Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/413

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INDEX. 1831 Al1bM—C0n1gim1€d. Pgs Amalol Arsenal, Hammemton, N. L, Page. appropriation for punishing illegal acts; appropriation for storehougm .,,_,_,_____ 1384 available until March 4, 1921 ... 354 operation of school for children of emmade immediately available ... 385 plo ees at Ordnance reservation, limit for fiscal year 1920, ,...,,__ . , . . 385 authorized . 333 admission of illiterate women to Ambmadw, 1¤$¤’Y 011120110 who °°1'V°d m Umwd appropriaiiion for salaries 739 1206 Stews f¤r¢¤¤ during W ¤r1<1 War ----- 081 dsgsasmy appropriatzionior-i3@1i1ii ` szs clames of, excluded admigmn; anarehists. 1009 {01. n]m.ies_ ______________________ 523

 0*0-, 0PP0¤1110¤ to #11 8°V°m‘ 1009 Aappointment of,   authorized  291

mm- ‘a+e2~·»·»~" wai v·ii¢~·f6¤¥téé ’""'m‘,,,..».-..~,,...";.,$’*...$3.,·*’·**..·*"**,;¥.a€s’::".·.;f;... Government, kj,llini°o$cig]s, de- tbz ________ __ ____ 307 _ ptroyinz property, ¤¤ use -------- 1000 Amendment to me cmaiimaoi ` W¤¤111£11_11111g1, matte! *dV°c°tm8 Buch 1009 proposgd tlgé _States, prohibiting the

 s;;1}11l1m:1¤‘?10r01001°¤¤ vr<—>i¥¤¥ri¤z· mm 0Fssx..°i..ii'ilii.iii.I°iti°. iii  Til 362

e ., .. feesforapygicationsandviséofpasports of. 750 mggvgzntg egfommmwggxg? S"°',_.m" 362 mxpp cagle to foreign ogpfrs, etc 751 of Sung · 18% `en residents returmng` m war serv- ' `I `'`''````' '“' icc with .111116 ______ 1 ____________ 1 _ _ 751 M· (mb"): IRR 1 * Epuxugljg 1 1°mé_°_T?quu_ 181 d1 _¤_°_°kmg1 _ _ 1 1217 American Bison (see lirriericariiu I · · — Aliens, o]`(.•¢e also Deportatibn of Am”l°°7l1:1?1)°;'1r°1°:1'° (E Si"5pc8Tg°:; of V 1 by · - Um)- · we pr°}av’E1f$fSsiZ{.’ c1io|h1WbEBit(;dE.g. .“.Y?`ii1‘.‘.`.‘i I ZZ iii *¤v¤é¤¤¤¤·*1v·=¤ of P¢12·¤r·=·¤¤¤¢ 01 0<>¤-· Alhu Resistant gm? merce and Shipping Board to serve 9118 · - ’ - on committee o ... A;£§;!;£n;lE;1°:i;(Zr| ,·f°°d1Dg,1¤,,m’ em ' 244’703’ 1323 notatio1111 <1ation11>1§111{essels1l1>y, on 11118 Esssios . .,,,.,, 1587 A _ 0011 ° m°"° '°“’° · · A ghe·n,yCmmt Pa., "”·¢"“’?"* Wm! _ _ _ time extendeyfor bridgng by, Allegheny d06¤0P0K10PP1i1P¤8¤0¤ 101 1’€h0f. 000-, of, River, lfillvale, s ,, . 1078 _ in exico, ... Z 349 Htfsburgh, pa ____________ _ __________ Img Arnenean Ephevnerns, Naugwal Almanac and, Monongahela River, wnsos, Pa 1078 appropriation for preparing ..-----.-.-. 666. 1285 Ohio RIVGI, McKees Rocks, Pa . 1079 Amerrban Elhnology, Allggheny River, appropriation for continuing researches in 181, time extended for bridging, Millvale. Pe.. 1078 891, 1383 P;tt,sburi11, Pa . ... 1078 for grinting, binding, etc., Reports of Allen, Ada}; . (widow), ureau 229, 942, 1430 Ipension ... . . 1519 deticienc appropriation for ... 524 A lm, Alala F. (widow), 1110 American €i£;dilnb{n¤11ryhFa1;ccs. C nsion . . ... report o nera o n . Pe g, om- Agiri, Charles C., _ _ mander-in·Cl1ief of, ordered printed. 1637 deficiency appropriation for extra serv- September 17, 1919, made a legal holiday All . .( .. . 59, 343, 1037, 1182 Disghrict of Columbia for review of 2 rn, ary . widow , •irst `vision . 83 nsion . . 1473 thanks f Congress tendered to General Agfa. _1Villiam, 1 Pgrshing and the ... 291 [pension increased . ... 1572 American Express Cornpany, _ A Iev;111IhIlw7n I., 1119 dei1c1e11111cgr111appropnation for transporting 1160 on . . . .. ¢ ncy .. Aliznve, Nebr., American Falls, Idaho. otiices oi register and receiver of public appropriation for purchase of land, etc., to Air leads at, consolidated .. 1397 replace ggwu of, Hooded by R§cl1: wmv, 10, mation rvice reservoir ` 0 uppropriatior11 for operating. etc., Govern- A . 7 .. 1 403 ment ouse at .. 223 merican ro zwts, A/lvlsem, Street N W., I). C., appropriation for examining foreign tests, appropriathiiigor paving, Fifteenth to Six— 1 etg, of- . ... 253, 712, 1331 teent . treets . 1116 . merican islorhsa ssociahbn, Allison, Susan W. (widow), appropriatior1 1101* prir1ting and bg112<11in1§2 110 .nsion increased . ... 1520 Annua e rt 0 .. , , 14 Afliitmenls in Sevcrally to Indimw (sec Lands American Legion. Tm in Severalty to Indians). incorporation oi; purposes, powers, etc- . . 284 Aln·¢m, Srldnn L., loan of obsolete Army rifles, etc., to, for date of a1p1po11x1111trnent as ensign, Navy, es- ceremonignl 1- . .S .. - . . 403 ta is ... 141 cots t , authoriz or tate encomp- Almshouse, D. C. (see Home for Aged and mgnt at Vincennes, Ind . .. 1062 Iniirm, D. C.), American Mission to Negotiate Peace, Altmeycr, Ella V (mllow), deiicienci appropriation for expenses; repension 1578 im ursing emergency hmd . 329