Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/962

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. C11. 235. 1920. 941 technical books, and books of reference, not exceeding $500; adding and numbering machines, tune stam , and other machines of similar character; machinery (not exeeediiirg $100,000); equi ment, and mg{°¤g¤¤Y» °•1¤*P- for repairs to machinery, implements, and buildings, ang for minor '° °' alterations to buildings; necessary equipment, maintenance, and supplies for the emergency room for the use of all emplo ees in the Government Printing Office who may be taken suddenly or receive injury while on duty; other necessary contingent and miscellaneous mamma. items authorized by the Public Printer; and for all the necessary materials and equipment needed in the prosecution and delivery and mailing of the work, $5,783,710. Dmmmm etc During the fiscal year 1921, any department or independent estab- To advance ’w iwr lishment of the Government ordering printing and binding from the YrZ'$.i»if$¢°1i;:°¤iiF¤°$iiZ Government Printing Ofiioe (other than that specifically provided '“°”*”— for by allotment) shall advance to the Public Printer upon written request 90 per centum of the estimated cost of the work at the time the order is placed and upon completion of such work shall ay to the Public Printer a sum sumcient to complete ayment of the actual _ cost thereof. The sums so advanced to the Public Printer shall be °’°d‘“·°*°· placed to the credit of the alppropriation " public printing and bindmg," on the books of the easury Department and be subject to re uisition by the Public Printer. _ _ (in a.ll, for public printing and bmding, including salaries of office T°“"· force, payments for holidags and leaves of absence, and the lastnamed sum, $6 855,900; an from the said sum printing and binding shall be done by the Public Printer to the amounts ollowing, respectively, namely: _ _ ‘ _ ""°"“°"°`" For rinting and brndingriplr Congress, including the proceedings °°""g‘°”‘ and debates, $2,000,000. ting and binding for Congiress chargeable to this a ropriation, when recommended to be one by the Committee on Pprinting of either House, shall be so recommended in a report containing an approximate estimate of the cost thereof, together with a statement rom the Public Printer of estimated approxrmate cost of work previously ordered by Comss within the Hscal year for which this appropriation is made. _ For the State Department, $45,000. Dopmmemsetc. For the Treasury Department, including printing required by the Federal farm loan Act, $600,000. For the War Department, its bureaus and offices, $450,000: Pro- ;,°;‘:,3"’°"“’°“°‘ vided, That the sum of $3,000, or so much thereof as may be neces- _Armyuied1ca|bvl1e· sary, may be used for the publication, from time to time, of bulletins °“'”‘ repared under the drrectron of the Surgeon General of the Afllly, iior the instruction of medical officers, when approved b the Secretary E of War, and not exceeding $50,000 shall be available for printing Ch"' °‘ m` and binding under the direction of the Chief of Engineers. _ For the Navi; Department, $250,000, including not exceeding $50,000 for the ydrographic Office. For the Interior Department, includinglnot exceeding $25,000 for the publication of the Annual Report of the Commissioner of Education and not exceeding $10,000 for printing miners’ bulletins, $285,000. For the Civil Service Commission, $75,000. For the Patent Office: For rinti the weekly issue of patents, designs, trade-marks, and labeiis, exldiusive of illustrations; and for printing, engraving illustrations, and binding the Official Gazette, including weekly, monthly, bimonthly, and annual indices, $575,000. For the United States Geological Survey: For engraving the illustrations necessarv for the annual re ort of the director, and for the monographs, proiessional papers, bugetins, water-supply papers, and the report on mineral resources, and for printing and inding the