Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/249

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PARCEL POST CONVENTION-CZECHO-SLO¥*’AKIA. Ocromm gr, 1919. 1689 No parcel ma contain arcels Zadn’ ostovni balieek nesmi N° ’“°*°"“° ‘°' intended for delivery at gn ad- obsahogatli balicku, jei maji byti other sddmk dress other than that borne by doruceny na jinou adresu neé na the parcel itself. If such inclosed adresu ostovniho 'baliéku parcels be detected, they must_be samého. glfevi-li se takovéto sent forwardsvngly, charged with uzavrené balick , museji byti new and distinct parcel-post rates. dopravovany jedhotlive a zatiienya novymi a sumostatnymi pop tky, pro poétovni baliéky stanovenymi. ; Article IV. Clauek IV. . _ The packages in question shall Typo Oggovpj bam' 0415- d_§{*g_*§°°° *0 °*“‘°m’ he Svebwct m the ¤¤u¤try 9f des- haji v lhemi urceni liryeskerym tination to all customs duties and poplatkum celnim a veskerym all customs regulations u1 force Pfgdpigém ccklim, jeg v této in that country for the protection zemi plati za déelem zabea§ceni of its customs revenues, and to jajjch celnfgh djchodli, 05 i the following rates of postage, mgslgdujieim poplatkiiur postov- mu d wwe. which shall in all cases be re- nim, `ei museji ve vsech pripaqP11'6d to be FULLY PREPA-[D, dech lbyti napred plnou éastkou viz: _ poiadovany, a to: In th6 Umwd _St¤·t6¤§ f°i‘ K Ve Spojenych statech: za ‘“ U““°" s‘°‘°’* parcel not ercee _ one pound baliéek, jehoi vaha neprevyéuje [455 grams] in we t, 12 cents; 1 angliekélibryl : 455 11:/ , $2% 01‘ 9;¤§hf adilgtronpi ;)°u\;:1d 12 bcginpu, a lgpllkakdou dglsi libru ‘ _ grams OT Nc 0¤° 8 » ne zome ° , 12 eentfr 12 <>€¤l7$¥ _ V Ceskosloverlisykuz za baliéek, In C°°°h°Sl°v°H& In 0z¤<=h<>-Slqvakm; fqr ¤ per- jehoz vane neprevysuje 2 kilo- ¤€l 110t <·>?<0€6<11¤g twe kdvgmms gramy/ : 4.41 anghekych liberzl /4.411bs/ mweight. Scmwnsaud s korun, a za kazay dam kilofor each additional kilogram or am Bebo jcho MS; 1 kgrunu 59 fraction of a kilogram, 1 crown gijég-`3v_ 50 deniers. Article V. Clanek V. The sender of each Backage Odesilatel kakdého postovniho c`m°m"mmmm` must make a Customs eclara- balieku musi napsati celni prohtion, upon a special form pro- laskuna zvlastnimvzorciza timto vided for the purpose, giving the fiéelem vydaném,uvadéjiciadresu, address, a genera description of vseobecny popis baliéku, pfesny the parcel, an accurate state- nidaj obsahu a ceny, den podani a ment of the contents and value, podpis i bydlisté odesi atelovy; date of mailing, and the senders tato prohlaska musi balicek prosignature and place of residence; vazetx ai k mistu urceni. _ w ich declaration must accom- Kazda z obou zemi mrize mgf'*"‘“"’ °‘ "‘°“‘ pany the parcel to destination. zmocniti {dad podaci, aby vydal Either count? may authorize odesilateli poétovniho baliéku pri the postoffice w ere the package podani podaci stvrzenku na is mailed to deliver to the sender zvlastnim vzorci za timucelem of the package at the time of mail- vydaném. ing, a certificate of mailing on a special form provided fort epurose. . . r P The sender of a package may Odesilatel postovniho baliéku 1`°g'“° " have the same registered by pay- mute je] podati jake zasilku ing the registration fee required doporucenou, zaplati-li poplatek 4-4282°—·vo1. ·}].—I’T 2—-17