Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/930

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SIXTY·SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 235. 1920. 909 vation lands as may be 0 ened during the fiscal year 1921: Provided, PWM- That the expenses pertaihing to the opening of each of said reser- R°imbmS°m°m' vations and paid for out of this appropriation shall be reimbursed to the Unite States from the money received from the sale of the lands embraced in said reservations, respectively, $7,500. Sm . For surveys and resurveys of public ands under the supervision Expdrgelii; of the Commissioner of the General Land Office and direction of the “,i{‘,f§{,,§’_;_6'3‘ Secretary of the Interior, $700,000: Provided, That in expending P*¤*¤¤¤¤°°¤· this appropriation preference shall be given, iirst, in favor of surveying townships occupied in whole or in part by actual settlers and olf lands granted to the States by the ct approved February i,·’§};§;§i,°§{‘g,m_ 22, 1889, and the Acts approved J'u1y 3 and July 10, 1890, and to survey under such other Acts as (provide for land grants to the several States and Territories, an such indemnity ands as the several States and Territories may be entitled to rn lieu of lands granted them for educational and other purploses which may have een sold or included in some reservation or otherwise disposed of, except railroad land grants, and including the survey, appraisal, and sale of abandoned military reservations transferred to the control of the Secretary of the Interior, and other surveys shall include lands adapted to agriculture lands deemed advisable to survey on account of availability for irrigation or dry farming, lands subiect to dis osition under mineral and laws where survey thereo -is not officrwise rovided for, lines of reservations, and ands within boundaries of ilorest reservations, and including such retracements and re-markinghof State boundaries as shall be found necessary in order to close the public land lines thereon. The surveys and resur- P¤v ¤f¤¤rv¤v¤r¤· veys provided for rn this approprratron to be made by such competent surveyors as the Secretary of the Interior may select, at such compensation, not exceeding $200 per month each, as he may prescribe, except in Alaska, where a compensation not exceeding $300 per month each may be allowed suc surveyors, except that the Secretary of the Interior may appomt not to exceed one supervisor vcggwmsr M ¤¤r· of surveys, whose compensation shall not exceed $300 per month, ` and not to exceed ten surveyors who may be employed in a supervisory capacity, whose compensation shall not exceed $250 per month each, and such per diem m hou of subsistence, not exceeding §,¤;,¢i3¤;¤wg8v5¤¤¤¢¢· $3.,50, when allowed pursuant to section 13 of the Sundury Civil Ap. ‘ ’°° ' propriation Act approved Ar1gust_1, 1914, and actu necessary expenses for transportation, including necessary sleepiplg-car fares, said per diem and traveling expenses to be allowed to surveyors employed hereunder and to suc clerks who are competent surveyors who may be detailed to make SUYVBYS, I‘&S111'veys, or examinations of R°°“"°Y°’°°°’ surveys heretofore made and reported to be defective or fraudulent, and inspecting mineral deposits, coal fields, and timber districts, and for making, by such competent surveyors, fragmentary surveys, and such other surveys or examinations as may be required or identification of lands fo1bp{1l'p0ScS of evidence in any suit or pro- _ eo.-·4_lin in behalf of the mtcd States: Provided further, That the m¥§'“' “°°‘°“ °°" sum oi, not exceeding 10 per centum of the amount hereby appro- _ priated may be expended y the Commissioner of the General and Office, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, for the urchase of metal or other equally durable monuments to be used F iirr public land survey COI’I1Gl'S Wherever practicable: Provided further, mn,_i$l(€¤°g£2§i“u%$ That not to exceed $10,000 of this appropriation may be expended °‘”°°- for salaries of employees of the field surveying service temporarily detailed to the General Land Office; Provided further, That not to exceed $50,000 of this appropriation ma be used for the survey, d classification, and sale of the lands audi timber of the so-called r a1sii°ai; Ore,%>ri atrgl Cahforma Railroad lands and the Coos Bay Wagon °‘°· Ros an .