding six persons so eta1le_d shall gggvisg ms employed at anipne time hereunder: Promded, That nothingrherem " ° ‘ ‘ contained shall construed to deprive the Secretary of the easury _ from making any detail now otherwise authorized by existing law. m$,‘;‘gg’,§j{,'{.§§§`$s°,f,°;; Contingent expenses, Independent Treasury: For contingent exrz. s., scc. aw., p. penses under the requirements of section 3653 of the Revised tatutes, m- for the collection, sa:fe—keeping, transfer, and disbursement of the ·*”“·P·°5‘· public money, transportation of notes, bonds, and other securities

  • ‘”“·P·°“· of the United States, salaries of special agents, actual expenses of

examiners detailed to examine the books, accounts, and money on hand at the several subtreasuries and depositaries, including national R·S··’°°·*’6"*’·P·“8· banks acting as deposita.ries under the requirements of section 3649 of the Revised Statutes, also including examinations of cash accounts at mints, and cost of insurance on shipments of money by registered mail when necessary $160,000. _ ,,,?,‘f.f°“'“‘° "‘ gm Recoinage of god coins: For recoinage of uncurrent gold coins in the Treasury, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary R·S·»s°°·3m·P·‘°“‘ of the Treasury, as required by section 3512 of the Revised Statutes, $5,000. ,,§,‘;Y°‘°°g° °’ m“‘°' Recoinage of minor coins: To enable the Secretary of the_Treasury rggg,¤¤¤ r¤¤1>vr¤- to continue the recoinage of worn and uncurrent minor coins of the P vox. io, p. an. United States now in the Treasury or hereafter received, and to re1m· burse the Treasurer of the United States for the difference between the nominal or face value of such coin and the amount the same will produce in new coin, $10,000 together with the unexpended balance mm, www m_ of the appropriation for_this rivurpose for the Escal year 1919. _ crises. Money laundry machines: or all miscellaneous expenses m connection with the installation and maintenance of money laundry machines, includ.i%repairs and purchase of su plies for machines in the District of lumbia and in the various Subtreasury offices, _ $500. s,._?$’?‘.,§Y"° *‘°"°"°' Distinctive prgier for United States securities: For distinctive m%“°¤**“¤S Bum" paper for United tates currency, national·ban,k currency, and Federal ` reserve bank currency, 129,000,000 sheets, in order that the Bureau of Engraving and Prmtingbmay deliver 123,250,000 sheets of United States currency, national- ank and Federal reserve bank currency, _ including transportation of paper, traveling, mill, and other necessary

  • °°”°‘““°""°°’· expenses, $669,510; expense of officer detailed from the Treasury

Department, $50 per month when actually on duty, $600; three registers, at $1,380 each; six counters, at $800 each; gua.rds·—0ne $1,000, am mw { r_ four at $900 each; three skilled laborers, at $840 each; in all, $686,170. ,,{,.,;,’fi,é_ ‘°°““ ° Suppressing counterfeiting and other crimes: For expenses incur- ·*’***· ¤· tm red under the authority or with the a roval of the Secretary of the Treasury in detecting, arresting, andpgeliveri into the custody of the United States marshal havin jurisdictionndealers and pretended dealers in counterfeit money and ersons engaged in counterfeiting Treasiuy notes, bonds,national—bank notes, and other securities of the United States and of foreign Governments, as well as the coins of the United States and of oreigln Governments, and other felonies committed against the laws of the ['nited States relating to the pay "¤'-4°·!>·5¤- and bounty laws, and for the enforcement of section 18 of the War _ _ Finance Corporation Act; hire and operation of motor-propelled or ""“‘*"‘$““B"‘*“°°‘ horse-drawn passenger-cm1yi§]i_.¢ii vehicles when necessary; per diem Val-3S,¤·*>$°4 in lieu of subsistence, when owed pursuant to section 13 of the Fromm; Wm 0, Sundry Civil Apyiropriation Act approved August 1 , 1914, and for no meriesieenaae. other purepose w atever, except in the protection of the person of the President and the members of his immediate family and of the