Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/932

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 235. 1920. 911 of water power, and the special investigation of the possible economy of fuel, labor, and materials resulting from the use in the Boston- Washington industrial region of a comprehensive system for the generation and distribution of electricity to transportation lines and industries, and the preparation of reports thereon, $125,000. The t,fi,Y,'i$,E’Li‘°° °t °°”“ Secretary of the Interior is authorized to receive an sums which may be contributed for this (purpose. Such sums shallybe deposited in the Treasury and credite to the appropriation herein made and be available for expenditure for the purposes thereof. In all, United States Geological Survey, $1,655,700. BUREAU or mmns. B“'°““°"“”°“- For general expenses, includ' a of the director and necess G°?‘°"“ °‘*’°'“°“· assistants clerks, and other eiiiiiolyeyes, in the office in the Distraildia &12r·i¢(2’1;tg?3- of Columbia, and in the field, and every other expense requisite for and incident to the eneral work of the bureau in the District of Columbia, and in the gold, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, $76,900; _ _ _ For investigations as to the causes of mine explosions, methods of .,xI§§S,°$$$§*j2§ mm mining, especially in relation to the safety of miners, the appliances best adapted to revent accidents, the possible improvement of conditions under wlliich mining operations are carried on, the use of explosives and electricity, the prevention of accidents, and other in uiries and technologic investigations pertinent to the industry, and including all equipment, supplies, and expenses 0 travel and subsistence, $409,065; _ _ _ For investigation of mineral fuels and unfinished mineral products ,,,§}’}{$f§§*§§‘§fg “““' belonging to or for the use of the United States, with a view to their most efficient mining, preparation, treatment, and use, and to recom- _ mend to various departments such changes in selection and use of ,,§§,§’,‘,§§‘,‘§§,i°,{‘,€‘f’*“°‘* fuel as may result in greater economy, and including all equipment, su plies, and expenses of travel and subsistence, $142,510; __ gbr inquiries and scientific and technologic investigations concern- imI,§‘§},‘§.‘f,‘,§’;,,,,‘§§§g ,,§§°,‘[ inc the mining, preparation, treatment, and utilization of ores and di¤°¤¤· other mineral substances, with a view to improvin health conditions and increasing safety, efficiency, economic deve§>pment and conserving resources through the prevention of waste the mining, quar ing, metallurgica, and other mineral industries; to inquire inte ivhe economic conditions affecting these industries; and includipdg IWW all equipment, supplies, ezqipnses of travel and subsistence: Promid , rm·m` work rt:. That no part thereof Orgay e used for investigation in behalf of any *""d°“· rivate art , $125 0 Z _ , P For irliquiiqies and invesugations concerning the mining, prepare- mi°§§§?li$§&'§fi§`$§Y` tion, treatment, and utihzation of petroleum and natura gas, with a view to economic development and conserving resources through the prevention of waste; to inquire into the economic conditions aifectin the industry, including equipment, supplies, and expenses of travdl, and subsistence, $135,000; _ P _ Not exceeding 20 per Ceutum of the preceding sums for investoégation p_ ’°m°°`°' as to the causes of mine explosions; for inquiries and scien c and spggggdwcséggsyiggj technologic investigations ctmcerning the mining, preparation, treat- mms. ment, and oltilization of ores and otherthmineral substancesii for in uiries an investiga ions concerning e ° ° , prepara on, trelatment, and utilization of petroleum and natural gas; not exceedin 30 per centum of the preceding sums for investigation of mineral fiels and unfinished mineral roducts belonging to or for the use of the United States may be used) during the fiscal year 1921 for personal service in the District of Columbia; _ Dems mm Public The Secretary of the Treasury may detail medical officers of the Hggljgh Sm,C,,_ Public Health Service for cooperative health, safety, or sanitation