Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/443

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mnnx. 1861 Carson City, Ne·v.—Continued. Page. Cattk-—Con1:inued. Page. deficiency appropriation for mint at ... 522 appropriation for eradicating southern catfor Indian school .. 1042, 1171 tle ticks; restrictions 240, 699, 1319 Carson Indian Hospital Nev., for cooperative experimentsinraising, in appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 5, cane sugar and cotton . . . . 268, 410,1227 728 1345 Carson Natrbjnal Forest, N. Mez., Cattle TMS, Southern, ’ ¤nn¤>1>n¤¤¤nf<>r mnnwnnnnn. ctn-, vf - -- 24*1 appropriation for eradicating, ao., 240,699,1319 707.1320 demonstrations at fairs 240 600 1319 exchangzgdof lands for addition to, author- restriction on use of `Gtc ’ ’ 240 i . . . 1364 ’ ‘'’‘ ’ C *‘“‘2°§°3“““5‘.}“§··5·5··e···; --······· <>¤»-» my arter,o.esoe c. ..Qwa1y, ’ 1 . . C omdivggziwoéi in accounts of . 607 C;f;i;_;‘;é?;0‘;l°“1;_‘;1:‘;?2;“§_°mWm8 ···---· 770 arters , a. _ _, _ 1 »_<1"1#· preliminary exdminstion, em., of, to be *1PP1'°P1'19·r1°111°1'1¤*1t1’11*?11011 €1;P€11¤6€· 950 made . 101] Cavamzugh, John H., C¢zrver,_(€1e¢;rnm(1m2i0w), 1513 C enlarge: homestead by, validated .,. . 1091 vw; <»n»w3Z °```'```°``°````"`'`°° ,603 %.3.”{'€‘7’? T? ...__..,_ wz o increased . . Cmyvazh Fla., Cavenaygh, Harriet K M. (widow), 1520 bridge Raiuthorized across Choctawhatchee 358 Capvgzmgn ?°r°“€d ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘············ Cascade Loggi 0,,9: · · • - - - - - · ° - . ' - - . · · . l appiopijiation for fuel oil storage, naval stabridge authorized across Columbia River 151011 ---··-·—·---··-··-·-----··-·--- 822

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time oxte or . . ri ge au oriz across Missouri 'ver Cascade National Forest, Oreg., from Yankton County, S. Dak., t0.. 355 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 248, Cedar Road NW, D. C. 707,1326 closing directed of, hetween Quincy and . Case, Horace B., Shepherd Streets . . ... 1251 pension increased 1552 Cedar, W Va., Cu:1er,_8amh J. (widow), bridge authorized across Tug Fork of Big pennocn I - '1478 Sandy River at. . . 1108 Casa Lake, Ilmn., Cement, etc., preliminary examination, etc., to be made appropriation for investigating structural of outlet, to secure connection with materials of ..,,..,. 682, 1301 Cmuuy111;¤¤nvr§)R¤é¢¤ --·-----------·--. 1012 cemmog mmzoum, oummmoe General’s nppwnrinnnn fdr nre df indigent vnnnnnéés 103% allotmegiigr compiling dna, etc., or bring- Cm, of S , fc _ e, I » C uighomttefrexnainsfrom abroad .. 1278 timid] ’ . . . apxpropriatioii for (preparation of- . . 181, 891, 1383 to muggiiggéi £:;§dl?§;_]:1?£f ’ statmucs 1057 <>r vnntins nn 1>in<1n2s ---· ; -··· 229-94% 1430 1¤:omooo¤’ooog¤¤eo ..211 ``````' 1057 Catalogue of Title Entrnes, opynght Ojicc, Cmmw Fcwtemt), `' a proépriation for publication of 229, 942, 1430 apprapdauon {0,1 mma md expenses {0,. Catgetts urg, Ky., · etc ___________________ 678 wnns nf nvm et- -·---------·--· - ---- *100 availabfdfor two years .. ifjjj eva Currie (W ¢1Z¤03i;;11111¤1 I11d11111*1'Y Bnrnnn d 6 suspension ofother wprk authorized. . . 678 appmphmdation far , ,0n and q _ e cieglcfy appligpgation or expenses,1919, 54 tinn wnrk --··---·- - ·---··- 23*% 6911318 rorandgna o ``````` { o}§1é1Hg.`f ``'` 515 in emdinnting ¤¤=~1>i¤¤ ·-·- - --·-- 231% 69*1 1318 available umn lm so, 1922 .. XIII 515 101’ 1¤¤P¤°$1°11 nf ¤°11111°'11$ 11’*111‘P°11"·’ proclamation u g all persons to answer tion. .: . 239, 698, 1318 inqu_iricSrE:]_ _____________________ 1772 im, <g=_f·g;¢=¤¤ hummw treatment ggegég 1318 Cerwus O]lce,_Department o[Commerce, 101 nxeming twennmism 100* 1**- -,,8 fg, “""'°P£?tiiZ%i;?£r ¥3‘§*§.1§‘i‘¥ .?f.”.".“`”. 2%, my for quarantine Seam . . . .. 239,698;1318 ¤¤¤v¢¤=n<>¤ of mk 0*15* mn Fw- ,,,, i0’l' 00Dt·8g'10uB ···* . . · cul · f · ls, ’ expenses ourteent ensue . . 515 05:;.,..1 . 239, 508, 1318 Center Market 11-,0- (sw Washington Market , ’ for tubercuiin testing, etc., of. . . 239, 698, 1318 C°mP¤¤Y» D- payment for destroyed, etc.; State, Central anf1§o·uth America, _ etc., cooperation ,,.. 239, 698, 1318 appropriation for promoting, etc., comshipping for slaughter, cattle reacted merce with . 679, 1298 to tests . 239, 699 deficiency appropriation for promoting, reeihipment of reacted breeding and 699 C I c<;:tc.,Rro$merce with . .. . 1040 eed' toownr .. . 240 entra ity, e ., quaran1:§e statiorizs, repairs, etc ... 1318 appropriation for public building . . , , 164