Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/274

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1714 einem. rosr coNvIINrIoN-coLoNY or FIJI. §§§;, ARTICLE III. L°“"'S “°t “°°°m' 1. A l tte tion of the nature of personal corremy pmbl spondei1celrniifstc(i1Ib1lnlsib1<li:>inpany, be written on, or enclosed with R°l°"“°“i"°““°‘ giilizliibe found, the letter will be placed in the mails if separable, and if the communication be inseparably attached, the whole ackage will be rejected. If, however, any such should inadvertently he forwarded, the country of destination will collect double rates of postage according to the Universal Postal Union Convention. miie? i¤f¤ir£`"°f°r 3. No parcel may contain pack es intended for dehvery at an address other than that borne byllre parcel itself. If such enclosed packages be detected, they must be sent forward singly, charged with new and distinct Parcel-Post rates. ARTICLE IV R°‘°S°‘P°“'·°¥°· 1. The followi1j' g rates of postage shall in all cases be required to be fully pre ai with postage stamps of the country of origm, vin: 1** U““°d S‘°‘°’· 2. In the Upnited States, for a parcelnot exceeding one pound in weight twelve cents; and for each additional pound, or fraction of a imd tw ve cents. ‘°*`*l‘· In the BColony of Ffi, for a parcel not exceeding one ponmd in weight, sixpence; and ior each additional pound or fraction of a pound sixpence. D°“"°’Y· 4. The parcels shall be Sfomptly delivered to addressees at the ostoffices of address in e country of destination free of charge ilor postage; but the country of destination may, at its option, levy and collect from the addressee for interior service and delivery a charge the amount of which is to be iixed according to its own regulations, but which shall in no case exceed Eve cents (or 2§ pence) for each parcel, whatever its weight. ARTICLE V. <`115*¤¤=$d°°i¤*•”°¤- 1. The sender of each parcel shall make a customs declaration, pasted upon or attached to the package, upon a special form pro- Pwr- 1717- vided for the purpose (see Form 1 annexed ereto) giving a general description of theilparcel, an accurate statement of its contents and Ealue, dag: df ma fmgahr and the sender's signature and place of resience, an pace o a ess. w§g;f;”duj'{e‘;1°j}c_}° 2. The parcels in question shall be subject in the country of des- ' tination to all customs duties and all customs regulations in force in that country for the protection of its customs revenues; and the customs duties propery chargeable thereon shall be collected on delivery, in accordance with the customs regulations of the country of destination; but neither sender nor addressee shall be subject subject to the payment of any charge for fines or penalties on account of failure to comply with any customs regulation. ARTICLE VI. Rs°°¤*1¤¤¤‘ fw- Eachcountry shall retain to its own use the whole of the nostages and dehverv fees it col.lects on said parcels; consequently this Convention will give rise to no separate accounts between the two countries. ARTICLE VII. mlgglm °i mmipm 1. The parcels shall be considered as a component part of the mails exchanged direct between the Lmted States and the Colony of Fiji to be despatched to destmation by the country of origin at its cost