Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/445

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INDEX. 1863 Chauncey, _Cecel·&z B. (wtkiow), Page. Cherokee, Iowa, pm, penswn increased 1518 appmpristitm for public building ,.,,,_,_ 164 Cheboygan. lllich., Cherokee, N. C'., appropriation for public building . . . . 164 appropriation for Indian school . 18, 423, 1239 Ohelan Natwyial Forest, Wash., or constructing brid e across Ooona appropnatmn for maintenance, etc., of 248, Lufty River at Incéan school - . 18 _ _ 707, 1327 deficiency appropriation for Indian school. 348, Chemical and Physwal Researdws, Publib Do- 1171 vngnn, _ Cherokee National Forest, Ga. and Tenn., appropriation for geological deposits of roclamatiou setting apart ____ , ___________ 1793 _ lpotash salts . 197, 910, 1400 Cliérokee Or hun Training Sdoool, Tahlequah, Uhermoa Wai;/`arefSewice, Army, Okgz., appropriation or gases, gas masks, etc., appro riation forsu 4 rt, etc. of .. 23 427 1242 from pnexpended gaknces . gg Cherry, Elbert W (aomgpo I ’ 1 orgamzm , etc., usion .. 1518 for <igerks, itc., om of gshief of, War 9 Chlgtnut Tree Bark Disease, e ment ... 127 a pro riation for expenses of contm]hng_ 0rganizat1%i1ri>f, continued to lime 30, 1920. 129 P {hte ... . 243, 701, 1321 creation of; officers and enlisted men com- Chettimanchi Agency, La., poing .. . 768 appropriation for support, etc., of Indians dutiesdcouferred glu Chggf pf- EQ . 768 at. . . .. ... 31, 434 expen itures au oriz or estate at Chcymneemd pahoe genoy, . Midland, Mich 455 appropriation for support, etc., of Chmat Ed§wood Aisenal, Md.?] . ._ ... 455 at. - E . i . 81, 434 any ureau, epartmmt o grwulture, C’hq1{mm a ra oe im 0sp1.lal' appropriation for chemist, clerks, etc .. 252, Okla., PM ' . 711, 1331 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 5, for inspectors, laboratory helpers, etc. . . 252, 410, 1227 711, 1331 Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians, Mami., for general expenses . 253, 711, 1331 Northern, for collaborating with other depart- apfpropriation for support, etc., of . . 16, 421, 1237 ments. 253, 712, 1331 or ‘1ine riders" .. 16, 421 for inspecting food products for export, Cheymm and Arapahoe Imlahm, Okla., etc - . . 253 appropriation for support, etc., oi; from for poultry, egg, fish, and oyster iI1V€S· tribal funds . . .. 20,425, 1240 tigations, etc 253, 712 Cheyenm River, new sources of food, etc .. 253 appropriation for bridging, Cheyenne River for biological investigations of food and Indian Reservation, S. Dak . . . 429 drug products .. 253 Cheyenne River Agency, S, Dak., for utilizing citrus fruit by-products. . . 253 appropriation for support, etc., of Indians for utilizing mw materials for colorants; at .. 31, 434, 1248 cooperative experiments, etc . . 254, Cheyenne River Indian R686T1`0fi07l, S. Dah., 712, 1331 appropriation for bridge, etc., across Chey- for table sirup, etc., investigations .. 254, enne River, S. Dak.; local contri- 712, 1331 bution . .. 429 commercial products from sweet po- time extended for paying installments, tames ... , . 254, 712, 1331 etc., on ceded ands of . 1-147 for executing pure food law . 254, 712, 1331 Chicago, Ill., for expenses, preventing importation of appropriation for assistant treasurefs ofim ure tea, etc . . ... 712, 1332 lice ... . ... 655 for grading, etc., naval stores 254, 713, 1332 discontinued, July 1 1921 . . . . 654 for insecticide and fungicide investiga— for marine hospitalmdditioual buildings, tions. . . 254, 713, 1332 etc .. . .. . . 167 for improving dehydmting food mate- for Confederate Mound, Oakwood Cemeria s . . 254, 713, 1332 tery ... 184, 896, 1387 for developing methods to prevent plant for light station; lights on new breakdust, etc., explosions . . . 1332 water .. 213 for utilizing wool scourin waste. 254, 713, 1332 for agricultural exhibit at National deficiency appropriation ihr general ex- Dairy Show ... . . . . 271 penses .. .. 64, 524, 1040, 1187,1192 for aircraft mail service, New York to for enforcing pure food law . 64, San Francisco, ida, and Omaha. 579, 1153 67,346,].187, 1192 exchange oi Army cold storagexplant, for Chuan; S. C., warehouse, etc., authoriz . ... 130 bridge authorized acmss Great Pee Dee deposit of proceeds . 130 River at ... . .. 390 sale of Government owned lot, to, for street Cherokee Agency, N. C'., Eastern, purposes, authorized; location . 1310 appropriation for support, etc., of Indians Chikk, Edwin E. (som), at ., 31, 434, 1248 nsion .. 1559 Cherokee Indians (see also Five Civilized C7ii§k, John, Tribes, Okla.), military record corrected . 1530 appropriation for paying trust fund interest Chickarruzuga and Chattanooga National Park, to 21 appropriation for continuing establishamount to school fund; national fund. 22 ment .. 185, 897, 1387 immediate payment directed .. . . . 22 deiciency appropriation for Bond Bridge, for common schools .. 23, 427, 1242 restoration 1164