Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/165

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 147. 1921. 1603 The name of Cora Booram, widow of Chester Booram, late of the °°¤*B°°*¤¤- One hundred and sixth Compan , United States Coast Artillery Corps, Regular Establishment, andgxay her a pension at the rate cf $12(per month, and $2§er month a ditional on account of the minor chil of said Chester ooram until she reaches the age of sixteen Y°m`S· _ _ ronson inonmoa. The name of Louisa Cary, former widow of Jose h B. Crowley, late L°¤i¤¤· °¤¤· of Company B, Third Regiment Ohio Volunteer llirfantry, War with Mexico, and pay her a pension at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that she rs now receiving. Pm,,,,,s_ The name of Tony Ju , late of Troop C, Fourteenth Regiment, and 'f°¤¥ J¤d· Troop D, Fifth Regiment, United States Cavalry, War with Spain, and pay him a pension at the rate of $12 per month. The name o Richard J. Weaver, dependent father of John T. R‘°""'° L W°"'°‘• Weaver, late of Company M, First Regiment United States Infantry, Regnilhar Establishment, and pay him a pension at the rate of $12 permon . The name of Nelle T. O’Neil, widow of Thomas F. O’N eil, late major N°u° T' °,N“1‘ First Regiment California Infantry, War with Spain, and pay her . pension at the rate of $25dper mont , and $2 per month additional on account of the minor chil of said Thomas F. O’N eil until she reaches the age of sixteen ears. pension ,,,,,,,,,,,,,d_ The name of Edlward F. Stewart, late of Complain K, Thirty-first Edwm F- S*°W¤**· Regiment United States Infantry, Regular Esta ent, and pay him_a_pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. P,,,S,,,,,_ The name of Isaac Morris, late of Troop K, Sixth R ent United I¤·° ¥¤¤‘*¤· States Cavalry, Indian wars, and pay him a pension at Ee rate of $20 . P6? m0¤l>h· ronson rnomsou. The name of Joseph E. W. Bergbower, late of the Twenty-eigllgth b°{g;P¤ E- W- Bw- Company, United States Coast Artillery Corps, Regular Estab` h- ' ment, and pay him a pension at the rate of $17 per month in lieu of that he is now receivirig. p.,,,,¤.,,,_ The name of John ovinsky, late of Cor?any B, Seventh Regi— lm R°"““*Y· ment United States Infantry, and Troop B, rghth Regiment United States Cavalry, Regular Establishment, and pay him a pension at the rate of $17 per month. Pensions inorooooa. The name of Philip Dieter, late of Troop D, Seventh Regiment mu? D‘°‘°‘· United States Cavalry, Indian wars, and Compan& F, Third Potomac Home Brigade, Maryland Volunteer Infantry, `vil War, and pay him a pension at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. The name of Lynn J. Heldreth, late of the Ninety—hfth Comgany, LW"' '·H°“*"°“‘· United States Coast Artillery Corps, Regular Establishment an pay him a pension at the rate o $24 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. pensions, The name of Robert A. Herbst, late of Company D Fifth Regiment R°"°" ·'*-1*******- United States Infantry, Regular Establishment, and pay him a pension at the rate of $30 r month. The name of Henry Wilks, late of the Twenty-eighth Battery, Hm'? N·W”¤· United States Field Artillery, Regular Eestablishment, and pay him a ension at the rate of $12 per month. Pensions inooooooa. ll`he name of James Nolan, junior, late of Company G, Twenty- "'“°° N‘“““·l'· seventh Regiment United States Infantry, Regular Establishment, and pay him a pension at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now receivm . p_.,,m,,,,_ The name of Abbie Davis Morang, widow of Chester A. Morang, A¤bi· DMS ¤¤- late of the United States Navy, Regular Establishment, and gay her mg` a pension at the rate of $12 per month, and $2 per month ad itional on account of each of the minor children of said Chester A. Morang until they reach the age of sixteen years.