Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/981

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960 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 240. 1920. P°Yg§“* *° md a ent of wharfa e, tolls, and ferriages; for transportation of funds mm ds' of {lib Army; for tie [pigment of Army transportation lawfully due such land-grant rmlro as have not received aid in_ Government bonds (to be adjusted in accordance with the decisions of the Supreme Court in cases decided under such land·grant Acts), but in no case shall more than 50 r centum of full amount of service vmrtapd pack mi- be aid; for the purchase and)6 hire of draft and pack animals in m°'°"”°h‘°'°”‘ sucll) numbers as are actuall required for the service including reasonable provision for repllicing unserviceable animals; for the urchase, hu·e, o tion, maintenance, and repair of such harness, P £” · wagons, ys, other vechdicles, igiidthomedrtagn papsepgercarryingve esasarereuir or eranspo aiono oos and supplies and for officiali, military and garrison purposes; fgr S*¤P¤·b¤¤¤·¤*·¤· drayage and_ cartage at the several dlepots; for the purchase and repa1r_of ships, boats, and_ other vessels_required for the transportation of troops and supplies and for official, m1htar§, and garrison iwsaspons. p1u·poses; for expenses of sailipg public transports an other vessels on the various rivers, the G of Mexico, and the Atlantic and pmem. _ Pacific Oceans, $40,000,000; Pramkled, That such compensation shall °°““’°“’“"°“ ‘"“‘“‘ Ei computed upon the'fbasisdo§_ thehtariifblcir lower special} raleeel fg ` e transportation pe orme or the pu 'c at large, an s Fu Y W cm t gelcaepted as in (glulllgfoi all demands for suchceeivicie gandedfielregeig nat t roads ml 12 in 6 n ° the money a propriate y ct a. ra' a, l>a¤¤d£<l§d· company ll-vllsich has not receivedp aid in bonds of the United States and which obtained a grant of jiuiblic land to aid in the construction of its railroad on conditions t t such railroad should be a post route and military road, subject to the use of the United States for postal, militag, naval, and other Govemment services, and also subject to suc regulations as Congress may impose restricting the charge for such Govemment transportation, having claims against the nited States for transportation of troops and munitions of war and military supplies and property over such aided railroads, shall paid out of the moneys appropriated by the foregoing provisions only on the basis of such rate for the transportation o suchhtrosegpzs and mienggons of waér and militarg suppliesbend pfioperisly aste retaryo ar eemjustan reasona eunerte foregoing provision, such rate not to exceed 50 per centum of the compensation of such Government transportation as shall at that time_be charged to and pa1d by private (parties to any such company for like and similar transportation; an the amount so Hxed to be pjaid shall be accevpltned as in full for all demands for such service: F¤¤¤¤¤¤·’*¤ ¤¤¤¤*’=‘* rowkieibldfunhcr, t nothing in the preceding provisos shall be roads. . constru to prevent the accounting officers of the Government from making full payment to 1and·grant railroads for transportation of property or persons where the courts of the United States have held t t such property or persons do not come within the scope of the deductions provided for in the land- t Acts:Prm212Zedfurt}z42r, ,o§¤g;tg;g¤;ggicggS_ **5** That no money herein appropriated shallallle expended for the hire, operation, maintenance, or reHair of any motor-propelled vehicle, w eh shall be employed who y or in part for personal, social, or similar use, except such use 8S-1S prescribed by order for the trans- _ portation of Arm; in connection with the recreational plggggg p€§£gcd€g‘g activities of the yi Provided further, That hereafter, when, m umspms. the opinion of the Secretary of War, accommodations are available, transportation on Army transiports may be provided for members and employees of the grto ican Govemment and their families

 without expense to the Dmted States: Provided further, That in the

gem or mm. glllxd discreitioxi of the Secretary aicif Iyar chairman of the Sléipspling o ,an wensaceisav a e,c1v1a.n assenersan ments of commercial cargo may be transportedpou Aigmy translporl)-s m the trans-Atlantic service, at such times as space is not ave} able