Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/17

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SIXTY·SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II., Cus.25-28. 1919. 1455 any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $7,57 4.24 to Henry P. Grant, formerly postmaster of Helena, Arkansas, said sum being the amount he voluntarily paid into_the Treasury to make good the amount of public money appropriated by the assistant postmaster, William B. Lindsey, to his own use, who was duly tried and convicted of said crime and punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary for a term of four years. Approved, December 30, 1919. CHAP. 26.-An Act For the relief of Thomas Sevy. Be it enacted by the Senate and House;g"1'&egesentatives of the United States America in C’mtgress_asse·mb_ , _ t the Secretativ of the Interior is hereby authorized, in_his discretion, to accept the to the wi¤¤.¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤i· £ollo escribe<% landszsithertilnswlzglelgg part, lplpgn cearitiligizggon yte retaryoAgricture the arec`eyvua or patilcgnal ioorest purposes gg ap1phroxi;natel'y`h equal in hayfalu? to the an to ven III. exc e ere or: e east 0 section thirty-two; tgb north half of the northwest quarter and the south half of the southwest quarter of section thirty-two, township thirty- five south, range four west of Salt Lake base and merid1a.n, situate in the Sevier National Forest; and to issue to Thomas Sevi in lieu thereof patents to the followmg-described areas, or to suc parts thereog as alrael foimgllu by theh of to ge approximate y eq III v e to e conveye : nort - east quarter, the north half of the southeast quarter, the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter, the southeast quarter of the northvgest guarter, and the lsouthwestfiquarter of secézgn illilrty-lone, towns ip y-seven sout range ve west 0 the asc and meridian: Provided, That’the lands conveyed to the Government {53*;;*;; Sevior Na_ shall thereupon become parts of the Sevier National Forest and u¤¤¤1m·¤¤z,mau. subject to all laws and regulations applicable thereto: Provided further, That the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of R°P°"*·°*°· Agriculture shall ailointly report to Congress, in detail, the factors upon which the v nations were made. Approved, December 30, 1919. CHAP. 2*7.-An Act To reimburse W. B. Graham, late postmaster at Ely, Nevada, Dsccmbt-M0 1919- for money expended for clerical assistance. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofR'1e£resentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, at the Secretary of the @$3,,, Treasuiéy be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to W. B. raham, late postmaster at Ely, Nevada, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise alppropriated, the sum of $3,335, to reimburse him for money expen ed for necessary clerical assistance. Approved, December 30, 1919. Deceuiberso 1919. CHAP. 28.-An Act For the relief of the Buffalo River Zinc Mining Company. —-T,;!%Q Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRIe1g;w·esentatlves of the UmZted _ _ States of America in Congress assembled, at the Secretary of the M§,‘{,i"(‘§,,,,Yf,§Y,{‘fg._Z‘“° Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of P¤Y¤¤¤*¤> any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise approgriated, to the Buffalo River Zmc Mining Company, a corporation of aint Loms, Missoim, the sum of $4,200, being the amount of money paid by the said com-